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Wings Like a Dove
Wings Like a Dove
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

This book was so thought provoking. I really enjoyed getting to know all these characters. They were very well developed and Camille Eide really wrote a great background for the characters. There were so many tough subjects covered in this book from racism, prejudice, preconceived notions and religious persecution. Camille Eide incorporates all these subjects seemingly effortlessly to help make this book a very compelling read and one I found hard to put down. I especially liked how everything pointed back to Gods provision in our lives.
The book did start off a little slow, but once I got into it, I really did enjoy learning about the time period and the characters in the story. The plot was great, it had some great ups and downs and got my emotions readily involved.

Overall, I give this story a 4 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the very compelling storyline and for Camille Eide’s way in dealing with some heavy subjects. I recommend adding this book to you must read pile.

*I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Feb 4, 2021  
Come read my rave book review for the Young Adult clean romance novel PUDGE & PREJUDICE by Allison Pittman Author Page. "I'm so happy that I did get a chance to read this book because I have become totally smitten with it!" Be sure to enter the giveaway to win a hair scrunchie, a signed copy of the book, and a $25 Visa gift card - three winners!

A Mixtape of Big '80s Style, High School Angst, and a Classic Jane Austen Tale

It’s 1984 and after moving to Northenfield, Texas, with her family, Elyse Nebbit faces the challenge of finding her place in a new school, one dominated by social status and Friday night football. When Elyse’s effortlessly beautiful older sister Jayne starts dating golden boy Charlie Bingley, Elyse finds herself curious about Charlie’s popular and brooding best friend, Billy Fitz. Elyse’s body insecurities eventually complicate her relationship with Billy, leaving Jayne and Elyse’s exceedingly blunt friend, Lottie, to step in and help Elyse accept herself for who she is, pant size and all.
A Very Large Expanse of Sea
A Very Large Expanse of Sea
Tahereh Mafi | 2018 | Religion, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I figured with today's current events, I'd give this a read. I can't say I've never seen (or heard) acts (or words) of racism, but I will admit that, for the most part, it hasn't truly been directed at me. Reading this hurt my heart and made me angry in a very violent way. Stupidity is everywhere. Unfortunately, racism is everywhere. However, as someone who's been privileged enough to not have true, memorable experience with it, I was shocked and disgusted by the acts of the people in this fictional community. And while the story itself, characters included, may be storybook fake, the feelings and harassment within are likely based on true acts. Hatred is a horrible thing and Shirin is literally so used to it that she feels it's safer to assume everyone is after her, everyone hates her, everyone is wilfully ignorant and therefore deliberately prejudice towards her - it's her coping mechanism; see the absolute worst in others, keep your distance, and maybe it'll hurt less. We need more people like Ocean, who was so adorably awkward and sweet, and genuinely interested in learning more!
Pulse and Prejudice (The Confession of Mr. Darcy, Vampire #1)
Pulse and Prejudice (The Confession of Mr. Darcy, Vampire #1)
Colette L. Saucier | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a long-term lover of the classics, Pride & Prejudice in particular, I wondered what I would get with this book. Would I love it or loathe it? Would it stay true to the original or go completely farcical?

What I got was a book that thrilled me with the story just as much as the original did. The language is true to form, the behaviour, the attitudes, it's all there. Only now add in the spice of an even more haughty and sultry Mr Darcy as he tries to contend with his vampiric nature.

Trust me when I say that this paranormal addition actually added something for me, it certainly didn't take anything away from the story. I devoured this book, only putting it down when I absolutely had to. If you like Paranormal and also the British Classics, then I really can't recommend this highly enough. It combines the two with excellent narrative, skill and aplomb. Highly Recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 18, 2015
Just Mercy (2019)
Just Mercy (2019)
2019 | Drama
Having seen Clemency in October I felt like I was prepared for what Just Mercy might throw at me. I was not. The two films handle the death row scenario in very different ways and the storyline that runs alongside it gives you two very different experiences.

Based on a true story - when it comes to history this phrase can be a horrible thing, and when you realise that the events of Just Mercy are only actually dating back to the late 80s/early 90s, well that's kind of sickening, it doesn't feel like this should be something from my own lifetime.

In the lead role of Bryan Stevenson we have Michael B. Jordan. We see Stevenson from intern to established lawyer and yet he doesn't really make any notable progression. The person he is at the beginning isn't all that changed by the end. Jordan's performance is fine, nothing felt technically wrong about it but the consistency was completely off. Every time the character was brought face to face with prejudice and high emotions he managed to knock it out of the park, he was nervous, he was scared, he was devastated. In between those moments he was just there, his performance didn't hold any weight against anyone else's.

Jamie Foxx shows us that missing consistency as Walter McMillan. It felt like he was fully immersed in his character the whole time. There are shots where we're focused on him while other characters are talking and he's always attentive to them, you can see him assessing Stevenson in their meetings and it was fascinating to watch. Every moment was strong without the need for any additional motivation.

When we're inside the prison there are so many different things going on. The tension between the guards and inmates, and that extending to Stevenson is powerful and it's development through the film and the change in attitude was a nice one to see. But the camaraderie between the inmates was probably the thing that was the most affecting, the execution in this was surprisingly subtle but very moving.

Just Mercy has a strong message about the divide and prejudice in southern America and the justice system, it's a very strong reminder of how much has changed because of strong-willed people and how much still needs to change. While I might not watch this film again it was certainly something I enjoyed watching, as much as "enjoyed" feels like the wrong word to use.

Originally posted on:
Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders
Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders
Alicia Gaspar de Alba | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A page-turner of frightening speed. (0 more)
A Mystery Unlike Any Other
Gaspar de Alba brings a fine writer's sensitivity and the open heart of her heritage. The result is a novel that takes your breath away, page after page, and grabs your heart.

Desert Blood is a mystery unlike any other. Gripping, heart-wrenching, set against the tough, lacerating reality of border-town engaging mystery, but it is more than well-written entertainment. It is an important book that sheds light on the Juárez murders--the ongoing slaughter of young Mexican women in the border city of Juárez by persons unknown. Desert Blood weaves together its fictional tale and the known facts of these notorious crimes in a way that reveals the cultural and political attitudes that have allowed these murders to continue with the indifference--if not the outright complicity--of Mexican authorities.
Gaspar de Alba not only crafts a suspenseful plot but tackles prejudice in many of its ugly forms: against gays, against Hispanics, against the poor. It's an in-your-face, no-holds-barred story full of brutality, graphic violence, and ultimately, redemption. Offering a powerful depiction of social injustice and serial murder on the U.S.-Mexican border, this is an essential purchase for both mystery and Hispanic fiction collections.
Gone to Green (Green #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The paper was an unexpected inheritance from a close colleague, and Lois must keep it for at least a year, bringing a host of challenges, lessons, and blessings into her life.

When Lois pulls into Green on New Year’s Day, she expects a charming little town full of smiling people.She quickly realizes her mistake. After settling into a loaned house out on Route 2,
she finds herself battling town prejudices and inner doubts and making friends with
the most surprising people: troubled teenager Katy, good-looking catfish farmer
Chris, wise and feisty Aunt Helen, and a female African-American physician named

Whether fighting a greedy, deceitful politician or rescuing a dog she fears, Lois notices the headlines in her life have definitely improved. She learns how to provide small-town news in a big-hearted way and realizes that life is full of newsworthy moments. When she encounters racial
prejudice and financial corruption, Lois also discovers more about the goodness of
real people and the importance of being part of a community.

While secretly preparing the paper for a sale, Lois begins to realize that God might indeed have a plan for her life and that perhaps the allure of city life and career ambition are not what she wants after all.