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Oh my, that was wonderful! I spent the last hundred pages or so both wanting to get to the end, and being reluctant to finish because I didn't want it to be over.

Don't start this series without having all the books on hand, or you will kick yourself. They are simply so engaging that you will find it necessary to know what happens next. The plot is simply incredible.

Royce and Hadrian are wonderful. I couldn't stand Arista at first, but she certainly grew on me. Molina is a little two-dimensional, but that makes sense in some respects.

Now I have to go find the prequels and read them, because I don't want to leave Sullivan's world just yet.
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
2002 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Overall, I do not think the prequels are all that bad. They're not the best, but, I still find them watchable. My family, in preparation for the Rise of Skywalker, have been re-watching the Skywalker Saga.
Yes, some of the lines are strange, like the sand thing. BUT, that chase of Zam after the 2nd assassination attempt on Padme? One of the best sequences in the film. Seeing Yoda lightsaber duel for the first time? I remember the gasps in the theater (I probably saw it at least 6x in theaters).
The romance is cringe-worthy, but it has to happen. Had I been watching it by myself, I'd have skipped those chapters.
Also, this film introduced the Clones, which led to the fantastic Clone Wars series.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure

"I’m gonna have to say, because of my childhood, and it’s such a strong influence for me, Raiders of the Lost Ark. I would define my interest in acting as a long-standing compulsion, and I was interested in pursuing this career since I was five years old. But it was films like Star Wars, or, you know, films that really got me interested. Star Wars, Raiders, Jaws… Alien. Alien I have to put on the list… I feel like… Every time, if I name a film like Alien, I say, “Well, I should really say Blade Runner as well.” You can’t… I mean, the attention to detail, and the characters. I just can’t wait to see where [Ridley Scott] goes next. The fact that he’s doing prequels has just got me giddy."

 The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Family
The puppets, art, (0 more)
I grew up in the 80s and it would be fair to say I've loved the original Dark Crystal film ever since I first saw it so there was no question when we heard about the new TV series that we were going to watch it.

Although it took me a few episodes to get into thr series overall I've loved it and that feel that they've gone back to the original puppets rather than an overuse of CGI. My main problem has been similar to watching the star wars prequels in that I've been watching it with the knowledge of what will happen (based on what we know from the film) and I feel that has taken something away from my enjoyment of the characters.
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
2005 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground!
The final part of the prequel trilogy, which at least - and in comparison to the sequel trilogy - had a clear vision and overarching narrative.

I remember going to see this in the cinema in '05.

I also remember there was a kid somewhere in the audience who didn't know Anakin became Vader.

Cue a shocked "noooo!" at that part of the film.

Anyway, the prequels had all been building to this; to the long awaited showdown between Obi-Wan and Vader, that ends with Vader encased in the suit.

It might take a while getting there, and it's maybe not *quite* up there with the Duel of the Fates from 'The Phantom Menace', bit it doesn't disappoint once it does!
No Free Lunch (Hal Spacejock #4)
No Free Lunch (Hal Spacejock #4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harriet Walsh (0 more)
What happened to the rest of the Peace Force characters?? (0 more)
No Free Lunch.

The fourth in Simon Haynes Hal Spacejock series (following A Robot Named Clunk, Second Course and Just Desserts), and the first where Harriet Walsh (from the author's other 'Peace Force' series) cross-overs with Hal.

As I knew that 'going in', I read the first three Hal Spacejock novels before the four Harriet Walsh novels (Peace Force, Alpha Minor, Sierra Bravo and Foxtrot Hotel) before reading this.

Which, unfortunately, proved to be a mistake as I spent a good portion of this novel - well over the first half! - wondering where Harriet's 'sister' Alice or even some of the other characters (with the notable exception of Bernie) had gone, or even why they weren't mentioned at all!

I only found out later that, whilst set beforehand, the Peace Force novels were actually prequels, written later than this one but set before (think like the Star Wars prequels, compared to the original trilogy).

Once I got past that, uhhh, 'disassociation' - once the action primarily moved off the planet of Dismolle to the neighbouring planet Forzen, things did pick up a tad, with Hal and Harriet (and a hint of romance between them) both getting caught up in a murder mystery whilst investigating the disappearance of a wealthy citizen of that planet.

I don't want to give anything away, but I could definitely see elements of the later seasons of Stargate SG-1 here. If you know, you know!

So, yeah, all-in-all, a pleasant enough read but not one that, for me, matched the earlier novels in the series or even the Peace Force novels.

