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Ayesha At Last
Ayesha At Last
Uzma Jalaluddin | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A book that deserves to be read A LOT!!
I absolutely adored this book. If I could unread it and then read it again for the first time, I would!
It’s Pride and Prejudice set in modern Canada with a Muslim cast. Ayesha wants to work to pay her Uncle back for all the help he has given her and her family, but her real love is poetry, not teaching High School. She is asked by her rather spoilt cousin, Hafsa, to cover for her at a mosque event meeting under the guise of being Hafsa. There, she meets Khalid, and finds herself falling for a devout, conservative Muslim - something she doesn’t want to do - who is also shy, kind and handsome. However, when Khalid’s controlling mother organises marriage between the real Hafsa and Khalid, knowing the identity of the Hafsa that Khalid has met, both Khalid and Ayesha realise that they haven’t necessarily got what they want.
There was so much heart in this story - I particularly loved the characters of Nani and Nana. They acted as the voice of reason on more than one occasion. I also loved the Shakespeare quotations: Nani always had the right quote at exactly the right time (and it was all very meta - Shakespeare quotes in an Austen retelling!).
Even the more unsavoury characters were written in such a way that I felt sorry for them - life and experiences clearly making them the way they were.
I read this on The Pigeonhole app (one section, or stave, per day for ten days) and I can honestly say that I looked forward to every single stave. If I’d had the book in my hand, I would have read it in one sitting. So I’m actually glad that The Pigeonhole forced me to savour and enjoy this gorgeous book for longer. It deserves to be savoured, and it deserves to be read a lot too!!
I really do highly recommend this book!

Deborah (162 KP) rated Eligible in Books

Dec 19, 2018  
Curtis Sittenfeld | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I understand that this is the fourth offering for 'The Austen Project' where well known authors (although I had not heard of Curtis Sittenfeld and thought she was a man, but hey.....) rewrite Austen's novels 'for a modern audience'. This does rather beg the question of if a modern reading audience does need 'dumbing down' to, as that's pretty much the implication. Trollope's Sense & Sensibility & McCall Smith's Emma have met with somewhat mixed feelings but I did think that Val McDermid worked magic with a modern retelling of Northanger Abbey. So far this is the only one to have altered the title from the original - perhaps the pressure of Pride & Prejudice was too much for anyone?

If there is a single book which as has more sequels, prequels, re-imaginings and modernisations than good old P&P then I have yet to meet it. Personally, I like to think Austen would be amused and possibly slightly bemused by it all. I'm guilty of heaving read my fair share of these, which quite often categorise as the good, the bad and the ugly! For me, this one wasn't bad, or indeed ugly, but it wasn't brilliant. It also felt that it was quite a bit longer than it needed to be. I know Kitty & Lydia are rather vulgar and embarrassing in the original but their behaviour here is really beyond the pale - who on earth would want to date Lydia if she behaves as she does here?

Some of the ideas are good, some things seem a bit contrived and over the top. I also found it quite American and slangy in places with some slang words or expressions leaving me somewhat in the dark but then I am a woman who can't bear Text Speak!

Overall, while it wasn't a bad read, it wasn't that great and I can't see myself reading it again.
The Vanishing Half
The Vanishing Half
Brit Bennett | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read The Mothers, Brit Bennett’s first book, and loved it. So when this popped up on NetGalley, I knew I had to request it, and I was so pleased when I was given the opportunity to read it.

It’s a story about secrets, lies and reinvention - the sacrifices someone has to make in order to get the life they want. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Stella and Desirée Vignes are identical twin sisters, brought up in a small southern town, where all the inhabitants are black people who could pass for white people if they wanted to (which a very dangerous thing to try and do at the time the story is set).

The twins escape together, and then Stella leaves Desirée. Stella discovers that she can pass as white, and marries a wealthy white man, who knows nothing of her origins. Desirée marries a black man who beats her, and so she escapes back to her mother with her dark skinned daughter, Jude. Jude is never accepted in Desirée’s home town of Mallard, and so she leaves to go to university as soon as she is able to.

This is where Jude’s life unwittingly intersects with that of Stella’s daughter, and secrets that have been kept for so long, are brought out into the open.

I loved everything about this book. The characters and their motivations, the storyline, the way the book was written - everything! I could see why Stella did what she did, and how she felt trapped by her choices, and it’s a great example of how prejudice and racism works in the USA - and potentially here in the UK as well.

