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Raging Heat (Nikki Heat, #6)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on NYC, Nikki is racing to solve the murder of a man who fell from a plane. Are the clues leading to a powerful politician? Or is she ignoring the true trail and the clues that her boyfriend Rook is finding?

While there are scenes and lines that fans of Castle will love, this book works well as a mystery on its own. And the arrival of Sandy, while predictably timed, does add a great new layer to the story. Some interesting character development and this book is another winner is one of the most brilliant tie in series of all time.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
Far fetched
The Fast and the Furious has always been one of my favorite series... but to be honest they should have stopped after number 5 or even 6....

The story has become so washed out. It used to be about basic street racing with some crime mixed in. It was a tale of family, and loyalty.

This series has become so far fetched it's crazy. The realism is what people liked in the beginning, and they have all but obliterated that. There is so much unrealistic crashing, and maneuvers that is becomes unbelievable. They went from small time, to big time in a huge way. From being about family, to being about betrayal.

It could just be me, but it's just not a movie for me.
The Eyes of Death
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An entertaining read that will keep your mind racing, trying to figure out whom the Fawn Island killer really Is. You'll engage In the adventures, mishaps, and mayhem that occurs through Stephen Hall's quest of Interviewing and getting to better know the Fawn Island residents. Along with figuring out If Kimball's death was a true accident or pure murder. No one Is as they seem upon Fawn Island and this leads to new Insights, hidden secrets, and the hunt for a killer. Get entwined with a varied cast of characters that will engulf you Into the story and keep you turning the pages until the very end. If your an Agatha Christie fan, this will definitely be a treat for you to enjoy from this author.
Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space
Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space
2010 | Horror, Party Game, Science Fiction
Minimalistic art (2 more)
Great maps
Unsettling fear and paranoia
An unsung masterpiece
This game is one of my absolute favorites. Its quiet, unsettling, and nerve-wracking. I like to describe it as a mixture between Battleship, Minesweeper, and The Thing. Humans are racing to outrun aliens on a shared map system. Random chance allows you to bluff or biff making noises as you try to escape. Can you fool the aliens into believing the fake sounds or will they track you down? Who is an alien anyway?! The addition of item cards and secret identities take the game to the next level. I love the malfunctioning escape pod too. This is a perfectly distilled minimalistic horror game and I AM HERE FOR IT.
Ben-Hur (2016)
Ben-Hur (2016)
2016 | Drama, History
5.9 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Re-make of a re-make, with the first re-make the one that starred Charlton Heston and that - until Titanic came along - I believe held the record for the most number of Oscars for a single movie.

And this is pretty much a straight re-make of that move; pared down somewhat and with Jack Huston's Judah Ben-Hur unable to hold a candle to Heston's take on the same character.

We do, however, still have the same main points from the earlier movie: early 30s AD setting in Jerusalem. Judah forced to become a galley slave after he is wrongly accused of treason by (here) his Roman foster-brother, chariot-racing, his family stricken with Leprosy, miraculous cure following Jesus' crucifixion ...
Secretariat (2010)
Secretariat (2010)
2010 | Drama, Sport
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Different racers might tell you what they get out of being part of this sport — the King once told me something like, “I didn’t miss out on a family life because of racing, I had one because of it”! I love that. For “Champion” Chick Hicks it’s always been about a trophy. You ask me, though? It’s not about winning. It’s not even about being up front. It’s about being side by side, nose to nose. The competition. It pushes you. It makes it special. And it can give you that extra little bit of horsepower when the chips are down, you’re in a slump, and you’re itching for a comeback. Secretariat really drives that home, you know? Talk about horsepower in a comeback story!"

