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Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Bride in Books

Jul 2, 2023  
The Bride
The Bride
John Nicholl | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have enjoyed Mr Nicholl's books before and this was no exception.

Daisy is writing a letter to her unborn child whilst she sits in a jail cell awaiting her trial for murder. The book is written as a series of letters and provides Daisy's account of how she got to where she is but is she a reliable narrator?

I became very quickly engrossed in Daisy's story; it's full of tension and suspense with me desperately wanting to find out just what the heck happened. There are twists that had my mouth agape with the ending of the book causing me to gasp out loud. Written at a good pace, The Bride is a great psychological thriller that I would have no hesitation in recommending to readers of this genre.

Thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Bride.
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
What if you were told that you could be cured from any and every ailment, all while relaxing in the picturesque Swiss Alps. Would you go? A Cure For Wellness is a psychological thriller directed by Gore Verbinsky whom in the past brought us Disney’s Pirates of The Caribbean. I’m not sure going with a psychological thriller was the best choice for him.

   After a young power-hungry stockbroker receives an odd letter from the CEO during a major merger he becomes blackmailed into going and retrieving him. Pembroke (Harry Groener) has taken up permanent residence in a mysterious gothic styled rehabilitation center in a remote part of the Swiss Alps. Pembroke has no intentions of leaving the hospital so Lockhart has plenty of time to explore. As soon as he arrives though, he notices that there is something strange going on. Patients are eating decadent and costly meals and flying kites as if they were on vacation rather than in treatment. Little does he know, he will be at the center of it all after an accident turns him into a patient rather than a visitor.

   I feel as though this was less of a thriller and more of a flop. I wasn’t able to connect to Lockhart and frankly at times his character was rather annoying. This made it difficult to sympathize with what might be happening to him. Lockhart reminded me of Leonardo DiCaprio in Scorsese’s Shutter Island. Though Scorsese’s film was way more entertaining and thrilling than this. The film was extremely long (2.5 hours) and when you thought it was going to end another curve ball would be thrown. Though the film was less than entertaining, the actors portrayed their parts well. The scenery and landscapes along with the colors of the filters used did give the film that bit of eeriness the story needed. Some scenes were creepy and others involving animals were disturbing and could’ve been left out in my opinion. I left the theater scratching my head with the old “what the heck did I just watch” thought. This film was just not for me and seemed more like Verbinski bit off more than he could chew. The audience also seemed to be disappointed with it as well.
Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)
Velvet Buzzsaw (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Performances and tone (0 more)
Predictable (0 more)
A mixed bag of a film, both engaging and tiresome
Dan Gilroys teams up again with jake Gyllenhaal but this time with far less success than 2014's nightcrawler. Velvet Buzzsaw follows a small group of the LA art world as the mysterious paintings of dease are released into the world. As seen in the trailer the paintings are able to move and even come out and grab you and here is where my issues with the film start.

In my opinion in horror it's best to have some kind of rules so you know what to be scared of. Even the slightest hint of ghosts or the supernatural will do at separating horror from something more psychological. Here it's unclear as to why these paintings have these properties as everything feels like the real world and for the first act the film it balances on this in between of something psychological and actual physically alive paintings. And for the most part these horror sections are terribly predictable as soon as we see a main character alone with one of the paintings it's pretty clear as to what's gonna happen.

Where the movie excels is in between these horror parts when we get more of Morf(played by gyllenhaal in scintillating form) trying to figure out what's going on while experiencing haunting visual and auditory hallucinations. This descent into paranoia and almost madness is far more engaging than the cheap thrills the film seems more eager to give us. More of these characters being entranced yet horrified by these pictures and subtle things going wrong would have made for a far creepier experience.

Overall what could have been a really interesting psychological thriller ended up being a slightly above par horror movie with good performances all round and a interesting premise and while the horror elements were my least favourite part they were very creative and any horror fan would be sure to get a kick out of it
Behind Her Eyes
Behind Her Eyes
Sarah Pinborough | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of Sarah Pinborough’s new novel, Behind Her Eyes, from FlatIron Books to spread anticipation for the upcoming release. My thoughts on this book, in a nutshell? Absolute, addictive, insanity. Considering the only other Pinborough book I’ve read involved giant spiders that use humans as breeding vessels, triggering a horrific arachnid apocalypse, I didn’t really know what to expect from this one. It was billed as a psychological thriller, which is pretty generic these days; everything is a Gone Girl wannabe. But this thriller is seriously like no other thriller I’ve ever read, with twists that you wouldn’t see coming if you were Professor X.

The novel is told from multiple viewpoints, which has the danger of becoming confusing, but each character’s voice is so clear that it’s not hard to keep them straight. The plot at first doesn’t seem that interesting, you think it’s the standard love triangle, a married man attracted to his secretary, yawn. But there are clever twists from the very beginning and you’re constantly left questioning who you can trust, whose version of events to believe. In fact, it’s really hard to discuss this book at all without giving anything away.

