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Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great read
John Green has a talent for making his characters feel like real people with very real problems. Aza's struggle with her mental health is heartbreaking and engaging, but the true magic of this book is how her struggles also impact those around her. Davis and Daisy are both well rounded characters who have realistic reactions to Aza's illness. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who would like an inside look at the spiraling invasive thoughts that can be caused by mental illness.
Moana (2016)
Moana (2016)
2016 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
One of Disney's best!
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is a movie the whole family can enjoy. My 5 year old son loves this movie, I love this movie, my boyfriend and my mother even love it. I love the fact that Moana is such a strong, relatable character, and it's great that Maui is portrayed as having his own self esteem issues and problems. I love the message of importance of treating the Earth well. And, of course, the music is great. I can watch it over and over.
In some ways I agreed with Russell with certain things, but there were things I did not agree with. He did make me think about our roles in our society, social media, and even how we now interact with each other. Many do like to blame others for their problems, many do like to deflect when they are to blame, many don’t know how to say I am sorry and be sincere about it. Like, I said this book will get you to thinking.
Spotify Music
Spotify Music
Entertainment, Music
8.6 (230 Ratings)
App Rating
Variety of music (0 more)
Adverts (0 more)
Brilliant beats!!!
I have this app on my phone and I absolutely love it! There are two versions: standard and premium. The standard version is free whereas premium requires a monthly fee.

I have the standard version. I can get any music that I want from musicals and movie themes. The only pet peeve I have is having to deal with adverts. But other than that there is no major problems.

I would high recommend this app to any and all music lovers.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Chris Hemsworth (0 more)
Lack of Korg (0 more)
10 years and they punk us out with time travel
I’m not going to lie, this was the epic conclusion to a 10 year saga and I couldn’t wait. I hoped and hoped they return to the heights after a fairly nothing movie in infinity war.

However they used some lazy storytelling techniques to fix there MCU problems and lost me. Was I entertained?? Yes I suppose I was but I was expecting to be blown away and no I wasn’t!!!
Utopia for Realists: And How We Can Get There
Utopia for Realists: And How We Can Get There
Rutger Bregman | 2017 | Business & Finance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It makes you want to change the world (0 more)
Politicians won't read it (0 more)
Utopia for Realist's
To Bregman a utopia is a place where everyone is doing ok and is happy. He uses science of economics and sociology to demonstrate how easy it is to reach as well. It's looking at new solutions to old problems. He's still a capitalist but he believes by helping the poor not be the poor, capitalism will do very well for itself. Very interesting, exceptionally east to read and brilliant book.
    Tangram Mania

    Tangram Mania

    Education and Games

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    Kids will have fun solving these 36 tangrams. While improving their motor skills by placing piece...