Lesson Plan: An Agenda for Change in American Higher Education
William G. Bowen and Michael S. McPherson
American higher education faces some serious problems--but they are not the ones most people think....
Managing School Absenteeism at Multiple Tiers: An Evidence-Based and Practical Guide for Professionals
School absenteeism is a pervasive and difficult problem faced by mental health and school-based...

Love Bombing: Reset Your Child's Emotional Thermostat
"Love Bombing" is a radical new method for resetting the emotional thermostats of troubled children...

Anti Stress and Anxiety Hypnosis
Health & Fitness
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that...

iMathematics™ Pro - Math Helper and Solver
Education and Utilities
iMathematics is your personal math tutor. It is used by thousands of students every day, and it’s...

A Walk Through Dementia
Health & Fitness
App Watch
A Walk Through Dementia is an innovative virtual reality app developed by Alzheimer’s Research UK,...
health fitness

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated The Last Templar in Books
Feb 7, 2018
The writing style is a bit unsophisticated. It seems to swing between slightly out-of-synch passages of 'Historical Travelogue' and 'Something That Was Written With The Movie in Mind' - screaming Hollywood-esq car chases, murderous priests etc.
In it's favour the theory it puts forward is intriguing and over-all the story is well-paced and well presented. Unfortunatly parts of the plot only stand up if you read them with one eye shut, from behind a pillow, and some of the arguments are highly dubious to say the least (e.g: people can only be good, kind and charitable if inspired to be by religion; Christianity was the first religion to preach love not hate)
All in all, it's not a bad read but if you have to budget your 'book allowance' I'd suggest getting it from a library or borrowing it from a friend.
Landscape Economics: 2017
This revised and expanded edition of Price's seminal publication provides a richly comprehensive and...

Mathematics for Economists: An Introductory Textbook
Malcolm Pemberton and Nicholas Rau
This book is a self-contained treatment of all the mathematics needed by undergraduate and...

Courageous Leadership: Career Success the Kelley Way
John Hill, Terry Campbell, Chris Cook and Eric Johnson
In today's increasingly competitive job market, what's the secret to career success? How can you...