General Relativity: A First Examination
This textbook is suitable for a one-semester introduction to General Relativity for advanced...

Mathematics for the IB Diploma Study and Revision Guide: Sl and Hl
Simplify your exam preparation with help from an IB Mathematics expert. This guide contains accurate...
Means in Mathematical Analysis
Means in Mathematical Analysis addresses developments in global analysis, non-linear analysis, and...

Ordered Sets: An Introduction with Connections from Combinatorics to Topology: 2016
An introduction to the basic tools of the theory of (partially) ordered sets such as visualization...

Stabilization Theory for Linear Boundary Control Systems
This book presents a unified algebraic approach to stabilization problems of linear boundary control...

Bidding at Bridge: A Quiz Book
David Bird and Barbara Seagram
The same authors' previous book, 'Declarer Play at Bridge: a Quizbook', was named the 2013 Book of...

Mandala Sudoku
When you focus on solving a puzzle, the problems of the world seem to slip away. It's a meditative,...

Mathematics for Electrical Technicians: Level 4-5
John Bird and Antony J. C. May
The definition and solution of engineering problems relies on the ability to represent systems and...
Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis
Based on the author's best-selling text, Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students, this brief...

Japanese for Travelers: Useful Phrases, Travel Tips, Etiquette
This book contains basic phrases and information for visitors to Japan. It is packed with...