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The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage! (2019)
The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage! (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Comedy, Musical
An overall good musical event, mostly deserving of its Herculean 12 Tony nominations (there should be a criminal investigation into how it only took home one). As someone who's been a die-hard SpongeBob fan since I was a fetus, not only does this capture the essence of what makes the show so great both in appearance *and* in spirit - but I wasn't vetting on this being as timely as it was (tackles prejudice, media vs. government, and takes a jab at climate change deniers just for the hell of it which of course I always endorse). The casting couldn't be better (Ethan Slater is pretty much the human embodiment of SpongeBob), the production is like a vibrant splashpad of childhood wonderment and SpongeBob trademarks brought to life - some of the best aesthetics the theatre has to offer, the songs are good (even if none really stick out), it's very funny, and most importantly it has a deep understanding of the source material and a selfless willingness to please the fans without pandering (they even reference Battle for Bikini Bottom [!!]). The introduction of Tom Kenny's Patchy the Pirate sent my kid self to the moon and back again. This is what happens when you want to make something that's good out of an existing IP. Never cared for Best Day Ever as an SS song but this may have just converted me.
Searching (Dragons of New York, #1)
Searching (Dragons of New York, #1)
Rachel Graves | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SEARCHING is the first book in the Dragons of New York series and is first and foremost a mystery. Bloodless bodies are showing up and Ravenna Drake is linked to each scene by a piece of thread, an email, her name. Ian Chen wants to trust her but until he knows she's not a suspect, he won't do anything.

Told from both Ian and Ravenna's perspectives, it takes you into the story, giving you details about both their lives prior to them meeting. It also tells you how the case is moving along, what they have found, and what still needs answering. Whether you get those answers is another story.

The world-building was descriptive, giving clear examples of prejudice and how living in a world where magic exists might not be accepted by everyone. The pacing is smooth, and the story flows to its natural conclusion. There is a HFN ending with the case unsolved so I am presuming their story will continue on in the next book.

A good start to a series that will leave you with questions unanswered. If you like paranormal mysteries, then I can definitely recommend this one.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
In a New York Minute
In a New York Minute
Felice Stevens | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IN A NEW YORK MINUTE is a standalone with a couple of cameos but nothing that would confuse you. It is a sweet and tender story of grown-up problems and mature responses. I simply adored this story from start to finish.

Both Garrett and Remi have their own baggage but they don't just jump off the deep end when something happens they didn't expect. They pass the time until they are able to speak privately and then work it out. I'm not saying it's all easy but communication does make things easier.

Bubbe and Grandpa Sol are both outstanding characters and I would love to see more of them. Pringle was an excellent example of prejudice that is still around today, even if the bloody Pringles catchphrase leapt into my head every time I saw his name. For him, it was certainly a case of "once you pop, you just can't stop." I really hope he got his comeuppance. Jeffrey stole my heart and I honestly NEED for them to get their story. All of the other characters are fantastic though, whether you like them or not.

A fantastic addition to Felice Steven's repertoire that I have no hesitation in recommending. Absolutely brilliant!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 22, 2023
Ok... so I feel kind of bad giving this one a rating when I didn't read the whole book, however I believe it's justified in the sense that I didn't read it all because I didn't like it...therefore, a one star rating from me. Now, I must admit that I have never read the original Pride and Prejudice novel and I have never had any interest in doing so, it just doesn't appeal to me. When I saw there had been an addition of Zombies I was sold, I love a bit of Zombie I was getting to read one of the 'classics' at the same time. about 50 to 60 pages in I am sadly bored stiff, the language is such an effort to decipher sometimes, I often don't know what's going on or why and really...why Zombies? I'm not complaining that there's Zombies but there's nothing to them. It's the original story with some random Zombies and martial arts thrown in, unexplained and lacking. They are slain so easily and with haste in order to get back on with the original story. I was, at least, hoping for equal measures of Zombie action and original story but unfortunately it just didn't deliver, more zombie action please! Maybe I will pick this up again in the future to give it another go but as it stands I just can't bring myself to struggle through something I'm not enjoying. Back to the library you go!
Veiled Threat
Veiled Threat
Alice Loweecey | 2013 | Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kidnapping at Christmas
Giulia Falcone is on a mission when she brings her friend Laurel into the office of Driscoll Investigations to meet Frank Driscoll. Laurel's baby daughter that she and her partner just adopted has been kidnapped, and Giulia fears that the police aren't taking the threat seriously, especially since this fits a pattern spread out over several years and several states. Frank is reluctant to get involved, but Giulia dives in head first anyway. The trail leads Giulia to an undercover job just out of town. But will she get a lead on the kidnappers? Or is Frank right that the odds aren't in favor of recovering the baby?

