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Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Mindhunter - Season 1 in TV

Oct 15, 2017 (Updated Oct 15, 2017)  
Mindhunter - Season 1
Mindhunter - Season 1
2017 | Crime
A sum total of nothing
Totally disappointed with this series. It's slow and at times seems completely pointless. The premise sounds fantastic - two behavioural psychologists set up a team within the FBI to establish the first idea of serial killers, finding patterns in speech and action from notorious convicts such as Edmund Kemper and Richard Speck, in order to create a pioneering guide into forensic psychology. It is based on the true crime book Mind Hunter: Inside The FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit written by Mark Olshaker and John E. Douglas.

The series is produced by David Fincher and Charlize Theron, so you would hope for something rather spectacular. Alas, it just completely falls short, each episode seems to just waste away into nothingness and the only thread there is, is the irritating behaviour of the main character who seems to be an arrogant narcissist himself and seems to completely unravel by the end of the series.

There's also a mysterious character throughout the series that doesn't come to fruition so you're left literally scratching your head wondering why the hell he was used in the first place. The acting is the only part where I can say, without a doubt, is extraordinary but that's it.
There is no journey into an evil mind, just the author's ego
God, if ever there is a narcissist, is the author writing this book. There are zero citations because he feels he's a good enough source by himself. This entire book is just pure self-promotion, with him speaking about one book or TV series he's been involved with in every single chapter, and his letters and interviews to serial killers are just a form of bragging rights disturbingly.

Ironically, there is little sincere empathy with the victims killed by these psychopaths, but just a titillation factor in this book, with the author essentially being a fanboy of these men and one woman. The book also inadvertently reveals how corrupt the American judicial system is, allowing white men to murder and defraud with impunity, while avoiding life sentences and even being granted parole after murdering three people in cold blood.

And with shockingly little psychology in this book, the author even "runs out" of his word count, so it ends abruptly. It is poorly written, as he repeats the phrase "elephants fly" etc. In every other paragraph, and I can now see why it has received low ratings on review sites. Not worth it.
Breaking Faith
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest (not necessarily positive) review.

It feels weird to say I enjoyed this book due to its subject matter, but I did. It's a very good perspective on just what it means to deal with addiction, from growing up with it due to a family member being involved in drugs to getting dragged down into it yourself.

I will agree with a few other reviewers that the beginning does seem to drag a little bit, as there's a lot of time spent describing her elementary school years, but it's necessary to show what the girls went through dealing with their mom and her addiction and the fallout from all of that. It really picks up after that as we're focusing more on Faith's issues from that point on rather than her mom's, and I was pulled into her story.

While getting my Master's in Forensic Psychology, I had to study addiction of all types, including drugs, and I found this to be a very accurate representation of what it's like to grow up with it, deal with it firsthand, and try to bring yourself out of it.

Very interesting read!

5 stars
Unravel Me ( Book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
131 of 230
Unravel Me ( Book 1)
By Kendall Ryan

Psychology student Ashlyn Drake's neat, orderly life takes a turn for the crazy when she finds the perfect subject for her amnesia thesis - a young man without any memory of his previous life, including the murder he's accused of committing. Against all common sense, Ashlyn's drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

Perhaps it's that he's so incredibly male: even handcuffed to his hospital bed, he could pass for a cologne ad - Scent de Insanity. Or perhaps it's because she's spent too many lonely nights studying. Either way, she's determined to help him solve the mystery of his past.

But when she finally learns his secret, there's no telling which one is the real him, the gentle lover she's fallen for or the troubled man with a dark past...

I enjoyed this more than I thought I was going to. It was defo an interesting story and way to meet the man of your dreams. Very well written and plenty of spicy bits. Only thing that really got my back up was the name Ashlyn I don’t know why I just don’t like it!
With the book Write Yourself Happy: The Art of Positive Journalling, Megan C. Hayes reveals just how we can use practical and scientifically proven methods to increase our happiness through journalling. She’s an academic in Positive Psychology and Creative Writing, and that shows via her knowledge and understanding in this well-written and enlightening book.

I enjoy the process of writing and feel like I am quite a creative person. I’ve read many books like this, and ‘Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron and the companion workbook , are just two of them, so I was really happy to learn about this, and keen to read it myself.