I really do highly recommend this book. It’s such a great story that kept me engaged from start to finish. I have to admit to reading it slower to make it last longer - it’s a book that I’ll be recommending to my friends, that’s for sure!
Before the Crown
Before the Crown
Flora Harding | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to Netgalley and Flora Harding for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
Before the Crown is a beautiful historical novel which delves deep into the romance between Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip of Greece, perhaps better known as Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh.

However, this is not a traditional romance and Harding does not hold back in laying out all the struggles Elizabeth and Philip faced. From the King and Queen's disapproval of the match for their daughter to the effects of public opinion on the relationship, Flora Harding covers it all.

Nor does this novel present the engagement as all hearts and flowers. Despite Elizabeth being attracted to Philip from a young age, this is initially a one-sided crush and a political arrangement for the couple. However, due to Flora Harding presenting her novel from the perspective of both Elizabeth and Philip, the reader is able to experience first hand the doubts, worries, longing and evolution of this infamous relationship.

I will be honest it is hard not to envision the Netflix series when you read this novel but it is by no means a copy cat situation. Harding provides such interesting insights into Philip's lifestyle and his family that it is hard not to pity the sacrifices that he makes in order to be with Elizabeth.
In 'The Crown' young Philip was a bit of a dirt bag and, although Harding's Prince is no angel, he is clearly fighting an uphill battle against the aristocracy's view of him. It is difficult not to sympathise.

I would have liked an author's note to know how much of the story is fact and how much is fiction or speculation. However, given the privacy of the Royal Family I imagine any factual insights are rare.

In summary, 'Before the Crown' is a captivating read, exploring the sacrifices and struggles where we often blindly see prejudice, all against the backdrop of WWII Europe.
The creator (2023)
The creator (2023)
2023 | Sci-Fi
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Taken from the pages of today’s headlines; “The Creator” presents a fresh yet complicated look at A.I. and how it may play into the future.

Director Gareth Edwards presents a future where A.I. has evolved to be incorporated into all aspects of society ranging from medical to production and the military.

When a deadly attack hits Los Angeles, the United States declares war on A.I. units and not only bans them but looks to hunt down and eliminate all units worldwide.

This causes an issue with the Asian Block where A.I. units are manufactured and actively incorporated into society with zero prejudice or concerns.

Joshua (John David Washington), sits out the conflict in Asia content with his wife and the pending birth of their child. When a U.S. raid arrives it is revealed that Joshua is actually undercover for the military and his wife sees this as a betrayal and flees with her allies and A.I. units but is killed in the process.

Years later Joshua is recruited to take part in a raid to eliminate the person behind the A.I. and take out the new weapon they have reportedly constructed. Unwilling at first; Joshua is convinced by the possibility that his wife survived the attack.

During the raid, it is revealed that the weapon is a robotic child Joshua named Alphie (Madeline Yuna Voyles) and Joshua is forced to flee with Alphie and in doing so; has divided loyalties as his focus is to find his wife despite the U.S. forces in hot pursuit and destroying all the communities with A.I. they encounter.

While parts of the film do tend to run a bit long; the cast is top-rate and the film provides an interesting debate on A.I. and its use in society and does so with a solid amount of action in the process.

4 stars out of 5
The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1)
R.F. Kuang | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
47 of 220
The poppy War ( Book 1)
By R.F. Kuang

When Rin aced the Keju – the test to find the most talented students in the Empire – it was a shock to everyone: to the test officials, who couldn’t believe a war orphan from Rooster Province could pass without cheating; to Rin’s guardians, who had hoped to get rich by marrying her off; and to Rin herself, who realized she was finally free from a life of servitude. That she got into Sinegard – the most elite military school in Nikan – was even more surprising.

But surprises aren’t always good.

Because being a dark-skinned peasant girl from the south is not an easy thing at Sinegard. Fighting the prejudice of rival classmates, Rin discovers that she possesses a lethal, unearthly power – an aptitude for the nearly-mythical art of shamanism. Exploring the depths of her gift with the help of psychoactive substances and a seemingly insane teacher, Rin learns that gods long thought dead are very much alive – and that mastering these powers could mean more than just surviving school.