I must admit that I was worried we would get lectures on LGBT rights given the subject of this book, but I was pleasantly surprised the focus was on the mystery as it should be in fiction. Yes, we saw some prejudice, but it wasn't the focus. Instead, we get a gripping mystery that borders on thriller as Giulia attempts to find her friends' baby. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out how it would end. The story is lightened by some comedy from the series regulars, including Giulia's relationship with Frank and their office assistant planning her wedding. While the suspects could have been stronger characters, that's a reflection of how much time any of them spent on the page. The rest of the cast is more than enough to pull us into the story and make us care about the outcome.
This book is a genteel 'Regency' style book with a dash of magic - imagine Pride & Prejudice with glamour. Imagine a world where as well as improving her sewing, painting and pianoforte, a young lady had to opportunity to decorate and embellish, with the help of glamours. Unfortunately, due to the times, this is only allowed in home (where it is encouraged) but never, for a lady, can it become anything else.

This is a world where ladies are still set to 'marry well', come out in Society and become spinsters if they are not married within a seemly time. Jane is roughly the age where she can be a chaperone, rather than being chaperoned, and she is quite content with this although she does have her eye set on someone. Unfortunately he seems rather more attracted to her sister, the beautiful Melody. However, as we all know, although the surface may be calm in these books, the passion runs deep. Before she knows it, Jane is at the heart of secrets and trying to do her best by everyone.

I thought this book was very well written, which characters that you can associate with. You are left guessing right until the end as to how this will work out for everyone. Mary Robinette Kowal has done a wonderful job of keeping the story moving along but still giving you time to adjust to the period in which it is set. A lovely light read perfect for any historical fiction fans out there.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Charlotte in Books

May 14, 2022  
Helen Moffett | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I inhaled Jane Austen as a teenager, and so I was really intrigued when I heard about Charlotte by Helen Moffett. Ok, so this is a #BeatTheBacklog book - it has been sat on my bookshelf for far too long, but I’m so glad I’ve got round to it at last!

Charlotte is a continuation of Charlotte Lucas’ story after we leave her in Pride and Prejudice. She marries Mr Collins, and whilst we may remember him as something of a buffoon, he is quite different here. He still waxes lyrical about Lady de Bourgh - she does pay the bills after all - but he seems to be a good, loving father, and a decent husband.

There’s some really good insight into a lot of these characters from the original book: Lady de Bourgh, Anne de Bourgh (who becomes friends with Charlotte), Mr Collins, Lizzy and Charlotte herself. All were richly described, and it felt good to be back with them.

What really surprised me was Charlottes inner life: the passion, her heartache, how capable she was as the manager of a house and its servants.

And there was quite a surprising turn of events that I’ll say nothing of, but it was quite exciting and lovely.

I’m glad I’ve read this book at last. If you’re an Austen reader/ fan, I think you’d be interested in this. It’s probably a bit more risqué than Austen would have written at the time, but it’s certainly in the same vein.

A Very Austen Valentine
A Very Austen Valentine
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ix beloved authors deliver romantic Valentine novellas set in Jane Austen’s Regency world. Robin Helm, Laura Hile, Wendi Sotis, and Barbara Cornthwaite, together with Susan Kaye and Mandy Cook, share variations of Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, and Sense and Sensibility, featuring your favorite characters in sequels, adaptations, and spinoffs of Austen’s adored novels. Experience uplifting romance, laugh-out-loud humor, and poignant regret as these authors deftly tug on your heartstrings this Valentine’s Day.

I Dream of You by Robin Helm

Newly-married Elizabeth Darcy has a plan: to charm her too-busy husband into desiring her company as much as he did when he was courting her. A series of romantic dreams gives her just the push she needs to put that plan into action.

Sir Walter Takes a Wife by Laura Hile

Faced with a lonely future and finding himself strapped for cash, Persuasion’s Sir Walter Elliot manfully decides to marry again. But his careful plans go sadly awry! A lighthearted Valentine mash-up featuring two of Jane Austen’s worst snobs.

