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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
It seems only appropriate to close out the year which saw the passing of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko with a film celebrating their most successful creation; the result is a movie which appears to be under-performing at the box office simply because it's animated (a regrettable prejudice which I sometimes suffer from myself). On one level this is yet another Spider-Man origin story, the novelty value comes from the fact that the Spider-Man in question is the Ultimate version (Miles Morales) and the plot involves a hole being blown in the universe and numerous other Spider-People from parallel worlds being sucked through. Some of these are very weird.

Rock-solid storytelling, huge visual imagination and some very good jokes come together to make a film which works really well on virtually every level; there's perhaps not enough of the Nicolas Cage Spider-Man but you can't have everything. Not sure where they're going to go with the sequel (the novelty value of this film makes it a tough act to follow) but it does at least suggest possibilities for a meta-franchise based just on Spider-Man. A worthy and touching tribute to Stan and Steve.
The War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Grisly non-adaptation of the immortal H.G. Wells story retains the same basic premise and the very occasional moment, but essentially scoops out the innards of the actual novel and replaces them with indescribably turgid attempts to (I would guess) update the story and make it relevant to the modern world.

Part of a grim tradition where BBC attempts to adapt SF, fantasy and horror classics operate to different standards than when they are tackling Austen or Dickens. If the team who perpetrated War of the Worlds got their hands on Pride and Prejudice, it would end up being a lesbian romance between the Bennets' maid and one of the minor daughters, performed on ice, with a frame story concerning the Boer war. It's not just that it does the book badly, it genuinely doesn't seem interested in it at all. Someone gets a leaden, clumsy speech articulating the subtext of the novel (how to adapt a great book for the hard-of-thinking) but as to what this version of the story is supposed to be about or why we should care at all... It takes real skill and determination to screw up a classic piece of literature quite this badly.
Half Baked (1998)
Half Baked (1998)
1998 | Comedy
Ironically, not even that much better while high. I liked this for the majority of the runtime but that third act really tried my patience - falls into the exact line as other late 90s/early 00s buddy comedies in vein of 𝘋𝘶𝘥𝘦, 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘔𝘺 𝘊𝘢𝘳? and the like that I just fucking hate, where the film completely gives up and a bunch of tiring 'wacky' stuff happens until it abruptly ends. Pretty typical hit-or-miss stoner comedy of the era but easy to forgive when the thing isn't even 85 minutes in length. It's agreeable enough with some seriously funny shit in it every now and again, mostly only holding its own in the sea of other similar movies due to its trio of three sharp, exuberant lead performances - Jim Breuer's final boss tie-dyed pothead steals the show with extreme prejudice (seriously, has anyone else in a movie ever exuded *more* stoner energy than this guy?). Can be lumped right in with 𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 in the "kind of funny, semi-decent films written by people who are clearly above such work but also maybe that was the point of it to begin with?" pile. But Bob Saget's "I used to suck dick for coke!" bit remains as iconic and effortlessly hysterical as ever.
In Sunshine or in Shadow
In Sunshine or in Shadow
Rhys Bowen, Clare Broyles | 2024 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not So Restful Time in the Catskills
Summer of 1908 finds typhoid hitting New York City. At the insistence of her husband, Molly heads to visit his mother in Westchester, taking the rest of the family with her. But soon, she is bored and decides to visit her friends Sid and Gus in the Catskills. They are making a reluctant visit to Sid’s family only to have murder crash the reunion. With the police reluctant to let anyone leave until the case is solve, Molly starts investigating. Can she find out what happened?

The book spends only as long as needed getting the characters into position before the story starts. From there, we get some set up, so by the time the victim is found, we have plenty of suspects. I loved watching the investigation unfold, and the solutions was perfectly logical. The suspects get plenty of time to shine, and I grew to like them. And Daniel is on his best behavior here, too. I found it interesting to visit the Catskills just as they were beginning to turn into a summer destination. Meanwhile, some very nasty prejudice is displayed without turning the book into a lecture at any point. Molly’s fans will be rewarded with a fantastic twentieth book.

