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Jonathan Donahue recommended Lemmings by Bachdenkel in Music (curated)

Lemmings by Bachdenkel
Lemmings by Bachdenkel
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Album Favorite

"They're a psychedelic rock band from the early '70s. I didn't know about psychedelic rock when we began, but we were often compared to psych music. To be honest, I was completely ignorant of it. People would use quotes like: ""Mercury Rev is the new Hawkwind."" I had no idea who Hawkwind were! But now, many years later, my girlfriend is introducing me to psych rock from the mid-'60s. Not just stuff like 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida' by Iron Butterfly, but also from the esoteric, better defined albums that are wholly obscure. Not only that, but it also has the idea of a concept record and melodrama, flutes and guitars going on. It was strange when I heard Lemmings when we were recording The Light In You and I thought, wow, nothing new under the sun! The moment you think you're onto something original, all you have to do is listen to something from thirty years ago to see someone was onto this all the while back! So it was really stunning to hear this Bachdenkel record from 40 years prior that was attempting or aspiring to something we were in the midst of."

    Holy Moly by Blues Pills

    Holy Moly by Blues Pills

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    Under the layers of heavy psychedelic blues-rock and Elin Larsson's soulful and powerful voice, the...


Pete Fowler recommended The Willows by Belbury Poly in Music (curated)

The Willows by Belbury Poly
The Willows by Belbury Poly
2004 | Electronic
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love Ghost Box. In a similar way to how British psych from the '60s looked back to a whimsical past and kids' fiction from the Victorian era, Ghost Box look back to a more modern past – specifically the '60s and '70s, which is when I grew up. It's an analogue sound that seems to evoke brutalist architecture, new towns and the like. You can imagine Ghost Box soundtracking a film about a new town built on a burial site. Jim [Jupp] and Julian [House, Ghost Box co-founder] come from Caldicot, which is a really spooky part of Wales. Lots of weird gothic architecture and a lot of weird local folklore and superstition. This record by the Belbury Poly [Jupp] presents someone's version of the past, a vision that's both real and ephemeral. It harks back to a time that wasn't obviously psychedelic but it's not obviously retro. Without being too rose-tinted specs about this record, it has a slight 'warm blanket' effect, while still being a little uncomfortable, if that makes sense. It's possibly a weird record for me to pick in a list of psychedelic records but it definitely does that thing of successfully imagining an alternate reality. I can imagine walking around this place."


Marc Riley recommended Fun House by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Fun House by The Stooges
Fun House by The Stooges
1970 | Punk, Rock
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first Stooges album came and went, it was a band finding its feet, learning how to play, being part of a scene, being influenced by the MC5, and it's really amazing. But Fun House… just listen to the difference between the two records. You have to wonder what happened in between; was it mind-bending psychedelic drugs? That's what you'd think, isn't it? It's psychedelic, there's jazz in there, it's an unfathomable album and it's been very influential. It was produced by Don Gallucci from The Kingsmen, which seems like a really weird combination. They had real problems recording it, which is why there are so many different versions you can get of it. And nothing was working so they ended up stripping everything out of the studio and just doing it as a gig. So it's Iggy with a handheld mic and the band are just amped up and really going for it. And there are real punk songs on there like 'Down On The Street'. That is prototype punk: like the blueprint for punk. It's a benchmark album, and the fact that they produced it in 1970 is even more amazing. Imagine being a kid in 1970 when that landed… it didn't sound like anything else on Earth."
