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Hazel (2934 KP) rated Hold Your Tongue in Books

Dec 13, 2019  
Hold Your Tongue
Hold Your Tongue
Deborah Masson | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A creditable debut
This is what I call a slow burner and a very creditable debut from this new British author. It did take me a while to get into it and to get used to the writing style but once I did, I was hooked.

DI Eve Hunter is returning to work under a cloud after being injured in the line of duty which saw her colleague paralysed. She walks into the gruesome murder of a young woman and so begins the hunt for a brutal killer by her and her team and so begins this dark, gruesome and gritty police procedural set in the Scottish city of Aberdeen.

Mainly written from Eve's perspective interspersed with sections from members of her team and those of the killer, this gave insight from all the important characters in this book. The characters are well developed and believable with the relationships between Eve and the wider team excellently portrayed however, and this is my main criticism of this book, it took an awfully long time to get to the bottom of what happened with Eve and her colleague; you get snippets of the story here and there but, for me, this ended up annoying me slightly as I just wanted to know! In my humble opinion, this should have been explained close to the beginning of the book (maybe in a prologue?) so that the actions and reactions of Eve and her fellow officers would have been better understood.

I must applaud the author for keeping the identity of the killer well hidden amongst several red herrings; I changed my mind about who the person was a couple of times and was still caught out when the reveal happened ... excellent twist.

Overall, although I did find the first half of the book a little slow, the second made up for it and I am very much looking forward to what I hope are more outings for DI Hunter and her team.

My thanks go to Random House UK, Transworld Publishers via NetGalley for an advance copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
The Stolen Child (Hanlon Series #1)
The Stolen Child (Hanlon Series #1)
Alex Coombs | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, crikey, that was a tough but exciting read that I wasn't able to put down despite the content.

I haven't read anything by this author before and missed this first time round when it was published under a different name but I'm so glad I didn't let it pass me by this time because what a treat it is, although it should come with a warning as there are some very unsavoury sections regarding child abuse that will upset people so be warned.

What we have here is a hard-hitting, gritty and dark story that starts at a fairly gentle pace whilst introducing the main characters but then, wow, it ramps up and doesn't stop until the end. The characters are exceptional and so well described that I could clearly see them in my mind.

The main character, DI Hanlon, is driven by her own form of justice and won't shy away from any situation even if it goes against the letter of the law - she will do what it takes to bring those responsible for despicable crimes to justice and she doesn't hold back. She is one tough cookie and I doubt any miscreant out there would want to be on her bad side!

The sense of tension Mr Coombs developed was palpable and the emotions this book evoked were so strong that I actually felt my heart-rate climbing and experiencing real anger and hatred towards some of the characters - not many books do that which, to me, shows the ability of the author to really draw you in and develop people and situations that get under your skin.

Due to the subject matter and the level of violence contained, this won't appeal to everyone however I would certainly recommend it to those who enjoy a less than flowery police procedural that is likely to be more realistic than most other books in the genre.

Many thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review and for introducing me to yet another excellent British author.

I'm off to read the second in the series now - The Innocent Girl.
    Party Hard Go

    Party Hard Go

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    "You’ll easily find yourself losing hours at a time to the intriguing puzzling rhythms of the...

The Whole Truth (DI Adam Fawley #5)
The Whole Truth (DI Adam Fawley #5)
Cara Hunter | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have had this book on my 'to-be-read' pile for ages only realising (because my pile is so big!) when book 6 came along. I am so disappointed with myself that I didn't read it earlier because this is yet another cracker from Cara Hunter and a great addition to the series. I don't think you have to read the others in the series to enjoy this as it works pretty well as a standalone.

Once again, we are treated to an up to date story line of alleged abuse by a female in a powerful position against a male student and an old case that is coming back to haunt DI Fawley, his team and his wife. Ms Hunter uses different types of media, including podcasts and transcripts from interviews, to enhance the story and make it feel current and relevant and definitely enhances the reading experience.

The Whole Truth, and in fact the whole series so far, is full of excellent characters that are well developed but what I particularly like is that at the very beginning, there is a brief summary of the main characters in the series which gets you up to speed and jogs your memory which, for people who read a lot of books/series or for those, like me, who have memory lapses from time to time, is really useful. I would certainly recommend this to other authors who write series.

I have one small quibble in what is a really good book and that is the reproduction of Alex's written notes and some of the excepts from text conversations and social media didn't reproduce very well on the Kindle in that they were too small even when the font was set to maximum; I realise in a physical book this is likely not to be an issue but it might be worth thinking about this for future books.

Like I said, this is a cracker and one I would recommend to those of you who enjoy a really good police procedural with some great twists, turns and suspense.