I'll still probably read more of these.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
BB-8 (2 more)
Old Cast
Better Than The Prequels
Copy & Paste of A New Hope (0 more)
A New Hope Shortly Lived
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Force Awakens- is a excellent, phenomenal movie, no doubt about that. Its the return of old charcters coming back and a whole new cast of new charcters. My favorite is BB-8, he reminds me of R2-D2. The problem if you really think about it is.. Its a copy & paste of A New Hope. Lets look deeper into that.

Case 1- Introducing A Core Trio, you have Rey, Finn and Poe. In ANH, you have Luke, Leia and Han.

Case 2- Rey's beginning. Some one who is lonely, raised in the desert and finds a droid that has important infomation and that sets off the beginning of the adventure. Sounds like Luke to me, cause it is.

Case 3- The Droid Holds The Secret Clue To Everything Important. In this case, BB-8 is holding important infomation on the whereabouts on to find Luke.

Hmm R2-D2, secret message from Leia to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke, the farmboy whose future as a Jedi would save the Rebellion and the galaxy, is led to his Jedi. Intresting right.

Case 4- Jakku And Tatooine. Jakku is basically Tattooine. Its where the main charcter is from, where the story begins, where the main charcter finds the droid and where the adventure begins.

Case 5- Starkiller Base And The Death Star. Basically Starkiller Base is the Death Star. The First Order's Starkiller Base is just a complete rip off of Darth Vader's Death Star. While the Starkiller Base can inflict much more damage than the Death Star, it's basically the same weapon. A has basically the same weak point.

So basically what Im saying is that The Force Awakens is a copy & paste of A New Hope.

The plot: Set 30 years after Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens follows Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, and Han Solo's search for Luke Skywalker and their fight in the Resistance, led by General Leia Organa and veterans of the Rebel Alliance, against Kylo Ren and the First Order, a successor to the Galactic Empire.

I remember seeing this film opening day at 9:15am on Friday. With a packed theater, every seat was full and that was a excellent experience. Seeing it with a crowd full of star wars fans was epic and would do it again.

Its fun, entertaining and overall a excellent, phenomenal movie. Bringing us a new star wars movie after the awful prequels. The Force Awakens brought us fans a new hope after the disappointed and awful prequels. A new hope that didnt last long, but i will get to those soon. But for now this review.
Big Game (2015)
Big Game (2015)
2015 | Action
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It’s been a long time since a simple action movie was just good fun, rather than being exasperatingly long, complex and full of mind-boggling CGI.

Big Game is the complete opposite of those things and much fresher because of it. With Samuel L Jackson’s trademark wit and brilliant comic timing, he plays President Bill Moore with fantastic energy, very much like he did in Matthew Vaughan’s Kingsman: The Secret Service earlier this year.

With a plot that doesn’t require any knowledge of prequels or sequels, this is pure popcorn entertainment and a brilliant way to spend an evening. Yes it’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination with a poor first third, but when the finale is this much fun, you’ll have too much of a good time to remember what came before it.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
BB-8 (2 more)
Harrison Ford
Return to practical effects instead of an over excess of cgi
There's an element of truth in the "it's an identi-kit plot" charge (0 more)
It's no coincidence that one of the earliest lines in the film is 'this will make everything right'.

The first Post-Disney acquisition film in the Star Wars saga, this one had a lot of expectation on its shoulders: it had to appease those who felt 'sold out' by the prequels (i.e. largely those who grew up with the originals) while also had to appeal to a whole new generation. In other words, it had quite a tightrope to walk.

A tightrope which, by and large, it does so successfully.

It's not perfect: JJ Abrams sets up a lot of questions which Rian Johnson would later deem irrelevant (in The Last Jedi), while elements of the plot are, shall we say, more than a little familiar, but by and large...

Brian Kapfer (2 KP) created a post

May 26, 2018  
**Warning! May contain spoilers, but I don't think so**

Watched the Solo movie last night. Did not really care so much for it, probably rank it down with Revenge of the Sith and the other prequels. The Solo actor's performance was tiresome at first and got a bit better, but still around Anakin level acting. Chewbacca got to flex his muscles, which was pretty cool. Emelia Clarke was gorgeous as per usual, her part was one of the better ones. Woody was decent, but he was kind of confusing when wearing Lando's helmet from RotJ, Lando himself was played quite well, his mannerisms and cadence was close to Billy Dee's. The villain was so generic and forgettable, he might have never been there at all, maybe I hallucinated it. The betrayal scene was so horrendously predictable, I nearly stopped watching. In the end the 'hero' walks into the sunset and credits roll. I would have thought much better writing from the Kasdan's and Ron Howard was the wrong director for this project.