My Forever Valentine by Wendi Sotis

Jane and Charles Bingley have married, even though Miss Elizabeth Bennet remains certain Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy gave his best effort to keep them apart. After Mr. Darcy refused to stand up with Bingley and did not attend the wedding, she despises the gentleman more than ever and finds his company intolerable. How will she endure her visit to Kent if Mr. Darcy turns up everywhere she goes?

Pretence and Prejudice by Barbara Cornthwaite

A chance encounter with a handsome stranger forces Elizabeth to resort to subterfuge in order to discover his true intentions.

My Valentine by Mandy H. Cook Mandy H. Cook

Little Charlotte was always determined and independent, traits which served her well as she battled a serious childhood illness and later as she took on Polite Society. Will those traits now deprive her of true love? Or would her lifelong Valentine win her heart?

The Lovers’ Ruse by Susan Kaye

 In this Persuasion alteration, Anne is so altered by Wentworth’s love in the summer of 1806, she refuses to give him up when both her godmother and father try to persuade her. “The Lovers’ Ruse”follows Frederick and Anne through their whirlwind courtship and their secret engagement. When Wentworth returns for his Annie girl, the cat comes out of the bag.

My Thoughts: These six charming novellas centered around Valentines will entice all those who adore Jane Austen's writings. Based on characters from Jane Austen's novels; I enjoyed reading into the lives of the Darcy's; I was impressed that the writers Robin Helm, Wendi Sotis and Mandy H. Cook are all centered their novellas around the same family. Each storytelling its own unique view of their lives.

Each story is fun to read, and takes the reader back to a simpler time, of love, romance, and proper etiquette. Each story has it's own charm and brings the reader closer to the characters.

My favorites have to be the novellas containing the characters Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy, my absolute favorite being "I Dream of You". In this novella we learn how to give rather than to receive and the joys we can draw from each act of kindness.

If you love historical fiction, and Jane Austen novels, then this is certainly a book for you.
The Giver
The Giver
Lois Lowry | 2012 | Children
8.5 (84 Ratings)
Book Rating
A strange book.
So, I know The Giver has been out for a long time, and I know they made a movie, but somehow I’d never read or watched it. But on the recommendation of a friend, I finally have. What a strange little book! It definitely belongs in the same realm as Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and The Handmaid’s Tale – which are among my favorite books – but the ending was tremendously unsatisfying. It’s the first book in a quartet, though, so I’m hoping the other three, which I have requested from the library, will tie up the loose ends. It definitely feels like it’s only the first installment of a story.

The dystopian society in this book has effectively banished most feelings. But to get rid of hate and war and prejudice, they also had to banish the memories and feelings of individuality and difference. With everyone and everything the same, they’re mostly incapable of feeling true love or happiness. So they all live in peace – but it’s a complacent, uncaring peace. It’s not peace because of love, it’s peace because of the absence of passionate feelings. Whether this is good or not, well, that’s up to the reader to decide for themselves. The actions of the main character, who aims to disrupt that peace, could be seen as good or bad.

I’m not actually entirely sure how I feel about this book. After reading the next three – Gathering Blue (2000), Messenger (2004), and Son (2012), I'm still at a bit of a loss. These were just...odd.

You can find all my reviews at
The Diary of Pelly D
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book while browsing at my local library. i tried reading it once, and it seemed so trivial and unimportant. i returned it and forgot about it.

a year later, i saw it again and thought "what every happened to Pelly D after she got kicked out of her holo-pool and lost her street-side friend?" so i borrowed it again and read it through in a few hours.

i got a lot more out of it the second time, i'll say that much right away.

this book has a lot of hidden messages in it, and it's not something you can really say in words, let alone out loud. so the author used this book to paint a picture of something. it's more than fiction, it's a statement. like Orwel's <i> 1984,</i> or Harper Lee's <i> To Kill a Mocking Bird </i>. it's main focus isn't Pelly D, it's actually judgment, prejudice, and politics.

but, it also has the lighthearted addition of a teenage girl who really couldn't give a rat's poo about anyone but herself.

i won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it, but i will recommend it. i'll also say this: the ending is good, but it doesn't wrap up the story like most books do. it's well written (aside from the missing letters, which is part of the futuristic style of speech and writing used in the book. example: "v" instead of "very" or "cd" instead of "could.") and the characters are very real.

take a step forward, go onward and upward, and plunge into a very deep book.