Ross (3282 KP) rated A Time of Blood in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
A Time of Blood
A Time of Blood
John Gwynne | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exciting, action-packed fantasy
** Disclosure - I received a free advance copy of this from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **

A Time of Blood is the second book in John Gwynne's second series and I can happily say this is his best yet in my opinion.
The action carries on from the previous book with the evil Kadoshim minions rising up and trying to get back to power. The forces of good also start to muster, though there are still divisions and suspicions between the various groups which hamper their successes.
Drem, the trapper, really develops into a brilliant hero character without any prophecy nonsense for once, and surrounds himself with a strong cast of enjoyable diverse companions.
The first half of the book sees Drem and his companions travelling to escape the evil horde and warn others of the uprising they have witnessed. This journey is non-stop action and a thrill to read.
Meanwhile we have the recently airborne Riv who is battling with politics and prejudice to retake her place in the army. These chapters are much slower paced but vital.
The balance between chapters and characters in the book allow Gwynne to fit the story in while keeping the action flowing at a good pace.
A very enjoyable and exciting read.
The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
Simon Michael | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An exciting legal thriller
Sapere books just seem to keep publishing books that I really enjoy reading. This is another one. Again, a book that I wouldn’t normally read - although I don’t think I can keep saying that about thrillers, I seem to be reading a lot of them lately! This is a very good one though.

Charles Holborne wasn’t born as a Holborne, he was originally Charlie Horowitz. After a successful war for him, he left the RAF and went to Cambridge, which for a Jew from the East End at that time was both unusual and remarkable. He becomes a barrister, which is again unusual, and changes his surname due to the prejudice of those in chambers. He’s very good at his job, and specialises in criminal cases. Not everyone appreciates his success, and he soon runs in to some serious problems.

This book just seemed to speed by for me. It was interesting, fast-paced and the second half was rather exciting. We even get to meet the Krays (there’s some historical crimes and criminals to help the reader get some sort of context)!

Charlie Holborne is a really likeable character, and I’d be very interested to read more books in this series.
Thanks to Sapere Books for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.
The Conspirator (2011)
The Conspirator (2011)
2011 | Drama
Love me a good true historical drama
Director Robert Redford delves into a story everyone knows, but doesn't really know.

After the assassination of our 16th and very popular president, Abraham Lincoln, the conspirators are shot and/or caught to face an outraged and shocked nation right at the end of the Civil War. Among the accused is Mary Surratt who is on trial for her involvement in aiding, lodging and collaborating with those accused. The entire nation wants justice however they can get it, so her circumstance seems dire without a lot of reprieve.

Enter her reluctant defense attorney who doesn't really want the job of defending a woman everyone wants to see brought to justice. Her trial seems one-sided at best with witnesses changing their stories and the judges not allowing much argument against the accused.

Mary herself seems she has given up hope with little regard for her own life.

 Redford manages to build the tension slowly as the evidence becomes increasingly bleak for the defendant and everyone's eyes on the trial's outcome. Stellar performance by the always interesting James McAvoy. He wrestles with his own emotions and the growing prejudice the trial has brought upon him and his family to persevere and provide ample defense for his client.

We Are Not Like Them
We Are Not Like Them
Jo Piazza, Christine Pride | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We Are Not Like Them is a really timely novel about racism in America.

Jen (white) and Riley (black) have grown up together, and are like sisters. Colour has never been an issue between the two of them. But when Jen’s Police Officer husband is involved in the shooting of a black teenaged boy, and Riley is given the job of covering the story as a TV reporter, things become difficult and strained between them. Is their past enough to keep the friendship going? I did wonder on many occasions throughout the book.

