The Lean Practitioner's Field Book: Proven, Practical, Profitable and Powerful Techniques for Making Lean Really Work
Charles Protzman, Fred Whiton, Joyce Kerpchar and Christopher Lewandowski
While there are numerous Lean Certification programs, most companies have their own certification...

Superfood Juices & Smoothies: 100 Delicious and Mega-Nutritious Recipes from the World's Most Powerful Superfoods
Mom always told you, "Drink your juice!" But let's face it- the choices in the grocery store can be...

Margaret Thatcher: Power and Personality
As Britain's first woman Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher brought about the biggest social and...

Power, Law, and Maritime Order in the South China Sea
Tran Truong Thuy and Le Thuy Trang
Over the last few decades there has been growing recognition of the importance of a peaceful and...

Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint
Lawrence O. Gostin, Lindsay F. Wiley and Thomas R. Frieden
Lawrence O. Gostin's seminal Public Health Law is widely acclaimed as the definitive statement on...

Doctor Who Main Range - 219 Absolute Power
Colin Baker, Jamie Anderson, Simon Holub and Miranda Raison
Two thousand years ago, all civilisation on the planet Teymah was wiped out in an AELE - an...