Andreas Meyerthole, Norbert Schmitz and Friedrich Harten
In den Arbeiten "Semiamarts and Finite Values" (1977) und "On Semiamarts, Amarts, and Processes with...

Total Tribology: Towards an Integrated Approach
Ian Sherrington, W.B. Rowe and Rob J. K. Wood
This is a "Tribology in Practice Series" (TIPS) title. "Total Tribology" is a term coined to express...

RX-7 Mazda's Rotary Engine Sports Car
Enlarged new edition of the definitive international history of Mazda's extraordinarily successful...

The Triumph TR2 and TR4A: Setting the Sports Car Standard
In this fascinating book, the author explores the development of the early models of what was to...

India Conquered: Britain's Raj and the Chaos of Empire
‘The core of the book is a virtuoso takedown of cherished shibboleths of Raj...

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
What are the most valuable things that everyone should know? Acclaimed clinical psychologist...

National Museum of Language Podioma
A podcast from the programs and people at the National Museum of Language in College Park, Maryland....

Male Sexual Dysfunction: A Clinical Guide
Sexual dysfunction affects men of all ages and incidence rates are expected to double by 2025...
Maxillofacial Nursing Care: Understanding Surgery to the Face, Mouth and Neck: 2017
This book aims to provide understanding of clinical conditions which can rapidly deteriorate, as...
Methods of Glial Cell Culture: 2017
Anne Boullerne and Donna Osterhout
Some glia function primarily as physical support for neurons. Others regulate the internal...