Elements of Mathematics: From Euclid to Godel
Elements of Mathematics takes readers on a fascinating tour that begins in elementary...

From Frenet to Cartan: The Method of Moving Frames
The method of moving frames originated in the early nineteenth century with the notion of the Frenet...

Functions with Disconnected Spectrum: Sampling, Interpolation, Translates
Alexander M. Olevskii and Alexander Ulanovskii
The classical sampling problem is to reconstruct entire functions with given spectrum $S$ from their...

Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
A long overdue update, this edition of Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials is a...

Learning Landscape Ecology: A Practical Guide to Concepts and Techniques: 2016
Monica G. Turner and Sarah E. Gergel
This title meets a great demand for training in spatial analysis tools accessible to a wide...
Math for Scientists: Refreshing the Essentials: 2017
This book reviews math topics relevant to non-mathematics students and scientists, but which they...

Matrix Theory
Matrix theory is a classical topic of algebra that had originated, in its current form, in the...

Seismic Inversion: Theory and Applications
Wiley and Yanghua Wang
Seismic inversion aims to reconstruct a quantitative model of the Earth subsurface, by solving an...

The Book of Numbers
Jiu Ding and Tianxing Cai
Natural numbers are the oldest human inventions. This volume describes their nature, laws, history...

Die Ahnlichkeitstheorie in der Physikalisch-technischen Forschung
Die ahnlichkeitstheoretischen Methoden sind langst zu einem wich tigen Instrument der...