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The Braid
The Braid
Letitia Colombani | 2019 | Contemporary
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Narration (1 more)
Original Story
How can 3 women living completely different lives in at the opposite sides of the world impact so much each other destiny?
The braid is a story about strength and endurance, 3 women who fight for a better life for themselves and the people they love. They all strife to free themselves from prejudice, demeaning laws and the worst enemy we all have, ourselves. Moving and inspiring, I read it all in one go.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
J.K. Rowling | 2014 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (271 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book just never gets old. What is essentially supposed to be a children’s story can be loved and appreciated by anyone. JK Rowling masterfully tackles the issues of friendship and prejudice in this story as a young Harry Potter arrives at Hogwarts for the very first time and has to decide who he wants to be. All of the characters are very real with good and bad traits, making them even more likeable and relatable.
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austen, John Mullan | 2017 | Essays
8.6 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely love Jane Austen's books! Though I did find more enjoyment in Pride and Prejudice, I really liked this one too. The characters were all very strong personalities and there were many instances that I found myself feeling almost overly attached to them (even thought this is nothing new for me). I especially enjoyed the familial bonds throughout the book. They were really profound and strong, something that isn't always touched upon in the more modern novels. If you like novels about women during this time trying to find a way to survive in the world, pick up this book. If you liked Pride and Prejudice, pick up this book. If you are not sure how you feel about classic literature, maybe pick this one up. Basically, if you like a good book, pick this one up. I am very happy that I had to read this book for one of my classes. It gave me a lot of enjoyment, plus a little break from doing all of my other work. I highly recommend this book!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Eligible in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Curtis Sittenfeld | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you thought a modern retelling of [b:Pride and Prejudice|1885|Pride and Prejudice|Jane Austen||3060926]--set mainly in present day Cincinnati--didn't exactly sound like a page-turner, no one could exactly blame you. But, nonetheless, you'd be quite wrong. Sittenfeld's novel imagines the Bennet family in our modern times; Mr. and Mrs. Bennet live in a rambling Tudor home in Cincinnati: broke and somewhat clueless as their house crumbles around them. Mrs. Bennet spends her time clucking around her five unmarried daughters: Jane, Liz, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia. The book revolves mainly around the perspective of Liz, a magazine writer in her upper thirties living in New York City. She and Jane, also in NYC, return home to their parents and younger sisters after Mr. Bennet has a heart attack, only to find the house and the family in a bit of a shambles.

The book is amazing. It's been a while since I read [b:Pride and Prejudice|1885|Pride and Prejudice|Jane Austen||3060926], but even I can tell you that the novel does an excellent job of following the original plot without being annoying or cloying. It's [b:Pride and Prejudice|1885|Pride and Prejudice|Jane Austen||3060926] with lesbians and hate sex! The book comes across as familiar yet new, allowing you to ache, laugh, and rage at what feels like a group of old friends.

Mr. Bennet is a trip, even while having a heartbreaking sadness and sweetness at his core (though some of his zingers are priceless). The younger sisters are as (nearly) vapid as to be expected--truly awful at times--for much of the book. But seriously, Lydia and Kitty loving CrossFit? It's awesome. And Liz is wonderful; you will adore this surprisingly realistic and modern Liz, with all of her foibles and issues: a truly modern Liz struggling mightily to keep her family together and afloat.

As for Darcy, well he's as Darcy as ever. Somehow Sittenfeld has managed to truly capture the essence of Austen's Darcy and Elizabeth in her new characters. I don't know how, but it's funny and lovely all at the same time. (Side note: As a woman in her early thirties, will I ever be able to read about Darcy without picturing Colin Firth? I now have a desperate need to watch the BBC/A&E mini-series again.)

Overall, I found this book funny, touching, and compulsively readable. The characters are truly characters: they are fully formed within moments of picking up the book. The city of Cincinnati makes a great guest appearance, with the city playing a prominent role in many scenes (hi Skyline Chili!). If you loved the original, you'll find this updated version enjoyable and imaginative, with a surprising depth behind it. If you've never read Austen's work (and you should), you will still discover a funny, sweet yet weighty story of a family trying to make it in this day and age. Highly recommended (4.5 stars).

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available for U.S. publication on 4/19/16. You can check out a review of this novel and many others on my <a href="">blog</a>;.
Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe
Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe
Melissa de la Cruz | 2017 | Romance
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was both confusing and interesting. Take everything you know about Pride and Prejudice and just flip it upside-down. The characters are there in theory but you find yourself almost confused by the language of yesteryears mixed in with today's society. This is a book you really need to buckle down and concentrate on, not just an afternoon tea read.

Good for anyone who enjoys adaptions and rewrites brought into our century. But be aware the writing seems old fashioned.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Me and Mr. Darcy in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Me and Mr. Darcy
Me and Mr. Darcy
Alexandra Potter | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I hesitated before rating this book. It was not as bad as two stars but I am not sure it is worthy of three, so let us say it is two and a half. Whilst I liked the Jane Austen/<i>Pride and Prejudice</i> references, I am not really a fan of Chick Lit and at times found it a bit tedious. However there were times when I got into the story line; I did read it in one day after all...