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He Gets That From Me
He Gets That From Me
Jacqueline Friedland | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maggie is a young mom who dreams of going to college. But her current life--toiling at a grocery store while her boyfriend works as a chef--can't support her dreams. When she sees an ad about becoming a surrogate, and sees how much it could pay, Maggie wonders if this could solve all her problems. Her boyfriend, Nick, is reluctant, but Maggie decides to go for it. She winds up being selected by a loving gay couple, Chip and Donovan, from New York. Maggie delivers their beautiful twin boys, and everyone is happy. But ten years later, she gets a call from the fertility clinic that will change her life.

This is a mesmerizing book that pulls you in from the beginning. It's extremely easy-to-read, and the story basically tells itself. I was immediately attached to Chip and Donovan and their family. The story is told from Donovan's POV and Maggie's. Through Donovan, we learn about their family, their pasts, and how much they love their boys. When they end up having DNA tests done on the twins, it upends things and forces Donovan, especially, to rethink so much of what he took for granted. I wanted to like Maggie more than I did; she didn't come across as a consistent character, which was frustrating for me.

DNA stories are certainly the fad the right now. My biggest issue with this book, was, paradoxically, the part I also liked the most, and that was the inclusion of Donovan and Chip's story. As best I can tell, Friedland is a straight woman, and, as a member of the LGBTQIA community, I'm not sure I felt fully comfortable with her including a gay couple in her story. We have enough problems with our families being accepted without them being told in such a "Lifetime movie" fashion--especially by someone who isn't part of our community. This story could have been told just as easily without including a gay couple. It's probably something that wouldn't occur to most readers, but it just rubbed me the wrong way.

Otherwise, this book does make you think and it makes some good points about the meaning of family. It's a fast read, but I just felt a little off overall when I finished it. 3 stars.

I received a copy of this book from SparkPress and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
The Gentleman's Gentleman (His Lordship's Realm #1)
The Gentleman's Gentleman (His Lordship's Realm #1)
Samantha SoRelle | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoyable tale!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book kinda follows on from anoth series by this author called His Lordship’s Mysteries but it’s not necessary to read those before this one. While Dominick and Alfie are mentioned, and this book takes place in Balcarres House where they live, they take no part in it. I’ve read books one and two in that set, but not all the series.

I really enjoyed this book! Set in Victorian times, it comes with all the problems that being a man of a certain persuasion brings.

And it’s those problems that hold for much of this book. Given as the only way to save Jarrett from the noose is to put his own neck in it, Gil keeps quiet about seeing Jarrett the night that man in the chapel died at the hands of another. And it wrecks his head, it really does. His attraction to Jarrett has been bubbling under his skin for months but seeing him in the one place he never thought he would, brings that attraction front and centre.

Jarrett, on the other hand, found himself getting all tongue tied and flustered around Gil, even if he wanted to get his hands on the son of a baron, Jarrett knows that he never will, since he is just a lowly valet.

Things move quickly in places, and slower in others and I liked that I was able to take a breath before the next bit ran away with itself. Once things started to come together, though, there was no catching that breath and I did not know whodunnit til everything became clear in the book! So very well played for keeping me on my toes!

Both Jarrett and Gil get a say, so we get it all in glorious detail. How Jarrett feels about the man who gets him out of jail. How Gil feels about his family and about the man whose kiss he will never forget, and we get it all, when each man teaches the other about their way. I loved how different they both are!

A thoroughly enjoyable read! I really must go back and read the other stories about Alfie and Dominick.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) created a post

Jan 5, 2018 (Updated Jan 5, 2018)  
New poem!!! You guys probably don't know, but I'm extremely anti-American Education System. There's a lot of problems that need to be solved, of which I may improve upon another day. But for now, there's this.

This one is called 'A Depressing Poem About How the Education System is Corrupt'

Days have gone by,
Days to weeks,
Weeks to months,
Months to years,
Yes, years.

Years and years
Of the same thing
And over

And over again

No change, No difference,
Nothing else.
Nothing worth knowing,
Nothing that’ll help.

And yet we’re sent away
To this place they say,
“It’ll help, you’ll learn!”
A jail with color.
But that’s all it is.

Locked in the same room,
Same seats,
Same people,
But they don’t see.

They don’t see it hurts,
It hurts a lot.
The pain,
The cost,
So much.

Over and over,
Again and again.
I can’t do this anymore
We can’t do this anymore.

Tired and fed up
All of us
And yet, a revolt?

As if. We’re too busy.
Too busy satisfying,
The teachers and parents,
The rest of the world.

Because of course,
Children are to be seen
And not heard.