Biopesticides: Pest Management and Regulation
David Chandler, Alastair Bailey, Wyn P. Grant and Justin Greaves
This title is reprinted in paperback. Biological controls that utilize natural predation, parasitism...

China-EU: Green Cooperation
This book offers a selection of views from Chinese and European experts and scholars on the most...
Landscape Surveying
If you are searching for a practical guide for measuring distances, angles and completing surveys...

Hunk: Gay chat finder
Social Networking and Travel
Are you looking for gay guys? Friends? Love? Are you looking for a gay app that works? Tired of...

Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American
Any short list of the world's most admired business people would include Andy Grove, the chairman...

The Rebel Prince
Wynter Moorehawke has braved bandits and Loup-Garous to find her way to Alberon-the exiled, rebel...

Doctor Who: Keeper of Traken
TV Show
The Doctor and Adric are back in Space when they're visited by The Keeper of Traken. He believes...

Double Player for Music with Headphones Pro
Double Player for Music is FREE today with AppGratis.com Listen to two different songs on your...

Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet
A comedy podcast featuring dramatic readings of one-star reviews written by real people with...
comedy yelp reviews christine schiefer alex schiefer And That's Why We Drink

A Kill for the Poet (Chaser on the Rocks #2)
A Kill for the Poet is the sequel to the acclaimed and bestselling A Chaser on the Rocks. It can...