Kobe: Ingenious Simplicity
Johan Debruyne and Albin Saelens
Kobe, artistic alias of Jacques Saelens, has made sculptures that toy with two-dimensionality - his...

Watercolor in Motion: How to Create Powerful Paintings Step by Step
Just add water! Blend and flow your way to magical results! It's the interplay between water and...
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
Douglas A. Lind and William G. Marchal
Lind/Marchal/Wathen is a perennial market best seller due to its comprehensive coverage of...
Statistical Tragedy in Africa?: Evaluating the Database for African Economic Development
Deborah Johnston and Morten Jerven
What do we know about economic development in Africa? The answer is that we know much less than we...

Statistics for Finance
Henrik Madsen, Erik Lindstrom and Jan Nygaard Nielsen
Statistics for Finance develops students' professional skills in statistics with applications in...

Sustainable Water: Challenges and Solutions from California
Water scarcity, urban population growth, and deteriorating infrastructure are impacting water...

Talking to My Daughter About the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism
In this letter to his teenage daughter, one of the world's most famous economists uses vivid stories...

The Economics of Resource-Allocation in Healthcare: Cost-Utility, Social Value and Fairness
The question of how to allocate scarce medical resources has become an important public policy issue...

The Microfinance Mirage: The Politics of Poverty, Social Capital and Women's Empowerment in Ethiopia
Microfinance has long been considered a development strategy that can correct the failure of the...