The first thing I cannot help but tell you is how the cover has been printed in a way that is is raised in some places, making it very tactile. And yes, I can’t help touching it! The second thing I noticed, before I even began to read it, was how the pages inside are as colourful as the front cover, and filled with the same pastel shades within.

I found it quite amazing how we can use diary writing to discover more about ourselves, overcome difficulties and experience a positive way to reflect on our lives through both good and bad times. It makes sense, when you think about it, how talking to someone about problems can help, so why not express yourself in the form of writing? And this is just what this book encourages you to do in a way that we can reflect on our writing to positively assess our day. It’s not about bigging yourself up and writing only positive things, it’s about really letting go and understanding the psychology behind the case studies and ‘take-away’ lessons to practice for yourself.

Megan has an encouraging, reassuring and uplifting tone, and I really enjoy reading about the psychological and beneficial aspects of journalling. The author uses eight of our most commonly experienced and life-affirming emotions to journal about; joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride awe and love. Now some of these may sound a bit new-agey and put some of you off, but it’s set out in a down-to-earth way, that I found very inspiring and not preachy at all.

To conclude, I’d like to explain that writing this way is like reading an engrossing book. When you’re totally immersed it’s like you can actually feel the emotions, experiences and senses of your character. In the same way, writing down evokes similar sensations, memories, smells and feelings. It’s no wonder this positive journalling is a scientifically proven way to support our wellbeing, through personal expression and creativity.

Write Yourself Happy is a thoroughly researched, empowering, positive read.
Every Wicked Man
Every Wicked Man
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With the book Write Yourself Happy: The Art of Positive Journalling, Megan C. Hayes reveals just how we can use practical and scientifically proven methods to increase our happiness through journalling. She’s an academic in Positive Psychology and Creative Writing, and that shows via her knowledge and understanding in this well-written and enlightening book.

I enjoy the process of writing and feel like I am quite a creative person. I’ve read many books like this, and ‘Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron and the companion workbook , are just two of them, so I was really happy to learn about this, and keen to read it myself.

The first thing I cannot help but tell you is how the cover has been printed in a way that is is raised in some places, making it very tactile. And yes, I can’t help touching it! The second thing I noticed, before I even began to read it, was how the pages inside are as colourful as the front cover, and filled with the same pastel shades within.

I found it quite amazing how we can use diary writing to discover more about ourselves, overcome difficulties and experience a positive way to reflect on our lives through both good and bad times. It makes sense, when you think about it, how talking to someone about problems can help, so why not express yourself in the form of writing? And this is just what this book encourages you to do in a way that we can reflect on our writing to positively assess our day. It’s not about bigging yourself up and writing only positive things, it’s about really letting go and understanding the psychology behind the case studies and ‘take-away’ lessons to practice for yourself.

Megan has an encouraging, reassuring and uplifting tone, and I really enjoy reading about the psychological and beneficial aspects of journalling. The author uses eight of our most commonly experienced and life-affirming emotions to journal about; joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride awe and love. Now some of these may sound a bit new-agey and put some of you off, but it’s set out in a down-to-earth way, that I found very inspiring and not preachy at all.

To conclude, I’d like to explain that writing this way is like reading an engrossing book. When you’re totally immersed it’s like you can actually feel the emotions, experiences and senses of your character. In the same way, writing down evokes similar sensations, memories, smells and feelings. It’s no wonder this positive journalling is a scientifically proven way to support our wellbeing, through personal expression and creativity.

Write Yourself Happy is a thoroughly researched, empowering, positive read.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Creepy (Kuripi: Itsuwari no rinjin) (2016) in Movies

Nov 29, 2017 (Updated Nov 29, 2017)  
Creepy (Kuripi: Itsuwari no rinjin) (2016)
Creepy (Kuripi: Itsuwari no rinjin) (2016)
2016 | Drama
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The title spells it out to a tee
This absolutely stomach-wrenching film from the masters of Japanese cinema, literally blows your socks off. It is understatedly creepy, no dramatic background music and a deeply horrifying body count. For fans of psychological thrillers such as @Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2014) and @Oldboy (2013) (Korean version) this is another expertly crafted movie that leaves you in knots.