Many thanks to Penguin Books UK and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my views of The Whole Truth.
Bells On Her Toes
Bells On Her Toes
Diana J. Febry | 2014 | Crime
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When a body is discovered in a burnt-out barn, DCI Peter Hatherall and DI Fiona Williams are assigned to investigate. The barn is owned by a racehorse trainer and the two detectives struggle to penetrate the closed and secretive world of horse racing to uncover who the body is and why they were murdered. As the body count rises Hatharall's personal life starts to impact on his professional judgement putting not only the investigation but lives at risk.

The police procedural has a long and distinguished history and Febry does an excellent job in following the formula and adding enough twists and turns to keep the reader guessing. Everything is told from a personal point of view (mostly Williams') and the author does a great job in conveying personality through how events are described. One of the key suspects also provides some of their thoughts between chapters and this very effectively cranks the tension up.

The cast of characters is very convincing. The detective with personal problems has very much become a cliche but Hatherall is drawn in a very realistic and human light and is clearly struggling. Williams has her own relationship issues and their interaction has a ring of authenticity. The cast of suspects is wide and a number of them could easily be guily. What is certain is that it will take time for all the secrets to be uncovered.

The plot has many twists and plenty of red herrings for both the reader and the detectives to fall foul of. The stakes are constantly raised until the final confrontation.

When reading this book I was reminded of one of my favourite detective thriller novelists, Reginald Hill. The characterisation, the plot twists and some of the way Febry plays with the reader's expectations reminded so much of a Dalziel and Pascoe novel. I think that's a very fair comparison and although Peter Hathersall is not at all like Andy Dalziel he is still a detective who works with both facts and instinct

This books is part of a series (and indeed one of the other books in the series is mentioned in passing) and if this novel is anything to go by the series is one to read as soon as possible. Anyone who likes a good detective novel with interesting characters and plenty of twists will like this. A lot.
Shed No Tears
Shed No Tears
Caz Frear | 2020 | Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Cat Kinsella, and the story is told from her perspective. I really liked Cat in this novel, she is a strong, witty and very interesting character, who has quite a few secrets. The other characters chosen for this book are a different but interesting bunch as well because they all have something to offer to this story. I liked the way Cat was interacting with other people in this book, not only sharing the details from the investigation but her complicated personal life as well. I liked this balance. Due to the wide variety of people in this book, I did have to think sometimes, who is who, because there are many names to remember… 🙂

This book is police procedural, and Cat is sharing the details of her investigation. I really liked the way the victim’s (Holly Kemp) character uncovered during this investigation, every chapter brought something new and kept me longing to find out more. The topics discussed in this book are children in foster care, blackmail, couples and family relations, police work, etc. I found this book absorbing, but the narrative felt a little too slow, I would’ve liked a little more action. 😦 There are quite a few references from the previous books in the series, but as a first-time reader, I was able to understand what was going on. However, I would recommend reading the previous books first. If I read the books from the beginning, I think then I would’ve been able to understand and relate to the characters better.

I really enjoyed the writing style of this novel, the author has a sense of humour, and I really enjoyed her witty and sarcastic remarks during this book. 😀 The setting of this novel keeps changing, so the book doesn’t feel dull. The chapters have medium length, but the book was intriguing, so it did not drag for me. The ending was very unexpected and I really didn’t see it coming. 🙂

So, to conclude, it is a gripping police investigation, filled with a wide variety of different and absorbing characters as well as nicely balanced plot, where we have the chance to learn more about not only the investigative work but also about Cat and the people she loves.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Long Call in Books

Sep 13, 2019  
The Long Call
The Long Call
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this was an excellent police procedural; one of those mysteries that you get caught up in from the start. I'll be honest that I've never heard of Ann Cleeves or any of her previous series. That's clearly my loss, and I'm definitely interested in her other works now.

I won't go into too many details here and spoil the plot, but I'll say that this is a great read, filled with all the little details and nuances that you get from a strong writer. I was heartened from the beginning to find our protagonist, DI Venn, to be gay. You don't get a lot of that in the mystery world. His sexuality is a part of the book, but not the focus, and it was just really nice to read about a gay detective. Matthew is a fascinating character, who is grappling with facing members of the Barum Brethren, a religious sect that he grew up in, but of whom he is no longer a member. He is also a straight-laced policeman, and a strong leader who can admit his faults. It will be nice to follow him in a new series.

His team is interesting as well--quirky Jen and annoying Ross are the main two--and I hope they come along in the second book. Cleeves is quite adept at creating her characters, and all are easy to imagine. There's a wide cast of characters in this one, and plenty of suspects, but not so many as to get confused or lost. There's a main plotline (murdered man) and a secondary one--that may be related--and both are intriguing and keep you guessing. We learn things along with the team, as they investigate, which is always a favorite of mine. It's a small-town setting, and many folks are complicated, many have secrets, and it's difficult to work out which secret may have led to murder! (Though I'm proud that I had an inkling about some things!)

In the end, this was a really strong mystery. It quietly keeps you guessing and invested in the story. The characters are excellent, and I'm just so heartened to find a gay lead! It's thoughtful and smart, without any gimmicks. Definitely recommend. 4+ stars.