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The Perfect Mother
The Perfect Mother
Aimee Molloy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling and suspenseful novel that grabs you from the start
The May Mothers--a group of parents who all gave birth in May--meet regularly to discuss their parenting woes, joys, and everything in between. On the 4th of July, the group decides to go out in the evening--their first time out since their children were born. They meet at a bar, and most of the group is looking forward to an evening of drinking and dancing. But Winnie, a single mother, is reluctant to leave her son, Midas, with a babysitter for the first time. And, that evening, all goes wrong: while Winnie is out, Midas is taken from his own home while the babysitter sleeps: stolen from his crib without anyone leaving a trace. Suddenly Winnie's life is splashed across the media, who are also saying the police have done everything wrong with the investigation from the start. Three of the other mothers only want to help Winnie get Midas back--but will it come at the cost of their own privacy as well?

This is a compelling and suspenseful novel that grabs you from the beginning, when we are told that it is a year later and a woman from the Mother's group is in prison due to Midas' disappearance. From there, the story rewinds, as told from the point-of-view of several women in the group, including Francie, Colette, Nell, and Winnie. It slowly unfolds with snippets from each and turns out to be incredibly suspenseful. The characters are all entwined a bit, and there are some excellent twists and turns as plot pieces unfold.

Even better, the novel offers some excellent commentary on how women are treated wrapped up in the mystery plot. Woven into the plot twists, we see some of the harsh realities of motherhood (in the U.S., especially) related to working mothers, breastfeeding, sleeplessness, and the overall pressure placed on new moms. As Winnie is increasingly tried in the media, Molloy does a good job of weaving in TV news and commentary on how mothers are expected to behave. It's well-done and I enjoyed the dual aspect of a well-done thriller but also the social commentary aspect, too.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. It was very exciting and very surprising. At times, there often seemed to be a frustrating character involved with something to hide and making bad decisions (secretly copying files, hacking into things, etc.), but I suppose that comes with the territory. And yes, I am a little tired of the multiple POV/surprise twist format, but it worked so well here that I'll forgive. In the end, this is a really enjoyable novel with a vast cast of characters, some excellent twists, and amazing insight into motherhood. I'm really excited that this will be turned into a movie with Kerry Washington.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
In the Midst of Life
Jennifer Worth | 2017 | Biography
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I picked up this book to read, it was because I wanted something far removed from what I would normally turn to. Usually I'm very much a 'chick-lit' reader. But I've been finding these magazine/tabloid style novels all follow the same formula and are so predictable. Time for something new.

I hadn't previously heard of Jennifer Worth but was aware of Call the Midwife, although I hadn't read it or seen the series.
These memoirs show what a full and rewarding life Jennifer has lived. A simple and loving life, but she made quite an impact. The way Jennifer can recall so many interesting characters, people and tales from over the years during her nursing career just goes to show how much she cared. Plus the fact that she obviously inspired her nieces to follow her footsteps in the career path.

She talks about her experiences with life and death and how procedures, and perhaps opinions, have changed in her lifetime.
It often gave a very detail and graphic insight to health problems and what occurs in the lead up to end of life as we know it. I have had health issues myself, so to me this didn't come across as too out of the ordinary or gruesome but I can understand that it might be quite horrific to others.

In reading this book I feel more of a sense of calm of what I will one day face. We all will die. This is a fact. Whether it comes about from some unfortunate accident or illness or simply 'growing old' we will all one day breathe our last breath.
It gives new incentive to make the most of life and those we share it with.
I had always seen death as something terrifying. I felt that dying was a personal event and that the individual should be allowed privacy. I felt this gave the most dignity. But I now believe I was wrong. You repeatedly hear how having a loved one there can bring on a sense of calm and peace. It is a very spiritual, and almost intimate time, that helps both the one who is passing and the people left behind.

I would recommend this book to everyone who works in the medical field. I have seen time and time again the heartless doctors Jennifer talks about but the caring nurses and assistants who brighten your day.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has had medical issues. It gives a sense of calm about death when you know your life expectancy isn't quite as long as you had hoped.
I would recommend this book to those with depression or suicidal feelings. I have been suffering myself for the past year but reading this helped me see that others are suffering more than myself.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has a heart and soul. It is a very touching read.
Bloodshot (Cheshire Red Reports, #1)
Bloodshot (Cheshire Red Reports, #1)
Cherie Priest | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a truly awesome and fresh take on vampires in the crowded genre of Urban Fantasy! The star of <u><b>Bloodshot</b></u> is vampire Raylene Pendle, a top thief of priceless artifacts, who takes on a case from another vampire. This vampire, Ian Stott, was blinded by a top-secret government program and wants Raylene to steal back papers dealing with those experiments. What follows is a fast-paced, scene-changing adventure filled with unique characters that fulfills everything the book promised and more.