It begins with a detective interviewing a psychopathic suspect, who then manages to escape the police interview room and hold a woman hostage. In the process, the detective is badly injured and as a result leaves the force to pursue an academic career in criminal psychology. Shaken by his time as a detective, he and his wife move to a leafy suburb of Japan with incredibly unsocial neighbours. Soon after moving, he is approached by a former colleague asking for help in a particular case, in which three members of a family mysteriously disappeared six years ago, leaving only a daughter behind. The case was never solved as the daughter's constantly changing statements were seen as inadmissible evidence. And soon after he realises that the case is much closer to home than expected.

Sharp storytelling despite a few plot holes which is left to your imagination. Totally recommended for followers of Eastern cinema.
Someone Like Me
Someone Like Me
M.R. Carey | 2018 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
See all of my reviews at

I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

M.R. Carey is known for writing "The Girl with all the Gifts" among many others. His latest, "Someone Like Me" has been shelved on Goodreads as fiction, fantasy, horror, thriller, and mystery. "Someone Like Me" is hard to categorize but easy to get sucked into. It is a long book with 500 pages so, if you have plans, make sure to set a timer. It was easy to keep reading without a break. I do not want to give too much away. It's a family drama about Liz, her children, her abuse ex-husband, and her neighbors but it is also much more. If M.R. Carey had left out the rest concerning Fran and Liz's alter-ego, the story would be a well written story about a single mom trying to raise two kids. It is the rest that makes the story extremely interesting. I have always been fascinated with Psychology, thrillers, and fantasy. Mix the three together, add some good writing, and an interesting story and I'm hooked. Carey's writing is descriptive but he does not overdo it.

If you like a book that opens with action and requires you to figure what is going on then this is for you.
The Creeper (Brennan and Esposito #2)
The Creeper (Brennan and Esposito #2)
Tania Carver | 2010 | Mystery, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
113 of 260
The Creeper ( Brennan & Esposito book 2)
By Tania Carver

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Suzanne Perry is having a vivid nightmare. Someone is in her bedroom, touching her, and she can't move a muscle. She wakes, relieved to put the nightmare behind her, but when she opens the curtains, she sees a polaroid stuck to the window. A photo of her sleeping self, taken during the night. And underneath the words: 'I'm watching over you'. Her nightmare isn't over. In fact, it's just beginning. Detective Inspector Phil Brennan of the Major Incident Squad has a killer to hunt. A killer who stalks young women, insinuates himself into their lives, and ultimately tortures and murders them in the most shocking way possible. But the more Phil investigates, the more he delves into the twisted psychology of his quarry, Phil realises that it isn't just a serial killer he's hunting but something ? or someone ? infinitely more calculating and horrific. And much closer to home than he realised ...

I didn’t think they could follow up from The Surrogate but they did! I loved this the authors have this crazy way of playing on those fears. The characters are well thought out and executed. This book didn’t take long as I just devoured it. Can’t wait to see what comes next!
Seven by Jacqueline Leo
Rating: 3/5

Seven is an intriguing book about the phenomenon of the number seven, the appeal we feel for it, the psychology behind the appeal, and so on. Unlike some non-fiction, Seven is very readable and interesting, and is written in a way that doesn’t make it funny or witty, but doesn’t make it dry either. There is the perfect balance of information and interest to make it quite enjoyable.

Seven is filled with interesting stories, ranging from Tiger Woods’ religion to Josh Waitzkin’s martial arts experience to robot’s facial expressions. Seven has many lists of sevens that make a lot of sense—seven reasons why people still smoke, seven strategies for a successful start-up in a company, comparing the seven media items in 1956 to the thirty-five (at least) in 2008, and so on.
Seven is a thought provoking book that will hopefully give its readers insight into the psychological attraction to numbers, and also some valuable advice for day to day life.
Recommendation: Ages 12+. I would recommend reading a chapter here and there on a lonely boring rainy day (hey, it worked for me!) with a cup of hot tea at your side. Leave plenty of time for musing and meditation while you read this one, and be prepared to entertained by this read!

**Thank you to Anna from Hachette for providing my review copy!**