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The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
Simon Michael | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An exciting legal thriller
Sapere books just seem to keep publishing books that I really enjoy reading. This is another one. Again, a book that I wouldn’t normally read - although I don’t think I can keep saying that about thrillers, I seem to be reading a lot of them lately! This is a very good one though.

Charles Holborne wasn’t born as a Holborne, he was originally Charlie Horowitz. After a successful war for him, he left the RAF and went to Cambridge, which for a Jew from the East End at that time was both unusual and remarkable. He becomes a barrister, which is again unusual, and changes his surname due to the prejudice of those in chambers. He’s very good at his job, and specialises in criminal cases. Not everyone appreciates his success, and he soon runs in to some serious problems.

This book just seemed to speed by for me. It was interesting, fast-paced and the second half was rather exciting. We even get to meet the Krays (there’s some historical crimes and criminals to help the reader get some sort of context)!

Charlie Holborne is a really likeable character, and I’d be very interested to read more books in this series.
Thanks to Sapere Books for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Mutants & Masterminds (3rd Edition) in Tabletop Games

Mar 7, 2018 (Updated Mar 7, 2018)  
Mutants & Masterminds (3rd Edition)
Mutants & Masterminds (3rd Edition)
2018 | Fantasy, Roleplaying
Green Ronin's supers RPG is probably the best ever published; owes a lot to some of its illustrious predecessors in the genre but is definitely its own thing. D20 mechanic keeps things mostly simple, although people used to dealing with hit point may find the damage resolution system tough to get their heads around.

This is a game which really demands that everyone is on the same page in terms of the tone and style of game they want to play: the character creation system is point-based and it's potentially very easy to create unbalanced, unstoppable combat monsters. Character advancement can also be a little tricky over an extended (20+ session) campaign. Getting to grips with the finer points of the creation system can also be difficult; using a character-building app is an extremely sensible idea.

That said, when a group is sympatico and the GM knows his comic book tropes, this game allows you to play through superhero adventures with an ease and sense of fun like few others. I played in a group running this system on pretty much a weekly basis for 15 months and the individual sessions were almost all great fun; it was long-term problems with the campaign rules that caused the whole thing to grind to a halt.

tonidavis (353 KP) rated Kiss Me First in TV

Mar 22, 2018  
Kiss Me First
Kiss Me First
2018 | Animation, Drama, Thriller
Premise (1 more)
One to Watch
I was lucky enough to win tickets to this show launch screening and i have to say I'm so grateful to have gone. If your familer with the book you will know normal the characters interact a majority of the time on social network sites however it was the creatively of the production team to change this into the gaming world and it works well. Im normally a stickler for book to screen adaption but this book to screen adaption the difference and choosing to use gaming works in someways i think it actual aids in the premise and story and to get across the dimensions the digital world. It hard to talk about without giving the plot away but the story starts just as Lelia has lost her mum and all about her using the Gaming world to excape real world problems. This is an interesting show and has a great premise its interesting to see avatar characters used in subtle ways to show people humanity rather than using them to show great fight scenes .

The character are all very real and relate-able without a doubt my favorite so far is Jonty Lelia new lodger who is so down to earth funny and lovable. Honestly if your looking for something new and a bit different give this show a shot.
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Tilly (2 more)
Other world episodes
Klingon having cloaking tech (0 more)
You have to take it as it own seprate series else your not giving it a chance
I actually really enjoy this series but can see why some might not. To be fair any time you say Jason Isaccs I'm sold so this was a no brainer for me. The first episode i had several problems with mainly because i couldn't separate the old star trek series to this and there are a lot of inconsistencies. However once i got over myself and said okay don't focus on the fact that klingons should not have cloaking technology i actually started to love. the show, Tilly is by far my favorite characters and i keep telling my friend if she doesn't cos play other world Tilly at comic con I'm so dis owning her. ( Im only half joking when i say it)

I love the other world episode where human are out to destroy every other species lets face it the state of the planet today were more likely to be like this that accepting of every race i mean there are a lot of people who aren't accepting of people on our planet why should the universe be any different. It also just a great plot devise.
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Different to other Marvel films (1 more)
Strong female characters
CGI (2 more)
Some under developed characters
Weak villain
Good but a little overrated
Considering the general praise for this film, I had been expecting great things and although for a Marvel origins film it's pretty good, I still found it a bit disappointing.

I like T'Challa as a main character and I love some of the strong female characters in this film. His sister especially is fantastic and brings some welcome humour too. This isn't your typical Marvel film, and feels like it has more meaning and depth, although this means the humour side is a little lacking. Its also good not to have this bogged down with other characters from the universe.

My problems were that it felt like it dragged a bit and I was almost getting bored. The CGI is very patchy in places to the point it gets distracting and despite some good characters, I feel a lot of others are very under developed, like Forest Whitaker and Daniel Kaluuya. Martin Freeman's character could have been removed from the film entirely with no impact. Also I felt Erik was a bit of a weak villain and Andy Serkis was much more better placed and would have brought a bit more character.

All in all its a good and different origin story, but not one of my favourites.

