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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
1967 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"I guess you could pick any one album of their mid- to late-period, especially Revolver or Rubber Soul. This was very much discovered as a teenager, their story, their music, the feeling of a slight sense of ownership. I don’t like that, in a way, because I hate it when people feel that they kind of own our songs as a band! But anyway, anyone’s who’s grown up with The Beatles feels that sense of, “They’re mine!”. But Sgt. Pepper's… is just mind-bending as to how ambitious it is and also what their energy must have been like and the scene they were occupying. I wish that existed now; unfortunately it just doesn’t. There was a kind of innocence to that time that doesn’t exist now, it was a time when great pop music... you... you still had to try. I think one of my big problems with music today, with a lot of the pop music that’s out there, don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of great music, but most of what the general population listen to or are exposed to is really kind of mindless or soulless and music can do so much more for you as a human being."

The New Legends of Monkey
The New Legends of Monkey
2018 | Fantasy
7.3 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
The New Legends of Monkey is the Netflix reboot of the 70's 'Monkey' (aka Monkey Magic) and follows a similar storyline, Demons are over running the world and a monk named Tripitaka must free the Monkey King and track down the sacred scrolls.
Most people will remember the original Monkey as seeming a bit low budget and silly so when you first see the 'The New Legends of Monkey' you may be forgiven for thinking that it's going to be different, Monkey is good looking (& doesn't have his cloud), the fights and action scenes are well choreographed and there is some tension. It is different, it's been updated but, as you watch you realise that the humour is still there, Monkey is now a himbo, vain and self centred but in a likeable way, none of the gods know what it's like to be human but all still have their own problems with make them likable. Tripitaka is the straight monk to all the gods foolishness as she tries to keep them on mission.
The series is silly without being stupid and does allow for character growth as having some emotional scenes and, overall dose a good job of re booting the original.

Marc Riley recommended Fun House by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Fun House by The Stooges
Fun House by The Stooges
1970 | Punk, Rock
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first Stooges album came and went, it was a band finding its feet, learning how to play, being part of a scene, being influenced by the MC5, and it's really amazing. But Fun House… just listen to the difference between the two records. You have to wonder what happened in between; was it mind-bending psychedelic drugs? That's what you'd think, isn't it? It's psychedelic, there's jazz in there, it's an unfathomable album and it's been very influential. It was produced by Don Gallucci from The Kingsmen, which seems like a really weird combination. They had real problems recording it, which is why there are so many different versions you can get of it. And nothing was working so they ended up stripping everything out of the studio and just doing it as a gig. So it's Iggy with a handheld mic and the band are just amped up and really going for it. And there are real punk songs on there like 'Down On The Street'. That is prototype punk: like the blueprint for punk. It's a benchmark album, and the fact that they produced it in 1970 is even more amazing. Imagine being a kid in 1970 when that landed… it didn't sound like anything else on Earth."

The Nun (2018)
The Nun (2018)
2018 | Horror
Have the exact same problems with this as I do with 𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦 but cranked up to 11. A lot of overloud, vexatious noise plastered crudely with bargain bin visuals and lifeless acting with nothing going on underneath it. I think this movie maybe has less than seven seconds total of half-decent material cumulatively, one of the very worst things ever created for the screen. At a mere 96 minutes it felt like I was growing cobwebs in my seat from the ungodly slow de-spinning of this piece of shit's collective nothingness. Some have found inspiration in its Italian horror vibe but not only do I think it looks terrible and feels more like rip-off than homage, but is the bar really so low that this bland, unmistakably modern (in the worst ways) visual dogshit passes off as nostalgic? Easily the worst entry (so far) in a franchise that has no business being a franchise with really only one notably good movie under its belt. The only pseudo-memorable thing about this is when I saw it in the theater and the old couple in front of me were complaining the entire time because they thought it was going to be a Christian movie.
I am a huge fan of the author and have read all of the books in her Emperor’s Edge series and all in her Flash Gold Chronicles to date. I will read anything she write so when I saw her blog post about this book I was instantly thinking, “I need this now!”

Lindsay is a genius at blending action, steampunk and romance into her books and they are easy to read and very addictive. (I read the last four books in The Emperor’s Edge series back to back so I could find out how it all ended.)

This is set in a prison and centres around it’s new head, Ridge Zirkander, after he caused some political problems back in the city with his attitude. To me, he sounds like a laugh. The female lead, Sardelle, has just awoken after 300 years and finds herself within the prison walls. There is a sort of instant attraction between them which Ridge tries to ignore as he doesn’t believe it a good thing to get involved with inmates.

If you’re a fan of the author, this isn’t to be missed. If you’ve never read anything by her the first books in her Emperor’s Edge and Flash Gold Chronicles are free on Amazon.
Cloverfield (2008)
Cloverfield (2008)
2008 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Loved the Story (0 more)
Camera at times (0 more)
Lost Footage Gold
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a lover of monster movies I have to say that this movie was good. I loved the fact the this is a home grown US monster. I had never heard of any of the actors and actresses except Lizzie Caplan. I have to say that they did a good job. A found footage monster with a story that affected so many people at once. A mysterious creature attacks New York City for some unknown reason. The movie follows a group of friends that are affected by the attack of "Clover". The attack leads to a residual affect of events that cause catastrophic problems for the group. The movie tells a nice story that is actually believable. The camera shots at times are a little shaky; so if you are prone to motion sickness then this movie may not be for you. If you don't like movies without happy endings then this also isn't the movie for you. A soundtrack makes a movie for me but with this movie....there is no soundtrack and it worked. A perilous journey with a monster. As Siskel and Ebert would say...I give this movie two thumbs up