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Kings Falling (The Book of the Wars, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book in Ronie Kendig's The Book of the War's series, I read and reviewed Storm Rising! when it released last year, and boy was it captivating. I think that it is important to read the books in order as Ronie Kendig builds the characters in the first book and you get to know them and their situations. You may be slightly confused if you read them out of order.

The characters in Kings Falling build upon what was established in Storm Rising. I loved getting to know the characters better and how the different subplots are working together. That is one reason I love reading Ronie Kendig's books, they always have a great depth of character. Aside from the main characters, the secondary characters caught my interest in this book, and I am not sure how we will get their full stories before the series ends (Uhm, Hint for more books about them?). I loved all the character's playful banter, the dangerous situations, and the real-life problems that they faced together as a team.

The storyline is very intriguing and keeps me guessing, especially how this book ended. I am very much anticipating the release of Soul Raging coming out in November. The storyline reminds me of stories along the lines of Lord of the Rings, or The Chronicles of Narnia albeit with more fast-paced adrenaline run than either of those stories.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the second book being just as good (if not better than) the first, for the great characters, and for keeping me up till midnight reading to see the ending only to get the shock of a lifetime. I highly recommend this book!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

ClareR (5779 KP) rated The Push in Books

Feb 7, 2021  
The Push
The Push
Ashley Audrain | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Push is a dark, twisted and thoroughly disturbing look at motherhood - and I couldn’t put it down.
Blythe wants to be everything her own mother was not when she was a child, and we do see some of the ways her mother treated her in flashbacks. This is three generations of women (grandmother, mother and daughter)who have clearly not been ideal mothers or treated well as daughters. Blythe desperately wants to break the cycle, and goes in to motherhood with the best of intentions. Except her newborn is not an easy baby for her. She cries continuously, and Blythe really struggles. I did wonder throughout the book if a lot of Blythe’s problems derived from postnatal depression. Except when she goes to see a male doctor about it, he thinks she’s fine (insert the eye roll here! I really didn’t agree with him!). The same could possibly be said of Blythe’s mother and grandmother: if not PND, then some other mental health issue was surely at play here?
This is a brutal look at motherhood. It shows it for what it is for many women: a hard slog. I couldn’t help but empathise with Blythe. I felt that her needs and feelings were pushed aside by her husband and the doctor. In a time where motherhood is all about creating a perfect family, with perfect babies, children and husbands, Blythe doesn’t seem to stand a chance. It made for an intensely uncomfortable reading experience in places.
This is a book that’s going to stay with me for a long while - especially after THAT ending (see, you’ll have to read it now!). I’d highly recommend this - it’s already in my books of the year.
Many thanks to Penguin Michael Joseph for an e-copy of this book to read through NetGalley.
Daughters of Night
Daughters of Night
Laura Shepherd-Robinson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daughters of Night is set in Georgian London, not a period that I’ve read that much about. I love a good historical novel, and this is definitely one of the good ones! There’s loads of really interesting, accurate (it seems to me!)historical detail, and the characters are well developed people that I wanted to find out more about.
It was surprising that Caro Corsham could investigate a death and a disappearance herself, but I suppose with money and status comes a little freedom - and her husband isn’t in the country for the vast majority of the book. Caro’s thief taker, Peregrine Child, is a great character. A complex man, he wants to do what’s right, despite the fact that he’s paid to do so. He comes with his own set of problems: drinking, gambling, he owes money to the wrong people (if there are ‘right’ ones, I don’t know!), but I really had the impression throughout that he had empathy for the prostitute he was looking for. He realises that these women don’t always choose to do the job, and when they do, it’s because there’s little other choice.
This is a big book, and I listened to it on Audible, so it was a lot of hours - but it didn’t seem that way. The narrator, Lucy Scott, was really engaging, and her different voices were discernible from one another. I’ve done this a couple of times recently with my NetGalley books: I realise that there are some books that just really lend themselves well to being read aloud - and it’s a far more entertaining way to get ready for work or to cook dinner!
I loved this book, and I’d highly recommend it - either in book or audible form!
Saw V (2008)
Saw V (2008)
2008 | Action, Horror
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ok so another review for another Saw film (with 4 more to go), it would be easy to just write 'more of the same' but that's the good thing about the Saw movies, they give the viewers what they want, more games and more gore. but they also expand on the law and the characters.
The previous two films have focused on Amanda (The Pig) and an John (Jigsaw), Saw V concentrates on Mark Hoffman, the first copy cat killer and (I think) the first pig.
As with the previous few films, Saw V tells Marks tale in the present and via flashbacks and manages to weave Mark into the events we have seen in the other films. All the whilst we have another 'Game' being played out. However this time around the game is almost irrelevant where as the games in the other films normally end up being part of the ongoing story in Saw V it's just something else that is happening. The police don't even seem to know or find out about it being more interested in if there is a traitor and who it is.
Saw V does go back to it's roots whilst pushing the franchise forward, there are flashbacks to the previous films, showing how Mark was involved, all though they did seem to almost totally ignore Amanda. There is a small nod to the film 'Seven' which was an inspiration for the first film when Johns wife receives her inheritance.
The Biggest problem with Saw V is that the time line is getting too complicated to follow and seems to interfere with the events in Saw IV but that doesn't cause to many problems.
We never did get to find out what was in the box though, maybe in Saw VI.