Doom Patrol - Season 1
Doom Patrol - Season 1
2019 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Brilliant nonsense
This series covers the formation of the band of misfits gathered together by Timothy Dalton's Niles Caulder, including a range of people with odd abilities after suffering unusual events. With the exception of try-hard Cyborg, they are all wonderfully flawed people just trying to find some purpose to their lives. Alan Tudyk serves as the antagonist for most of the series, as well as a wonderful forth-wall-breaking narrator and the source of most of the laugh-out-loud moments.
While I enjoy Cliff (the robot, former racing car driver), Jane is by far the best character. An extreme schizophrenic, she has over 60 personalities to call on, each with its own special power.
Good, daft fun.
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
Somebody please tell me, at what point did a movie series about illegal street racing become a large, dumb, action blockbuster?

Because that's what this film is.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy large, dumb, action block-busters!

Known in the UK as simply Fast and Furious 8, this one sees Dim - for reasons - turning against his former crew, leading to multiple car chases, explosions, fights, gunplay, muscle flexing and good cop/bad cop buddy buddy repartee between several of its core cast - the latter most noticeably between The Rock and Jason Statham, who now have their own spin-off movie - finally culminating in a long (20 minutes?) set piece across the frozen ice as they try to stop a stolen nuclear submarine from escaping to sea.
Sheepy Time
Sheepy Time
2021 | Animals, Card Game
Have you ever had trouble falling asleep? One method that supposedly helps lull you into a gentle slumber is counting sheep – imagine sheep prancing across a field and jumping over a fence. What seems like a simple and mundane task to us is actually a full-time job for these Dream Sheep! So put on your PJ’s, lace up your slippers (?), and clock in for a night of fence-jumping, all while avoiding the spooky Nightmares that will try to scare you awake!

Disclaimer: We were provided with a copy of Sheepy Time for the purposes of this preview. What you see pictured below are the retail components. -L

Sheepy Time is a push-your-luck game in which players take on the roles of Dream Sheep, tasked with helping humans fall asleep. Played over a series of rounds, players will take turns racing their Sheep around the board, using special Dream powers, and avoiding the Nightmare that lurks around the board. The player that earns the most points (as described in the rules) will be declared the dreamiest sheep of all! To setup for a game, place the board within reach of all players and attach the Fence between spaces 10 and 1. Place the scoreboard and Pillow Reference tile nearby, and give all players a Sheep, Wink, Pillow, and Zzz tokens in their chosen color. Select one of the three provided Nightmares to use this game, shuffle their cards into the deck of Sheep cards, and place the Nightmare meeple in the center of the board. Shuffle the Dream tiles, drawing and placing one randomly on spaces 1 and 5 of the board, and reveal four more tiles to create a market. Place all Pillow tokens on the 40 Winks space of the scoreboard, choose a starting player, and the game is ready to begin!

Each round of Sheepy Time is broken into two phases: the Racing phase, and the Resting phase. To begin the Racing phase, all players will draw 2 cards into their hand. A turn consists of 4 steps: Play a card, Use Dream tiles, Resolve Fence crossing, and Draw cards. The first action you will take on your turn is to play a card from your hand. Most cards will have you move your Sheep around the board a set number of spaces, or will give you the option to ‘Catch some Zzz’s’ (place one of your Zzz tokens on a Dream tile in play). The next step, if applicable, is to use Dream tiles. Dream tiles provide special/extra abilities that can be beneficial to you. In order to use a Dream tile, however, you must have a Zzz token on it – remove your Zzz token from the tile to use its power. So you’ve got to decide when to move your Sheep, or when it’s necessary to Catch some Zzz’s! The third step is to resolve Fence crossing, if applicable. If a cards movement causes your Sheep to cross the Fence, you immediately gain 5 Winks (on the Scoreboard), and decide whether to keep playing this round or ‘Call it a Night.’ If you decide to keep playing, you move to step 4, and draw a new card into your hand. If you Call it a Night, you will discard your hand, and sit out for the remainder of this Racing phase.

