The Power of Cities in International Relations
Cities have become increasingly important to global politics, but have largely occupied a peripheral...
Symbols of Power: Ten Coins that Changed the World
Thomas Hockenhull and Robert Bracey
Money has always been a subject of interest, today more so than ever. For centuries it has performed...

The Power to Get Things Done: (Whether You Feel Like it or Not)
Chris Cooper and Steve Levinson
A psychologist and work coach collaborate on a "cheat sheet" of practical ways to turn good...

Build Your Brain Power: The Art of Smart Thinking
This new edition of a popular guide to improving your mental agility will help you improve your...

Head in the Cloud: The Power of Knowledge in the Age of Google
What's the point of knowing anything when facts are so easy to look up? Just reach for your...

Bass Booster - Volume Power Amp and mp3 Music Play
Bass Booster will amplify your bass at a maximum and provide you with a better sound quality...

We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy
A sweeping collection of new and selected essays on the Obama era by the National Book Award-winning...
Politics social issues essays

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
'A top sleep scientist argues that sleep is more important for our health than diet or exercise' The...
Science health