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Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Crazy Insane
When a team of American troops take on a routine mission in Nazi-occupied France during World War II, they stumble upon something abnormal and horrifying that they weren’t expecting.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
From it’s heartpounding beginning to crazy conclusion, you’re put right in front of consistent action. They are the kind of scenes that leave you wanting more. Intensity awaits at every turn with gun battles, explosions, and crazy zombie(esque) fights. The action was managed perfectly, not overdone in anyway.

Genre: 7

Memorability: 8
I remember jumping quite a few times while watching Overlord. It’s one of those movies where you, as an audience member, recognize something is wrong, but the characters don’t seem to pick up on it until it’s too late. Some of the things you see are quite unsettling and hard to get out of your memory.

Pace: 8
Overlord moves at a steady speed, although not perfect. I would prefer “breakneck” with a movie like this, but instead you get “just over the speed limit”. Fortunately there are only a handful of lulls, but they seem to come at the worst times right when you expect the train to keep rolling.

Plot: 7

Resolution: 10
I won’t give anything away, but the ending left me both satisfied and hoping for more. There is definitely room for some kind of a sequel here if they wanted to go that route. All the loose ends that needed to be tied up were taken care of.

Overall: 90
I can’t stress enough that I appreciate when certain genres get reused for the sake of being spun in a different fashion. Sometimes it’s a big miss (insert Pride and Prejudice and Zombies here). Other times, a film succeeds with a big swing. Overlord hits a home run.
Bridget Jones's Diary
Bridget Jones's Diary
Helen Fielding | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can’t begin to imagine why it has taken me so very long to get round to reading this book. Of course I was in my mid-teens when the film came out. Obviously I have seen the film, it happens to be one of my favourite chick flick films to curl up under tons of covers to. Maybe that’s why it has taken me so long to get round to….

So unless you have been hiding under a rock for the past 10 years, most people have a rough idea what Bridget Jones’s Diary is all about.

I found Bridget less frumpy then the film portrayed her and I think she is much stronger than she believes she is. Although she was at times pretty self-centred… but this is her diary… everyone thinks about themselves when they talk to their diary and are less concerned with other people.
I could whole heartedly relate to Bridget’s constant dilemma about dieting and trying to lose weight…. And often failing due to food tasting so damn good. On the whole it was as I imagined it would be. I particularly liked the parts where Bridget makes references to fancying Mr. Darcy (ie Colin Firth) from Pride and Prejudice. Never expecting that he would one day turn out to be her Darcy in the film.

If you liked/loved the film and haven’t read the book, I would recommend it. Don’t expect anything more than the film, but you definitely don’t get less. I will read two following books as I am sure there are many other deep thoughts Bridget needs to share with me and it was a fun easy read.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Horror, Romance
Unexpected and Inventive Mix of Drama and Zombie
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie was surprisingly decent even with all the cheesy love drama and relationship plot mixed in from Pride and Prejudice. I liked the background for the alternate 19th century London and how it came to be full of zombies. I also really liked how the father of this family had his daughters train in Chinese martial arts and was more concerned with their immediate safety and how the mother was more concerned with them marrying. I was a little disappointed in how not all the sisters where featured prominently enough into the plot/story. I liked Lena Headey's character too but felt she was underutilized as well. The zombies in this movie were pretty unique. It said that they were zombies but they could still talk quite intelligently and also craved human brains and if they didn't eat brains then they wouldn't turn into full zombies. The full zombies were far more aggressive and faster. I also liked how the character Darcy was in charge of investigating possible zombie cases and wish they could have delved more into that part of the characters story. The action also surprised me for being a PG-13 movie there was quite a bit of blood and violence. There were some nice headshot scenes where the zombies heads were blown clean off their bodies. The fight scenes were pretty well choreographed and the girls kicked a lot more butt than most of the guys. Even the plot with the cheesy love triangle had me trying to guess which guy was going to get with which girl and kept the plot interesting enough inbetween the action. I give this movie a 6/10 and say it's an above average zombie movie.