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The Casual Vacancy
The Casual Vacancy
J.K. Rowling | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Incredibly well written book proving Rowling's giftedness and diversity.

A brutal social commentary illustrating the complex issues surrounding class and problems that society doesn't know how to deal with. It reveals the selfish way humans attempt to shroud themselves protectively in ignorance, clinging to the pleasantries we manufacture in pretence that poverty, suffering and social malaise are not only a stones throw away.

Expect to be taken out of your comfort zone and confronted with stark reality exposing attitudes and prejudices within society and ourselves.

Kazu Kibuishi recommended Bottle Rocket (1996) in Movies (curated)

Bottle Rocket (1996)
Bottle Rocket (1996)
1996 | Comedy, Drama
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m a child of the ’80s and ’90s, and I just feel this film strikes a chord like no other. It’s such a wonderful portrayal of a generation of adolescents who simply felt like they had no real causes to fight for. In some respects, they were left to create problems for themselves to solve, and this film does a great job of caricaturing that “comfortable”—but honestly uncomfortable—plight of a generation. Owen Wilson’s performance as Dignan is also one of my all-time favorites."
