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Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
Contains spoilers, click to show
'Spiral: from the book of Saw' is the ninth Saw film and, for once I can say it's not more of the same.
Spiral is a Saw film, it has the traps and the police but it's an all new cast, the only time we see any of the original cast is in a photo of the original 'Jigsaw'. The traps also don't play the same roll, most of the previous Saw films had the 'game's' play the main part of the film and the police investigations were set to fill in the gaps. Spiral is the reverse, a new Jigsaw killer is targeting police and the main plot is the police trying to stop him, concentrating on the relationships in the department and using the franchise's use of flashbacks to add to the story. We only see the traps for a few moments, there is still gore but not at the same level. Instead we have a number of jump scared as 'the pig' grabs his victims .
Spiral seems to be thinking that the time of 'torture poem's is over, yes there are people who still want to watch it but noted many. This is why it's the Saw franchise that is still going, other films in the genre, such as 'Hostel' relied on gore but didn't have much else to offer but saw had more story as well.
When I say all the cast is new that includes the puppet, instead of the little guy on a tricycle we have a pig man, we have lots of pig references, proving bus to the fact that the victims are all police.
Although it is a Saw film, Spiral is a good jump jump on point for new views as it doesn't rely on the originals to much and sets up for a possible new franchise.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Game in Books

May 22, 2022  
The Game
The Game
Scott Kershaw | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to say kudos to the designer of the cover ... how good and striking is that?!? If that doesn't grab your attention, then the blurb certainly will ... well, it did me but then I am a bit of a sucker for these types of stories every now and again šŸ˜Ž

The story - 5 people in 3 countries suddenly find themselves in The Game but it's not your run-of-the-mill game of Monopoly; no, it's something far more sinister. If they refuse to play, the one they love dies; if they tell anyone, their loved one dies ... they have no choice but to participate but there can only be one winner.

The pacing of the book is fast and flowing with the story being told from the perspective of all the characters and occasionally some of their loved ones. The plot is intriguing - you don't know until near the end why the participants have been chosen or who the 'puppet-master' is which made trying to work out the 'why' difficult but all is revealed in an ending that is as surprising as it is violent.

Now, I'm not going to say that all is perfect with this book, there are a number of times where you have to suspend belief a little and it does deal with themes and uses language that some may find unpalatable, e.g. homophobia, racism, abuse, rape, suicide, and there are numerous scenes of violence, so if you find these are triggers for you, I would give it a miss.

Overall, I think this is a very creditable debut and I will be looking out for more of Mr Kershaw's work in the future and I must thank HQ and NetGalley for allowing me to read The Game and sharing my thoughts.
The Pawn and the Puppet (Book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Comes with some pretty heavy trigger warnings so please check before reading.

105 of 235
The Pawn and the Puppet (Book 1)
By Brandi Elise Szeker

The Emerald Lake Asylum is not a place most desire to go. Nineteen-year-old, Skylenna, however, made a promise that she must keep. Once hired, she only has one purposeā€”prove to the council that barbaric treatments, such as waterboarding, scalding baths, and beatings, are no longer the answer. But that all takes pause when she meets the source of terror in the asylum. A patient with a split personalityā€”on one side, heā€™s the bloodthirsty genius, Dessin. On the other, a hidden persona that is buried deep in his subconscious.

When Dessin is caught in an attempted cell break, he faces execution if Skylenna canā€™t bring out his core personality and reveal his humanity. She has ninety days to save his life, and the only way to do that is to let him consume her into his world of moves, counter-moves, and master puppeteering.

With each passing day, their bond deepens, a forbidden attraction forming against her best judgments. Little by little, Skylenna uncovers the sinister secrets of his past that turned him into the monster everyone else fears. And Dessin proves to have one weakness despite the terrifying, indestructible persona he presents to the world: her.

I can and will only ever review a book based on how I find it! I never read the drama surrounding it or the author so here goes. Was I hooked? Yes. Did I enjoy the world building ? Yes. Did I find the characters interesting? Yes. So this is why itā€™s a 5ā­ļø for me I didnā€™t want to put it down I really canā€™t wait for book 2.
The Motion of Puppets
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Keith Donohue's modern retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice, The Motion of Puppets, we're introduced to a range of characters from a besotted husband and his missing wife, to an emotionally unstable puppet girl as the husband embarks on a journey to save his wife from eternity as a doll. For fans of mythology, this sounds like a great read and it is, without a doubt, beautifully written; however, when it comes to execution, the story fell flat.

