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In Sunshine or in Shadow
In Sunshine or in Shadow
Rhys Bowen, Clare Broyles | 2024 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not So Restful Time in the Catskills
Summer of 1908 finds typhoid hitting New York City. At the insistence of her husband, Molly heads to visit his mother in Westchester, taking the rest of the family with her. But soon, she is bored and decides to visit her friends Sid and Gus in the Catskills. They are making a reluctant visit to Sid’s family only to have murder crash the reunion. With the police reluctant to let anyone leave until the case is solve, Molly starts investigating. Can she find out what happened?

The book spends only as long as needed getting the characters into position before the story starts. From there, we get some set up, so by the time the victim is found, we have plenty of suspects. I loved watching the investigation unfold, and the solutions was perfectly logical. The suspects get plenty of time to shine, and I grew to like them. And Daniel is on his best behavior here, too. I found it interesting to visit the Catskills just as they were beginning to turn into a summer destination. Meanwhile, some very nasty prejudice is displayed without turning the book into a lecture at any point. Molly’s fans will be rewarded with a fantastic twentieth book.

Ross (3284 KP) rated A Time of Blood in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
A Time of Blood
A Time of Blood
John Gwynne | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exciting, action-packed fantasy
** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **

A Time of Blood is the second book in John Gwynne's second series and I can happily say this is his best yet in my opinion.
The action carries on from the previous book with the evil Kadoshim minions rising up and trying to get back to power. The forces of good also start to muster, though there are still divisions and suspicions between the various groups which hamper their successes.
Drem, the trapper, really develops into a brilliant hero character without any prophecy nonsense for once, and surrounds himself with a strong cast of enjoyable diverse companions.
The first half of the book sees Drem and his companions travelling to escape the evil horde and warn others of the uprising they have witnessed. This journey is non-stop action and a thrill to read.
Meanwhile we have the recently airborne Riv who is battling with politics and prejudice to retake her place in the army. These chapters are much slower paced but vital.
The balance between chapters and characters in the book allow Gwynne to fit the story in while keeping the action flowing at a good pace.
A very enjoyable and exciting read.
The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
Simon Michael | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An exciting legal thriller
Sapere books just seem to keep publishing books that I really enjoy reading. This is another one. Again, a book that I wouldn’t normally read - although I don’t think I can keep saying that about thrillers, I seem to be reading a lot of them lately! This is a very good one though.

Charles Holborne wasn’t born as a Holborne, he was originally Charlie Horowitz. After a successful war for him, he left the RAF and went to Cambridge, which for a Jew from the East End at that time was both unusual and remarkable. He becomes a barrister, which is again unusual, and changes his surname due to the prejudice of those in chambers. He’s very good at his job, and specialises in criminal cases. Not everyone appreciates his success, and he soon runs in to some serious problems.

This book just seemed to speed by for me. It was interesting, fast-paced and the second half was rather exciting. We even get to meet the Krays (there’s some historical crimes and criminals to help the reader get some sort of context)!

Charlie Holborne is a really likeable character, and I’d be very interested to read more books in this series.
Thanks to Sapere Books for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.