Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
R.M. Leach, B.E. Lams and E. Hadley
This book provides a selection of interesting problems for review by the hospital doctor or GP.Many...
Anthropology and Law: A Critical Introduction
Sally Engle Merry and Mark Goodale
An introduction to the anthropology of law that explores the connections between law, politics, and...
Effective Strategies for Protecting Human Rights: Economic Sanctions, Use of National Courts and International Fora and Coercive Power
This title was first published in 2001: This book brings together the experiences of a diverse range...

The Future of Contract Law in Latin America: The Principles of Latin American Contract Law
Rodrigo Momberg and Stefan Vogenauer
This book presents, analyses and evaluates the Principles of Latin American Contract Law (PLACL), a...

Understanding Jurisprudence
With a clear, engaging, and informal style, Understanding Jurisprudence is the perfect guide for...

Acute Adult Dermatology: Diagnosis and Management: A Colour Handbook
Daniel Creamer, Jonathan Barker and Francisco A. Kerdel
A significant proportion of skin disease develops rapidly, is highly symptomatic and can be...

Biophysics: Tools and Techniques
An Up-to-Date Toolbox for Probing Biology Biophysics: Tools and Techniques covers the experimental...

The Complete Houseplant Book
This title helps you in identifying, choosing and maintaining plants for your home, with an A-Z...

Boot: The Three Point Plan
Once upon a time, shortly after a prodigious financial crash, there was a 'highly capitalised...