Peak Poker Performance: How to Bring Your 'A' Game to Every Session
Jonathan Little and Patricia Cardner
Mike Sexton once asked Chip Reese, "The guys you play against are tough. What separates you from...
You Can Manage Your Time Better: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Everyday we struggle with time - haunted by undone to-do lists, ever-fuller inboxes and missed...

Brian Tracy's, Eat That Frog! Daily Goals, Motivation, Productivity, Effectiveness & Focus!
Productivity and Business
Featured by Apple in iTunes Store "New & Noteworthy" Section! --Checkout the new, "Habits 2 Goals"...

Ethics Talk: Philosophy, Flourishing and The Good Life
Socrates said that talking about virtue and the good life is one of the most important things a...

Think and Grow Rich - Hill
Business and Book
Get notifications with the best parts of this amazing book. Simple, wealth generating ideas and...
Hide Fox, and All After: What is Concealed in Shakespeares Hamlet?
Is there anything more to say on this most-discussed of plays? It has become a hive of furious...

Productivity For Dummies
Wiley and Ciara Conlon
Take your productivity to the next level and make the most of your time! Do you have too much to do...

Focus To-Do: The Best Focus Timer for Work & Study
Productivity and Utilities
####Top 5 Productivity apps in China! ####The Best app to help you overcome Procrastination....

How to Save an Hour Every Day
'I'm so certain this book will help you save an hour every day, I guarantee it. If you've read the...

Education and Social Networking
Duolingo is Apple's iPhone App of the Year! Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn...
Foreign language