Which makes it very difficult to explain the one thing I didn’t like. This is an entirely personal opinion, I’m definitely not trying to discourage you from reading this book, it was amazing. Having said that, ambiguity always makes me uncomfortable, especially in endings, which I prefer straight-forward, just, and (ideally) happy. But I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time watching rom-coms, and couldn’t sleep after any Mentalist episode involving Red John. So make of that what you will.
The Breakdown
The Breakdown
B.A. Paris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stick with it, takes a while to like the protagonist
After reading the brilliant 'Behind Closed Doors', I was wondering how BA Paris would be able to excel expectations - and she has thankfully managed to avoid the usual psychological thriller pitfalls once again.

There was a massive red herring which provides a brilliant twist and opportunity for the ultimate revenge. Feeling claustrophobic throughout, due to the main character's apparent early onset dementia, it sets an unnerving tone from the outset. At this point I did worry it would end up with the same gaps in information such as in The Girl on the Train. However, Paris manages to steer clear of becoming another wannabe Gone Girl, and totally holds her own.

For about 75 per cent of the time, you will find the protagonist's almost neurotic personality quite annoying until the last quarter of the book where you will end up completely empathising with her. Another fantastic dark tale from BA Paris.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Beast (2017) in Movies

May 18, 2018  
Beast (2017)
Beast (2017)
2017 | Thriller
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Impressive debut film from Michael Pearce with an outstanding performance from Jessie Buckley at its centre. The setting is Jersey, but this is more like Cracker than Bergerac: a young woman trapped in a smothering relationship with her controlling mother starts a relationship with a drifter almost as an act of rebellion, but having committed to this what is she supposed to do when she learns he is a suspect in a string of local murders?

The thriller element is really kind of an afterthought, and the manner in which the did-he-or-didn't-do-it plotline is resolved would be unlikely to satisfy anyone if it were the sole focus of the film. But the film is built around characterisation and atmosphere much more than genre conventions, and is very strong here: as it continues it shades more into psychological horror than anything else, with a genuinely intense and impossible-to-predict denouement. An accomplished film in every department.

Tammykayla (20 KP) rated Split (2016) in Movies

Feb 16, 2019  
Split (2016)
Split (2016)
2016 | Horror, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
Split is a psychological thriller based on a guy with dissociative personality disorder, with 23 personalities. Kevin the original personality is taken over by Mr Dennis, a twisted personality steals three teenage girls and locks them up in his basement. The girls are then visited my his multiple personalities, these include; Patricia a woman whose in it with Mr Dennis, Hedwig a nine year old boy and many more. The girls try and make several attempts to escape but are caught and kept separated.

In the mean time several of the personalities are aware of what Mr Dennis and Patricia are doing and attempt to email their psyciatrist/ therapist, who has been working with them for year, for help. However Mr Dennis always the one who attends these meetings and lies about his intentions.

The race to escape is on when it is revealed that there is a 24th personality called Mr Beast; with inhuman strength and cannibalistic tendencies.

Will the girls escape alive??

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Pretty Baby in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
Pretty Baby
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heidi lives a busy life, trying to keep up with a busy job in public service, her role as a mom to her distant 12-year-old daughter Zoe, and juggling marriage to her husband Chris, a corporate lawyer. One day on the way to work, Heidi spots a young teen holding a baby-- the two are waiting for the train in the pouring rain. Heidi is haunted by the image and when she spots them again, she reaches out and makes contact with the teen, Willow. Eventually, Heidi's life becomes embroiled with that of Willow's and the baby, Ruby.

This book certainly lives up to its psychological thriller billing. It's a page-turner, even as it gets slightly more bizarre as the plot thickens. It captivated my attention and has enough twists and turns to keep you guessing. The plot is definitely a little "out there," and I'd probably rate it as 3.5 stars overall, but still a fun and intriguing read.
The Good Liar (2019)
The Good Liar (2019)
2019 | Drama
Roaringly bonkers British movie probably thinks that it's a dark and convoluted psychological thriller but is undone by a couple of overcooked lead performances and a frankly ludicrous script. Career con man Roy Courtnay (McKellen) sets his sights on rich widow Betty (Mirren). But as his activities draw near to their climax, could it be that the old rogue is suffering from pangs of conscience? Can he bring himself to go through with it?

Sounds fairly ordinary, but this does not take into account quite how nutty the various twists in the tale turn out to be, nor the sheer relish with which the stars attack their roles: to say that McKellen, in particular, carves himself off a thick slice of ham is probably to understate things considerably. Still, very easy to watch (though it has an unexpectedly hard and vicious edge to it in places), and a lot of fun, provided you don't take it too seriously.