For while the Nikara Empire is at peace, the Federation of Mugen still lurks across a narrow sea. The Federation occupied Nikan for decades after the First Poppy War, and only barely lost the continent in the Second. And while most people calmly go about their lives, a few are aware that a Third Poppy War is just a spark away

I was really nervous going into this book as I tried to read Babel and really hated it!
But this was another level I absolutely loved it. I really enjoyed part 1 but the part 2 was even better and that ending was definitely worth it. This didn’t hold back on the details either really really good read. So much to take in and I love anything to do with the gods.
Saint Maud (2020)
Saint Maud (2020)
2020 | Drama, Horror
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Morfydd Clark - astonishingly good as Maud (1 more)
Expert pacing from debut director Rose Glass
"My Little Saviour": Astonishing Saint Maud delivers psycho-religious chills
Saint Maud is the debut feature from writer/director Rose Glass, and it packs a punch. The film was first seen at last year's London Film Festival, but was due for broader nationwide release soon. What a crushing disappointment it must be for Ms Glass that so few people will likely get to see it in the current climate... at least, not for a while. Since it is an effective little chiller.

Maud (Morfydd Clark) is a palliative nurse looking after ex-choreographer Amanda (Jennifer Ehle). Maud is extremely religious and feels God move in her... regularly. Acting on His guidance, Maud sets out to save the soul of her ailing bohemian charge. But is Amanda beyond reach, and how will the zealot-like Maud react to that rejection?

Morfydd Clark appears so young in this film that you would think this was her debut film. But she's actually 30 years old and has quite an impressive filmography already. Although this is her movie-lead debut, she's had a substantial part alongside Kate Beckinsale in the excellent "Love and Friendship" and smaller parts in "Crawl", "The Personal History of David Copperfield" and the fun "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". She's likely to get more worldwide exposure soon as a young Galadriel in Amazon's new version of "Lord of the Rings".

As Maud she is simply superb - expressing such a range of joy, hurt and despair that you must think a BAFTA Rising Star nomination should be on the cards.

Clark is ably supported in the leading role by the splendid Jennifer Ehle, still so memorable to me as Elizabeth Bennett from the BBC's "Pride and Prejudice".

Scarborough is also a star of "Saint Maud". The Yorkshire seaside town is another star of the movie. Clearly filmed before lockdown, the rainy and windswept resort looks bleak and unwelcoming. And that's before Covid! Many of those struggling bars and amusement centres, as in other resorts all around the UK, are now on their last legs.

Adam Janota Bzowski supplies the impressively claustrophobic music, which deserves recognition. A scene with Maud, flicking a lighter rhythmically in time with the sonorous beat, is a masterpiece in musical choreography and editing (by Mark Towns).

At the heart of this horror-thriller is whether, following a Dawkins-style argument, fervent religious followers are less insightfully correct and more mentally unstable and misguided. When is the voice of God just the voice in your head? And how would you tell the difference anyway? Piecing together the plot and motivations of Maud was intellectually challenging and rewarding.

I always get a little tense and nervous when I see the word "horror" on a movie bill. I am NOT a great horror fan! But for me, as a 'horror movie', "Saint Maud" is of the 'horror-lite' variety. Highly watchable, it builds more in the way of creeping dread than cheap shocks. There were only a couple of jump-scares (but for me, the one in the finale was a doozy!).

A BBC interview with Rose Glass I just saw says she relates Maud's relationship with God as like many people's relationship with social media. Always looking for support, guidance and affirmation. Interesting.

This is also an obviously female-led picture. All the men are complete tools. no, really, literally they are. It makes me feel ashamed to be among their number.

Overall, "Saint Maud" is a minor classic. I didn't go in with great expectations of this one, but I was pleasantly surprised. As a small British movie, it packs a punch significantly above its weight. When I came out I was at about a 7* rating. But this is one that really stayed with me, and I've subconsciously thought about little else all day. So for that reason I am going to escalate my rating to something more appropriate.

You might struggle now to see it on the big screen, but if you can do so, it comes with a recommendation from me. I think this one could REALLY be a "Marmite film".... so if you see it, let me know what you thought with a comment on One Mann's Movies here . (Thanks).
Song of Blood and Stone
Song of Blood and Stone
L Penelope | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great fantastical world, excellent characters
I greatly enjoyed reading this one. Not only was the fantasy world written well and different, but the characters had excellent chemistry and the plot flowed to make the reading enjoyable and quick.

The world building is excellent and different. The story alternates in between with Jack and Jasminda’s point of view, but also there are some chapters that tell the background story of how their world was created. I enjoyed these alternating chapters. It provides better structure of the setting, it provides the mythology and a better understanding of the “True Father” and “The Queen who Sleeps”. It’s well written and everything comes together seamlessly.

