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It's Not Yet Dark (2016)
It's Not Yet Dark (2016)
2016 | Documentary
Emotional and compelling
I was moved to tears by this Netflix documentary about filmmaker Simon Fitzmaurice. He is a man with ALS (MND) in Ireland who still pursued his dreams despite losing so much in his personal life including his ability to walk, talk and basically live off of a machine and the assistance of others to survive.

Watching a film like this puts your own petty problems into perspective and makes you not only want to be a better person, but count every blessing you have and every day you continue to awaken each morning.

Everyone should check this film out.

8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dr. Bree Mayfield-Watson is most comfortable solving chemistry problems and logically looking at things. She never signed up to find her boss murdered in a secured building and is considered the number one suspect. Who wanted him dead and why are they framing Bree?

Unlike most cozy mysteries, Bree is not your average amateur detective doing illogical and impulsive things to solve the mystery. Refreshingly, she uses her brain, keen sense of observation, and trusty notebook to analyze the facts and formulate who is the real murderer.

My favorite part was being caught up in who the potential murder was and then finding out I was so wrong!
Lifestyle, Social Networking
7.8 (25 Ratings)
App Rating
Addicting but lots of problems.
I use to be on Tumblr non stop but slowly faded out of it but I still get on every once in awhile.

The apps not terrible it's just I've always found that half of the stuff doesn't load there are so many ads on it and I don't know I just don't feel like it does is good in and out but trying to load it in a web browser on your phone doesn't really help either I'm not really sure what they could do to improve it I just know that I'm not a huge fan of it in app form.
I'm currently pregnant with my first child and so I have no experience with children yet, because of this I thought this book may help. I just can't put my finger on why in some areas this book just wound me up. It took me quite a while to get through as reading it felt very being a parent is a massive chore and you'll have nothing but problems. Perhaps this was a bit too one sided for me, however, there are some great pointers in here so it wasn't a complete waste of time. I'll be sticking to her true life stories in the future.
eBay: Buy, Sell & Save Money
eBay: Buy, Sell & Save Money
Lifestyle, Shopping, Utilities
7.7 (74 Ratings)
App Rating
Cheap items (2 more)
Can gain Nectar points
Can pay safely through PayPal
Scammers (2 more)
Items sometimes not as described
Items sold by multiple sellers
It's good!
eBay is a good app and site to use but you do need to be careful because there are scammers out there and there are also items that are not as described. Some sellers write clothes sizes in UK but they are in fact not the UK sizes they are EU sizes or US sizes. You just have to be careful. Also, recommend paying through PayPal as any problems that do occur E.G. being scammed, they will get your money back and/or sort the issue out.
Wireless Earbuds
Wireless Earbuds
7.8 (14 Ratings)
Tech Rating
Comfortable, fast charging, quality sound, small and compact (0 more)
Excellent Affordable Earbuds
The soundison wireless earbuds are affordable high quality earbuds. They retail for £46.99 on and they are well worth the price. They come in their own case which is also the charger. Nice and compact, easy to carry around. Charge within three to four hours and last about 8 hours continuous music. Easy to connect to various devices (i connected them to my Lenovo Laptop, Ipad 4 and Sony Xperia XA2 with no problems). Nice light indicators to show charging that changes colour when fully charged. Ideal for those with lower budgets but who still want excellent sound quality.
Given to the Sea (Given Duet, #1)
Given to the Sea (Given Duet, #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It sounds like others had the same problems I did when trying to read this book.

This was my second time trying to read it and the first time I only read a few pages thought what did I just read I give up. This time I got to chapter 20/20-25% through the book and I still am thinking what did I just read and what is going on.

So after trying to read this twice and looking at others experiences with it, I am putting this on my DNF shelf.

It simply doesn't work for me and isn't at all what I thought it would be *shrugs*.
    Skin Disease

    Skin Disease


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    Best comprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment of skin disease. This app has been...