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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
2008 | Action/Adventure
Not long enough (1 more)
Some of the bosses were hard
If you are a Star Wars fan, The Force Unleashed series might be the closest you ever come to being able to use The Force yourself.

My favorite part of this game was the eventual buildup of Force powers and being able to use them at will.

Choking stormtroopers, throwing them across the room or over a cliff, or chucking your lightsaber at their face was about as much fun as you can have in a video game. Also, being able to throw out Force lightning at a group of troopers all at once is amazing.

I loved just about everything in this game!
13 is a number that can be both good or bad for someone. For Aria it tends to bring out her powers. Yup powers... See she is actually magical and doesn't know it until two hot guys show up and show her the way. You may be wondering, but no this isn't a 2 guys 1 girl story. Sure a love triangle is inevitable but it does get resolved.

In that time we get an adventure, magic, romance, and plots upon plots. One can never know till the end who is on which side and where to put your trust.

Truly this was a well written and inviting story with all the fantasy elements one could want.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Superman gone bad
I found this dark reimagining of Superman quite hit and miss.The kid is creepy enough and fully utilises his powers once he knows what he is capable of BUT the writers could have given us a little more of what motivated him to use said powers for evil instead of good.

The film wasnt to heavily reliant on the gore,though when it did it was pretty cool (the glass in the eye scene stands out) and the occasional jump out your seat scare scene did just exactly that.

Not sure if this has the potential to open up a cinematic universe with nothing but supervillains in (as eluded to in a credits scene)
The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
Comic book (2 more)
Good characters
Good music
Miraculous ending (3 more)
Powers out of nowhere
Too clean
Too easy
Contains spoilers, click to show
The first season was really great, I enjoyed the storyline and characters, plus I do enjoy a good comic book adaptation. The second season was good, I enjoyed the new setting and loved the music. Some funny parts and deals with a few hard topics. However, it quickly goes downhill, the story is almost the same as the first season. We got so bored, we only really watched it because there was nothing else to do (lockdown).

The ending is silly, far too clean and sudden new powers save the day. Very melodramatic, over the top.