The plot itself is also excellent. I love the concept of “Silents” and “Songbearers” and both are living side by side but marred by war and prejudice. And did you ever see the hate towards Jasminda throughout the book. You get angry at her treatment but Jasminda bears it and she does it well. The plot is pretty fast paced and it’s feels like a fast read - not to mention the fact that it’s very interesting. There’s a good mix of fantasy, action, and romance. What wasn’t really necessary was the Lizvette part. It made that aspect predictable and it didn’t really mesh well with what was going on with all the other things. It felt like it was placed there for filler reasons (I mean, we all know who Jack was going to go for a this point…)

Now for Jack and Jasminda.

I LOVED both of them together. They had this chemistry going on and you could feel it throughout the novel. It was heart wrenching in various parts of the book and you wanted to reach out to them and MAKE them go together (Jack you deserve some slaps of stupidity for some of the stuff you said). They’re both great characters and Jasminda’s development throughout the novel was excellent. Despite the changes she went through she didn’t lose her sass and her ferocious independence (love how this exasperates Jack by the way lol)

Definitely looking forward to the second book of this series! The ending was great (and I’m sure there’s way more battles to come)
Disclaimer: I won this book through a FirstReads giveaway (and I'm really glad I did).

Most everybody, at some point in their lives, has been picked on, bullied, pushed around, whether literally or just emotionally. What happened to Sophie Lancaster and Rob Maltby in August 2007 shows the result of that being taken to the unfortunate extreme.

To say that I enjoyed this book would seem a little inappropriate, considering its subject matter. However, I found it extremely enlightening, as I do not recall ever hearing about this case when it occurred 5 years ago. Reading about how news of it and the resulting foundation spread worldwide made me pause and try to remember back to that time, and I think I remember seeing the "S.O.P.H.I.E." logo before, here in Virginia, USA. That just goes to show how much this meant, and still means, to so many people around the world.

I found this book to be very tactful in its approach to the case, from start to finish, as well as the coverage of the fundraising events for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation and Sylvia Lancaster's work to change the laws regarding the definition of hate crimes. Having just received a Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology, and as someone who has worked with people who have committed Domestic Violence, the sections describing the defendants' actions during the assault, interviews, court appearances (as well as their parents') was extremely unsettling, but very helpful in understanding just how they could be so abusive.

I would recommend this book to anyone who works with youths, especially those considered "troubled," as they could see and share what could happen if they continue down the road they're on. However, those who might benefit most are those who can relate to the title, having been called a "weirdo" or a "freak" by their peers. They need to know that there are people all over the world just like them, and that there is no reason to take the abuse, whether verbal or physical. As Sylvia Lancaster was quoted in the book, "prejudice and intolerance is the new racism," and it can't get any better until those who promote it are held accountable.

"Hate is easy--love takes courage."
The Black Witch
The Black Witch
Laurie Forest | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! This story, these characters... just wow. Seriously got me right in the feels. There's quite a bit of controversy surrounding this book and i think it's for the wrong reasons. This book isn't racist or any of the other things it's been called, not in and of itself. Does it contain racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia? in spades! Religious zealots, oppression, and just plain ignorant prejudice and discrimination? Oh, absolutely! At times heartbreaking and difficult to read? Definitely! But at its core this is a book about hope. It's about moving past preconceived notions of others based on any of the labels used to divide and coming together. It's about looking beyond outward appearance and seeing the person inside. There are obvious parallels between the book and reality because the author was trying to make a point, not that she or her story are racist or condone these behaviors but the exact opposite, that it is wrong and that we could do amazing things if we quit using labels that divide us, whether it's race, religion, gender, sexuality, occupation, ability, class, country of origin, political affiliation, etc. Those are only labels, they don't define any of us nor should they.

This book is beautifully written, with very well developed characters that u come to love and plenty u despise, in a world very similar to our own in different ways. It's emotional. It's wonderful. It has an important message. I am so glad that I read it for myself instead of just going on the negative reviews and jumping on the hate bandwagon. Thinking for yourself instead of believing what you're told about something is a pretty strong message in the story as well. I absolutely loved it and was disappointed when I got to the end. I implore everyone to please take the time to read it yourself and see how it makes you feel instead of avoiding it on some misguided principle after reading a bad review written by someone who either didn't get the obvious messages within The Black Witch or was already prejudiced against it themselves. Seriously, it's worth it.