Themes include racism, prejudice, white privilege and police brutality. It’s a pretty hard-hitting book, and could be set anywhere in the US at the moment. We have our own issues and institutional racism to deal with in the UK, and it was interesting to see how this panned out. I did think that Riley worried more about Jen. Jen was completely wrapped up in her own problems, using Riley as someone to lean on, whilst not being at all curious about Riley’s feelings on what had happened to the boy. But then, Jen has some pretty huge things going on in her life, too.

I can see this being an ideal book for a book club - so much is going on, there’s so much to unpick.

It’s a powerful novel. Recommended.
Only Mr Darcy Will Do
Only Mr Darcy Will Do
Kara Louise | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great retelling, despite the shortfalls
I’m such a sucker for these kinds of books featuring Pride and Prejudice. There are so many different types of retellings and most of them are good. This one has its moments and it was enjoyable to read.

So in this twist, our beloved Mr Bennet dies prematurely and Elizabeth becomes a governess. This was rather interesting, and it does suit Elizabeth rather well - although back then in the day it’s a drop in the society ladder and everyone she knows makes sure she knows it.

So she meets Rosalyn which I thought at first, was an ideal friend for our dear Lizzie. She’s a bit vapid and valley girl type of character. Especially when Mr Darcy is around (can’t blame her, we all love Mr Darcy) but it’s almost to the point where she’s annoying about it. It’s not until the latter half of the novel where Rosalyn does a complete 360 and she becomes a pretty awful person (including her mother).

The plot in this one tries to stay within the main one we’re all familiar with it just diverts the path a bit and comes back to full circle. Which is nice as it tries to stay true to the original story at the same time you just get a different “what if” scenario to enjoy reading. I’d have to say I enjoy reading Hamilton (another cousin of Darcy’s) playing along with Elizabeth. It was playful banter and he sounded like the type of rogue we all love to read and fall for (albeit, foolishly). It was a bit hard to get into at first but it’s worth going through to the end as once Rosalyn does her 360 turn, everything becomes much more interesting.

The only thing I did not enjoy reading is towards the end Darcy does something completely out of character and it just did not sit well with me. He’s not the type to be outspoken even when it comes to be madly in love. Don’t make him something he’s not. It nearly ruined the entire book as it was doing so well staying close to the true nature of the characters only to have him do something he wouldn’t EVER do (nor can you picture him doing so).

Also, the ending just dragged too much for me. We get it. We all know what’s going to happen. We all know what did happen. There’s no need for extra fodder in the last few chapters of the book. It could have just ended with the proposal or wedding and done. Perhaps the last few chapters could have been made into an entirely new idea for another book to be made. It was just so unnecessary.

Overall, it was a good read for those that love Pride and Prejudice “what if” scenarios and fans. I enjoyed it despite those changes in characters that nearly caused me to grind my teeth and yelling out certain expletives.
The Cruel Prince
The Cruel Prince
Holly Black | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great start to the series
THE CRUEL PRINCE was a great start to this series and it holds so much promise in terms of future book potential. The strengths of this series lie in the meeting of mortal and faerie worlds and the mixing of mortal and faerie beings, with hierarchy and prejudice being prominent. The book is full of strong characters to like, love, dislike and hate. Each character was developed so well, even some of the lesser characters. However, there are many lead characters and this exemplifies Holly Black’s talent.

Jude, the female main character was a strong young women who had had a life of hardship, trauma, bullying and adversity. She went through a coming of age that was forced on her during this read and she was just fantastic to focus on. The family relationships were complex and fascinating; the potential romantic relationships were unexpected and intriguing.

I listened to this on audio and I have to admit to feeling a lack of focus mid-way, where it either lost pace or the audio wasn’t working for me. The narration was good however. I can see myself flipping to the book a re-read before book two and continuing in this format.

I am truly excited at the continuation of the series and the final 15% was thrilling. Most YA fantasy fans will roll around in the muddy hype on this one, feeling satisfied.