If at any point in the Racing phase, you draw a Nightmare card, it must immediately be revealed and resolved. The Nightmare moves around the board, much like the Sheep, but it will Scare any Sheep that it passes! Being Scared once is ok, but if you were to be Scared AGAIN, you get Woken Up, lose all Winks for this round, and are out of the Racing phase. If the Nightmare completes a lap of the board and crosses the Fence before all players have Called it a Night, the remaining players get Woken Up. How risky are you willing to be once the Nightmare comes into play? That’s for you to decide. Once all players have either Called it a Night or been Woken Up, the Racing phase ends. Check the scoreboard for a winner – when a player earns enough Winks in the Racing phase to surpass their Pillow token. If nobody has met that requirement, players will lower their Pillow tokens by the amount specified on the Pillow Reference tile. The lower you can get your Pillow token, the fewer Winks you need to get to win in future rounds! When all Pillow tokens have been adjusted, the game moves to the Resting phase. In this phase, each player will have the choice to either add a new Dream tile to the board, or to Catch 2 Zzz’s. In turn order, players can select one of the Dream tiles from the market to place on an open space of the board, or place 2 Zzz tokens on Dream tiles in play. When everyone has performed their action, the round ends and a new Racing phase begins. Play continues in this manner until one player has been declared the winner!

I’m not typically a fan of push-your-luck games, but Sheepy Time really surprised me! Yes, that mechanic is definitely present in the gameplay, but there is also quite a bit of strategic variability that makes turns feel a little more controlled. The Dream tiles in play will always be different, providing unique abilities to help give you a strategic boost during play. And you always have 2 cards to decide between to play – you are not limited to only one course of action each turn. So yes, there is a riskiness involved with how many laps you think you can get, can you avoid the Nightmare, etc. But there is also a light element of strategy that makes the game more exciting for me. The gameplay itself is also very smooth and intuitive. The turn order makes sense and the flow of the game is pretty seamless. It is fast to teach and learn, and even though the box says 30-45 minutes, it feels fast to play.

Let me touch on components for a minute. As I said earlier, this is a retail copy of the game, and the production quality is great. The cardboard components are nice and thick, the wooden meeples are large and cute, and the overall art style reflects the theme and lightness of the game well. I want to mention that the insert is nice as well – I know it doesn’t effect the gameplay, but it makes set-up/tear-down quick and efficient. AEG definitely knocked it over the fence (get it?) with the production of this game!

So where does Sheepy Time fit into my collection? I think it’s a great game to use to introduce newer gamers to the hobby. The rules and gameplay are not overwhelming, but they offer more of a modern gaming feel than some of the older classics. I would even say that this game can be used with younger gamers as well – take out the Dream tile powers, and just race to see who can earn the most Winks before the Nightmare gets them, or something like that! It is really accessible for everyone, and that earns a big thumbs up from me. So if you’re not quite sure what to think of this game based on the theme/art style, I can assure you that the gameplay is quite excellent. When Sheepy Time hits retail, make sure you jump at the chance to play this game. Definitely don’t sleep on it.
Dunkirk (2017)
Dunkirk (2017)
2017 | Action, History, War
Acting and script work was on point (2 more)
Costume and set design were perfect
Sound design and score kept my heart racing
It’s a brilliant film but it will not lend itself to the smaller screen (0 more)
Kept my heart racing from beginning to end
Dunkirk is a thrilling film that deserves the Oscar nomination that it has. Nolan has created a masterpiece using time and music to create an intensity that I have never felt before as a movie goer. The film used similar events at different times to mirror one another elegantly.
My heart was always in my throat. I cared about the characters and had a strong connection to the story. I am not a nationalist kind of person by any means, and this film made me ever so proud to be British. With stunning performances from this amazing cast, which made it a group performance without any star or lead actor.
Dunkirk handles the topics of war, death and desperation perfectly and with no nods to Germany or to anything related to the German socialist group. By making the film all about the British characters point of view and removing the name and enemy out of view was a beautiful decision. By this point in time we know about the world wars in depthly and there are many films that talk about it. But this is the first film that doesn’t harp on about the Germans being evil. It was a gorgeous film and one I wish I could see in cinema again, as it’s sound design and cinematography deserved a larger screen.