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Dean (6925 KP) rated the Xbox version of The Suffering in Video Games

Aug 26, 2018  
The Suffering
The Suffering
2004 | Action, Horror
Original ideas (1 more)
Cool enemy design
Great Survival Horror
Until I played this game the only survival Horror games I had played were some of the early Resident Evil games. This was actually a very good and very creepy game. One of the first that used a flashlight mode I think? A lot of the game had you wondering what was going to be around the next corner.
Set in a prison after being found guilty of killing his family. You have to try and escape as some creatures have taken over the prison. Along the way you can help others or not... The decisions affected flashbacks towards the events that happened. You could also use your anger to turn into a a mini Hulk rage type creature yourself. It was a big game taking a long time to complete as well.
For the time a lot of the ideas were quite new and original.
Death Troopers (Star Wars)
Death Troopers (Star Wars)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Take a classic Space Opera saga (Star Wars), add a soupcon of horror (Aliens), and a large dose of Zombies (Resident Evil), and what do you have?

This book.

The plot? An Imperial prison barge breaks down, and then comes across a seemingly abandoned Star Destroyer out in the wastes of space. It transpires that the Destroyer is not abandoned after all, and that it had been carrying out bio-weapon experiments ...

Definitely felt like the author was (heavily) inspired by the Resident Evil games/films: the Zombies are such not as the living dead back-to-life of Romero, but as a result of a engineered virus. The Aliens link I mentioned comes in on the 'set-on-prison-<s>planet</s>barge' setting, and I'm also not entirely sure why he felt the need to drop Han Solo and Chewbacca into the mix, unless that was just so you would know it is a Star Wars novel?

Not the best Extended Universe book.
Deadly Detention (2017)
Deadly Detention (2017)
2017 |
Yes this seems to have a Breakfast Club does horror vibe to it but it's more Dawson's Creek, if Dawson's Creeks writing went downhill and they did murder.

The acting is questionable for a movie but be perfect for a TV teen drama, the plot is paper thin but it's the ridiculous set up I have the biggest problem with.
So a bunch of stereotypes, I'm sorry I mean kids turn up on Saturday for detention but due to, I kid you not, a rabid possum incident at the school they are having detention in a former prison. WTF?!? Are rabid possums a big problem in America? Why are they using a prison? Surely there must be other schools.
So teacher is killed, kids are left with a psycho who wants something.
Murders occur off screen, very little blood and very little scare factor.
Yet somehow I started to enjoy the characters interactions with each other.
More Dawson's Creek then Wolf Creek
Clemency (2019)
Clemency (2019)
2019 |
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Clemency- is a heavy hitter meaning the subject of the movie is heavy. Its a sad movie, but also a good movie as well. Alfre Woodard does a excellent job in this film. Her performance is fantasic and phenomenal. Its sad that one has heard of this film, 2. No one has seen this film and 3. It got no nominations at the oscars.

The plot: Bernadine Williams is a prison warden who, over the years, has been drifting away from her husband while dutifully carrying out executions in a maximum security prison. When she strikes up a unique bond with death-row inmate Anthony Woods, a layer of emotional skin is peeled back, forcing Bernadine to confront the complex-and often contradictory-relationship between good intentions, unrequited desires, and what it means to be sanctioned to kill.

Like i said its a heavy hitter with drama and suspense. Go watch it, its on Hulu.
We live in the age of the TV revival – The X-Files, Twin Peaks, Prison Break, Roseanne... the list goes on. Popular series revived after years, sometimes decades, away from our screens.

But there are a few TV shows so resilient that they couldn't even be properly cancelled in the first place. Defying the networks, even the intentions of showrunners, this lot just wouldn't be kept down and continue to enjoy success.

How to get un-cancelled, featuring Supergirl, Family Guy and more.

Prison Break  - Season 5

Prison Break - Season 5

6.2 (9 Ratings) Rate It

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Action drama
Twin Peaks  - Season 3

Twin Peaks - Season 3

8.9 (9 Ratings) Rate It

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Directed entirely by David Lynch, the new SHOWTIME 18-part limited event series picks up 25 years...

The X-Files  - Season 10

The X-Files - Season 10

(0 Ratings) Rate It

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Supernatural  - Season 12

Supernatural - Season 12

9.3 (7 Ratings) Rate It

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After saving the world once again in Season 11, Sam and Dean are rewarded this time by God's Sister,...

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