Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin
Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton
On February 26th 2012 seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin was walking home with a bag of Skittles and...

Citizen Emperor: Napoleon in Power 1799-1815
'Napoleon's legend is so persistent that it confounds the historical reality in the popular...
Nuclear Space Power and Propulsion Systems
This book comes out of a study prepared for the Space Technology and System Development Commission...

The Locomotive of War: Money, Empire, Power and Guilt
An innovative exploration of the origins, impact, and consequences of the First and Second World...
business history

Fantasytaz: Fantasy Football Power Hour
Fantasytaz: Anything and Everything Fantasy Football 24/7 365 days a year.

Integration: The Power of Being Co-Active in Work and Life
Annette Betz and Karen Kimsey-House
We live in a world of both profound separation and deep longing for connection. Betz and...
It's Been Beautiful: Soul! and Black Power Television
Soul! was where Stevie Wonder and Earth, Wind & Fire got funky, where Toni Morrison read from her...

The Edifice Complex: The Architecture of Power
Deyan Sudjic's The Edifice Complex: The Architecture of Power is a fascinating exploration of the...

The Image of Political Power in the Reign of Nerva, AD 96-98
Nerva, who ruled from 18 September AD 96 to 27 January AD 98, left little for the art historian or...