Theo and Kay Harper are newlyweds with a ten year age difference between them. A teacher at a local college, Theo takes an summer vacation away from New York with his wife, Kay, as she performs with a cirque in Quebec City. While she works, he translates a book from French to English, and everything appears to be fine. That is, until Kay suddenly disappears one night after going out with her fellow actors for dinner and drinks. Woven with necromancy, animated puppets, and many references to the madness of Alice in Wonderland, Donohue's story could be considered riveting, and perhaps I would gladly label it so if I had not been so profoundly bored while reading it.

The book's plot is, in and of itself, highly intriguing. As a fan of horror and having proclaimed a love for anything necromantic in nature, the idea of people becoming puppets, or even dying and being reanimated in any fashion really, is something apt to catch my attention, and for that reason and my love of ancient mythology, I requested an advanced reader's copy of The Motion of Puppets. My frustration with it came mostly in the fact that I felt like the book progressed too slowly and there seemed to be a lot of extra "fluff" added in. For instance, the snippets regarding Theo's translation of Eadweard Muybridge's biography really felt a bit unnecessary. There was no real correlation between Muybridge and the book itself, save to provide Theo with something on which to focus. That, also, didn't feel necessary, as Theo seems to be a rather detached character, despite his very clear obsession with his wife. Even Kay's point of view seems to be a bit overly deluded, considering her time as a puppet is significantly shorter than that of the other puppets around her and yet she seems almost as aloof as they are by the conclusion of the book.

In addition to moving at a bit of a slow pace, The Motion of Puppets also seems to rely a bit more on Alice in Wonderland-like elements than it does mythos or current happenings. Everything seems weird and ridiculous, and little, if anything, makes any sense. If you try to make sense of it, chances are you'll find yourself lost, which I found myself giving up on halfway through the book. Magic is clearly alluded to as being the cause for the current state of the majority of the cast's existence; however, it is hardly mentioned and never really explained. Clearly there's enough oddness going on that the nearly-faceless bad guys worry about being found out, but even that isn't enough of a reason to delve into the why or how: it simply is.

There is no doubt in my mind that Keith Donohue is an excellent writer; he has a beautiful command of language that quite literally takes my breath away. Though The Motion of Puppets failed to satisfy me as a reader, I will likely read more of his work when I have the time. As for the genre of this book, horror probably isn't the right one. It'd be better suited in fantasy. There's nothing scary here.

Thank you to Macmillan-Picador, NetGalley, and the author for providing me with an advanced reader's copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
    Toy Story: Story Theater

    Toy Story: Story Theater

    Education and Entertainment

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    ā€¢ Beloved Toy Story characters are ready to star in your childā€™s movie masterpiece! ā€¢ Learn...

Children of Virtue and Vengeance
Children of Virtue and Vengeance
Tomi Adeyemi | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 is probably generous... review to follow

(There's proabably spoilers in here)
Okay so I hadn't heard great things about this so I was apprehensive about picking it up and after the first half I didn't really see what all the fuss was about but then it happened. This whole book stressed me out and made me angry. The lack of communication was so frustrating that nobody would believe anybody else and it just led to so many unnecessary conflicts. The whole overarching plot was about the war but then every chapter had the exact same conflicts that happened in every chapter before... "Inan is bad, no wait Inan is good, how could we be so stupid of course iInan is bad, but maybe he's good nope still bad" you catch my drift. Also Inan even did this himself because he may be the king but he's not in control of his kingdom which I'm not mad about I think it was good to show that he was a puppet (I'm an Inan sympathiser okay I'm sorry) but when nobody would believe that he was trying because everytime he tried someone else would step in and ruin it. Then there was Zelie flitting between being too weak to be an elder and wanting to run away and vowing to be the leader that her clan needs. Don't get me started on Amari, she had zero chemistry with Inan like I don't think she thought about him at all when he wasn't around and that thing she did towards the end of the book WHAT THE ACTUAL F was that!!!!! Unnecessary love triangles when clearly the only person that Zelie loves is herself. We spent the whole book gaging up for this big battle and then at the end it just never happened??? Need I go on. I don't want to be too scathing because I loved the first book so by proxy still care about this series but I don't really know what happened here.