Raylene is your typical vampire in a lot of ways: the sun gives her a nasty sunburn to the extent of death, there's no awakening to dusk after decapitation or going up in flames, and of course, she's preternaturally fast and strong. However, she differs in that she's paranoid, self-deprecating, neurotic, and a tad OCD. So while Raylene can kick some major ass and make sarcastic remarks like the rest of the UF heroines, she also second- (and third and fourth) guesses herself a lot and is always prepared for the worst, usually thanks to her quick wits and sometimes even to the helpful contents of her "go-bag". I found Raylene to be a terrific protagonist, and for someone who claims to be anti-social, she sure picks up a lot of "pet people" throughout the duration of the book, which makes her a big, warm, gooey marshmallow inside (even if she doesn't own up to the fact).

What did surprise me was how funny the book was. I laughed, giggled, chortled, snorted, and smiled (usually rather goofily) quite often (there was many a line that left me in hysterics -- good thing I was reading in the privacy of my own home). Judging by the cover, I expected a more serious and suspenseful read, but while I wouldn't say this was exactly light, it wasn't as heavy as I imagined either. The plot moves swiftly each step of the way and kept me glued to the pages; there wasn't one dull moment to be had. Every character that popped up in the book was interesting and fully fleshed out, no bores within these covers, and helped move the story along. The writing was great, from Raylene's first-person inner dialogue to the action scenes, not one thing bothered me overly much.

While there is a sense of closure to the book as a whole, the story is really just beginning and I am left eager (and impatient beyond belief) for the next installment, [b:Hellbent|9842559|Hellbent (Cheshire Red Reports, #2)|Cherie Priest||14733361] (set to come out August 30, 2011). If one book can make you a fan of an author, surely this one did it for me. Cherie Priest created a great intro to a character whose very vitality is evident every page of this book and has made Raylene one of my new favorites in the UF field.
Hexed (The Witch Hunter, #1)
Michelle Krys | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Happy Friday the 13th! By no means was this review deliberately placed on this day because it's witchy (maybe it was deliberate in my subconsciousness. I don't have a say in there).

Hexed follows Indigo Blackwood, aka Indie, who has a perfect life – dating the captain of the football team, popular, and has a mom who works at a voodoo shop. At least until the family "bible" goes missing after a random stranger by the name of Bishop pops into her life and tells her she may be in danger if she doesn't get the bible back. Oh, and add that there's a centuries old rivalry.

Hexed was a pretty delightful read, but it didn't exactly click with me as other witchy books do. I do love Indie's personality though (and her name – it's cute), but for a good part of the book she seemed to be the type that let others walk all over her. She seems hesitant sometimes, but then decides to do it anyway, because it makes the person happy. It's not until after some [major] things go down – and a chunk of the book (no books broken in process) – that she finally realizes her childhood friend Bianca isn't exactly a true friend.

Thus the cheering behind the screens didn't exactly begin until a little over half the book, when Indie basically tells Bianca, "Screw you. I'm outta here." *zips off to new friend recently made that's a lot better than former friend* Oh, and she officially stops being a doormat.

There's also Bishop, in which I actually thought he either a) was shaped like the chess piece, b) has a very diagonal life, also like the chess piece I suppose, and "Bishop" was just a nickname for something super complicated, or c) he just has a weird name. A was an exaggeration, B may or may not be true except for the nickname part and C was the right answer.

Bishop to me was a bit annoying. Immature, and the sexual innuendos weren't exactly appreciated even though he's humorous. Maybe not exactly immature, but Bishop is more of the very carefree type. He also seemed to be the stalker type at first, which I personally really hate (no privacy. Come on!), following Indie around and popping up just everywhere. On the bright side, he had a legitimate reason rather than, say, "Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But I have a MAJOR crush on you, so let's go on a date?"

But the bread talk. I thought that was Peeta's job?

Recommended For: Paranormal Romance fans

The "Cellar": Sorcerers vs. Witches – aka Magic vs. Magic rather than Mortal/Machine vs. Magic or Humans vs. Witches.
Advanced review copy provided by publisher for review
Original Review posted on <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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