Tom Chaplin recommended Achtung Baby by U2 in Music (curated)

Achtung Baby by U2
Achtung Baby by U2
1991 | Alternative

"I was never that big a U2 fan actually! The others, especially Dominic [Scott] who left before we got a record deal, were massive fans. He was a great guitarist - I think Keane would be a really different animal had Dominic stayed with us, he’s a brilliant guitarist. He basically just played a bit like The Edge meets Jonny Greenwood. And the others would harp on about U2, I was a bit younger and I was still into the Beatles and Queen, but Achtung Baby, of all of their records, is my favourite. It’s quite exposed, I suppose. I think that The Edge was getting divorced when they wrote that record and a lot of the songs were trying to make sense of that mess. But my favourite U2 song is 'Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses' and it’s really weird because that has the best middle eight that has ever been written - it might even be like 32 bars long! It’s a total heart-stopping moment, it’s vintage U2, it drops down with Bono doing his posturing, rock star thing, and then it builds and builds and launches into that great chorus. It’s classic U2, all quite pretentious. One of my problems with U2 is that it can sometimes smack of bad school poetry from time to time! I remember someone saying to me, “Oh that line about playing Jesus to the lepers in your head was the greatest line every written in a pop song!”. That’s the fucking lamest line I’ve ever heard! We met Steve Lillywhite when we signed our record deal, he produced that song, and we were saying, "Tell us about 'Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses'", and he was like, “Oh, I’ve got nothing but bad memories about that song! We couldn’t ever get it to work!”"

Hallo Sausages: The Lyrics of Ian Dury
Hallo Sausages: The Lyrics of Ian Dury
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"When I want to cheer myself up, I think of Ian Dury – the best lyricist in English music, who fused music hall and funk, the first Cockney rapper. The music is always there and the music is very good, but it’s easy to miss the joyous flow of words when you’re listening to it. That’s where Hallo Sausages: The Lyrics of Ian Dury, edited by his daughter, is sublimely useful. Along with great photographs and a tender memoir, it collects the words for all the songs. So you can actually read “Reasons to Be Cheerful (Part Three)”, and get all the brilliant internal rhymes: “Seeing Piccadilly, Fanny Smith and Willy / Being rather silly and porridge oats.” There’s that great exercise in admiration and mockery, “There Ain’t Half Been Some Clever Bastards” – people like Einstein and Van Gogh – with its running refrain: “Probably got help from their mum who had help from her mum.” And everyone’s favourite, “Hit me With Your Rhythm Stick” (“Two fat persons, click, click, click”). Who couldn’t love a songwriter who has a song called “Plaistow Patricia”? Actually, my favourite Dury song is not cheerful, but terribly sad, “You’ll See Glimpses”, which takes the form of a letter written by someone who has been locked up because his mind doesn’t work properly. This letter is utopian: the inmate lists everything he would do to sort out “the problems of the world”. It ends: “This has been got out by a friend.” Go and listen to it – Dury doesn’t sing but reads the words, jauntily. Yet it’s profoundly sad, and seems to me as great a work of art as any novel or short story of the last 40 years."