Andy K (10823 KP) Jun 23, 2018

Spot on review Sarah. Just watched for the first time tonight.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Hands of the Ripper (1971) in Movies

May 27, 2018 (Updated May 27, 2018)  
Hands of the Ripper (1971)
Hands of the Ripper (1971)
1971 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bring the Daughter; Have some Slaughter
Pretty decent Hammer horror melodrama set in a sort of grab-bag version of late Victorian London. Anna (Rees) grows up an orphan, little suspecting the identity of her father, or the fact that she seems to have inherited his compulsion to kill. An ambitious psychiatrist (Porter) takes her under his wing, believing he can help her with her little problem. (As ever, hubris comes before a gory comeuppance.) Meanwhile, Hammer whips up gallons of fake blood.

Not-bad production values and decent performances go a long way to make up for some fairly preposterous plotting; you get the classic Hammer sense of a traditional costume drama coupling energetically with a disreputable exploitation movie, with a good time had by all. On the one hand this is another tale of an improbably arrogant man whose specific area of brilliance doesn't stop him making a whole series of insanely bad decisions; on the other it is about the power of men to seriously screw up the lives of women in patriarchal societies (so perhaps still somewhat relevant). Film does an interesting little dance, too: are Anna's problems purely psychological or is she genuinely possessed by the spirit of the Ripper? Well put together, some interesting ideas, doesn't outstay its welcome - definitely worth a look if old British horror movies are your thing.
Starting From Scratch
Starting From Scratch
Kate Lloyd | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eva Lapp is a young girl or woman. She takes a job that her cousin Olivia recommends. Her brother and his family show up at her parents home two days early. Her sister-in-law decides to send her on her way.

When she gets to Yodel’s Nursery she is in surprise for she thinks she goes to be working with plants. There a surprise when she finds out she is to manage the small cafe.

She seems to be getting suitor left and right, though she does not feel them. She thinks they are either too young or she does not know for sure.

Jake returns and Eva has a feeling for him. Are they true or is she just think she got feelings. Things get a little bumpy when someone breaks into the cafe or at least looks that way. Stephen seems to have a feeling for Eva but does Eva have a feeling for Stephen?

There is an adventure at every turn once you start reading. Some folks keep blaming Jake for the burned down fire? Did Jake do it? Eva also is having trouble with whether to stay Amish or to go English? Kate Lloyd writes a completing story and shows how Eva Lapp is snuggling with her problems. Can she overcome them? Will Jake and Eva turn towards God for help?
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
The story that's been resurrected more times than Dracula is back again, this time with Bradley Cooper as troubled country-rocker Jackson Maine, and Lady Gaga as the aspiring singer-songwriter who starts off as his protege/girlfriend but whose talent threatens to eclipse his. Better bring your hankies (or some kind of absorbent cloth, anyway).

Well, the good news is that Cooper can sing and Gaga can act, so the film hangs together as a dramatic musical, but it's still probably at its best when Cooper is acting and Gaga is singing. Some of the songs are absolutely lovely, but to be quite honest, the film goes on a bit too long, especially the wallowing-in-existential-misery stuff near the end. It's also made quite clear from the opening moments that Cooper's character has problems, so the story kind of comes across as one last detour on the way down than a genuine romantic tragedy.

Still, well acted, well sung, convincing stuff: the kind of old-fashioned meaty melodrama that often does very well for itself both critically and commercially, though it may have come out a bit too early to really storm the Oscars next year. Brace yourself for a remake of The Bodyguard with Katy Perry or Taylor Swift, I shouldn't wonder.
Shadow's Dream (The Kyn Kronicles #5)
Shadow's Dream (The Kyn Kronicles #5)
Jami Gray | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shadow's Dream (The Kyn Kronicles #5) by Jami Gray
Shadow's Dream is the fifth book in The Kyn Kronicles, and we reunite with two characters whom we already know - Cheveyo and Tala. Now, it is a while since I read this series, and it did take me a while to remember what was going on, or had gone on in previous books. Cheveyo and Tala have a history, and the majority of the book goes into more detail, so you know exactly who they were to each other, and what has happened to bring them to the current point. This book felt more political to me - with the Northwest going against the Council, and meeting with the Southwest Magi, who are having their own problems.

This story is very well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading. The characters and situations are fleshed out, giving you enough detail to relate (or hate). Once again, a full and intricate storyline, meticulously kept together by an amazing author.

I have no hesitation in recommending either this book, this series, or anything by this author. Absolutely wonderful.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Charlie's Angels (2019)
Charlie's Angels (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Attempt to make the notably leer-tastic exploitation TV show into a piece of weaponised feminism ends up understandably conflicted, but it has bigger problems to worry about. Somebody wants to steal a maguffin with evil potential, Angels want to stop him, much whizzing about in Germany, Istanbul, and so forth.

Elizabeth Banks puts together a generic sub-Mission Impossible action thriller reasonably well, but when the gunfire and revving engines dies away you are just left with the sound of comic banter failing to spark and the occasional unsubtle you-go-girl message. The plot feels very familiar, and the rest doesn't do enough to cover up for this. Mixed work from the cast: Banks herself is working hard, Kristen Stewart proves she genuinely does have star quality, Naomi Scott can probably look forward to a healthy career playing the kooky best friend, and while Ella Balinska can deliver neither a joke nor a line of exposition to save her life, she is about nine feet tall which helps with the fight choreography. Patrick Stewart turns up and twinkles a lot; one presumes CGI has been used to erase the dollar signs in his eyes. Admittedly, I am probably not the target audience for this movie, but even so: too often this feels leaden when it should be light, and treacly when it should froth.