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Wings Like a Dove
Wings Like a Dove
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

This book was so thought provoking. I really enjoyed getting to know all these characters. They were very well developed and Camille Eide really wrote a great background for the characters. There were so many tough subjects covered in this book from racism, prejudice, preconceived notions and religious persecution. Camille Eide incorporates all these subjects seemingly effortlessly to help make this book a very compelling read and one I found hard to put down. I especially liked how everything pointed back to Gods provision in our lives.
The book did start off a little slow, but once I got into it, I really did enjoy learning about the time period and the characters in the story. The plot was great, it had some great ups and downs and got my emotions readily involved.

Overall, I give this story a 4 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the very compelling storyline and for Camille Eide’s way in dealing with some heavy subjects. I recommend adding this book to you must read pile.

*I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The World in Winter
The World in Winter
John Christopher | 1962 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christopher's tale of the onset of a new ice age and its consequences is told with his usual clarity and strength of characterisation. The sun dims slightly; northern Europe vanishes under ice and snow, and the wealthy and powerful relocate to closer to the equator.

What makes the book a bit problematic for a modern reader is that some of the attitudes in it feel uncomfortably close to outright racism - it almost feels like a cautionary parable about what would happen if the traditional colonial roles were reversed and Africans were in a position of power over Europeans. That the book is a product of the era when the British Empire was dissolving is obvious, and the racial attitudes do impact on the story - protagonist and antagonist form an alliance at the end, despite a long history of bitter conflict between them, simply because they are both white men and the alternative is to allow Africans to dominate the UK. While the book should be considered in the context of its time, it still leaves a very sour taste in the mouth, quite unlike any of the author's other books.
American War
American War
Omar El Akkad | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing character development (1 more)
All-too plausible future
An amazing debut dystopia
By now you probably know there are a few things I tend to enjoy in novels. Dystopias, Fantasies, Debut Novels, and Diversity tend to peak my interest, and American War is a dystopian debut novel by an Egyptian-Canadian author.


El Akkad did an absolutely amazing job of weaving together the North/South rivalry of the US, climate change, the changing nature of energy generation, and US wars in the middle east to write an all-too-plausible novel about the US, seventy years from now.

Alternating between narrative chapters following his protagonist, and “historical documents” about the time period, he masterfully tells the story of how a terrorist is made. Because that’s what Sarat, his protagonist, is. Let’s make no bones about that. She is a terrorist. But she is a terrorist whose reasoning makes sense to us. Perhaps because the territories and the peoples are familiar to us, perhaps because we see how she grew up and what drove her to it – but the end result is a terrorist act on an unheard-of scale.

I’d like to think this book would make people look at refugees and terrorists in a new light – with more understanding and compassion and maybe with ideas to help actually combat the attitudes and circumstances that lead to terrorist acts. But I doubt it. I doubt this will change any minds that don’t already understand the underlying reasons.

My only quibble with this book is while he manages to weave together so many other issues facing our country right now, he doesn’t really wrap in racism. And I have a hard time believing our country is past racism 70 years from now.

I was very pleasantly surprised to find the protagonist is a bisexual, gender non-conforming woman of color. How awesome is that? And her bisexuality isn’t mentioned, it’s shown, her one on-screen sex scene (and it’s only barely on-screen) being with a woman. (She’s also attracted to a man in the book.)

The author was born in Egypt, grew up in Qatar, and lived in Canada, earning at least one award for his investigative reporting while working at The Globe and Mail. He’s one of the Canadian Broadcasting Company’s 17 writers to watch this year, and I see why. American War is definitely one of my favorite books of 2017.

You can find all my reviews at
So much more than the film
I'm so glad that I watched the film first, otherwise it would have been a total disappointment. The book is extensive, and the story of the film seems quite different to the truth. The bare bones are the same: a trio of remarkable women broke boundaries in both gender and race to be part of one of the most historic events in US and even world history - the space race.

Before John Glenn made it to space, a group of professionals worked as ‘Human Computers’, calculating the flight paths by hand that would enable these historic achievements. Among these were a coterie of bright, talented African-American women. Forget Silicon Valley's misogynistic climate - women were the original engineers and mathematicians.

The book is awash with interesting stories of extraordinary people working in a time of segregation and all pervasive racism. It has multiple layers that delve into each character, and gives a comprehensive context into these women's lives. It basically fills in the gaps of the film, but also changes the timeline considerably as Katherine Johnson was much younger than her colleague Dorothy Vaughan. Nevertheless, an extraordinary read and a great tribute to these invisible women.
We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy
We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy
Ta-Nehisi Coates | 2017 | Essays, History & Politics
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An honest look at the Obama years
The simplest way to describe "We Were Eight Years in Power" is as a selection of Ta-Nehisi Coates' most influential pieces from The Atlantic, organised chronologically. The book is actually far more than that, establishing Coates as the pre-eminent black public intellectual of his generation.

Coates is one of the first to show up to discuss all three contemporary themes: the man, the community, national identity. He critiques respectability politics. He writes about mass incarceration. He writes about Michelle Obama and Chicago's South Side. He writes about how Barack Obama was exceptional, in many senses, and about the paradoxical limits of the first black president's power to address race and racism. He writes about the qualitative difference between white economic prospects and black economic prospects, thanks to discriminatory policies promulgated by the government even during progressive times, and about how, in his view, reparations would be the only way to redress the problem.

An air of resignation begins to bleed into Coates' writing even before his last essay, coming into the final years of the Obama administration. It is an eloquent eulogy to the struggles that African Americans are facing and increasingly fearing today.
Poster Boy
Poster Boy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Broadcast live, Rosa Lincoln takes to the stage at her brother’s memorial service with a bomb concealed beneath her clothes. Being in Jimmy’s shadow was never easy, even when he was alive, but in death he has become a national hero.
When she crosses paths with the enigmatic Teresa, she discovers that those she has been taught to view as enemies may not be the real villains after all.
The lies need to be stopped, and Rosa intends on doing just that.

Wow! This book started with a bang - well a potential bang - and didn't let up until the very end with all its twists and turns along the way.
Although this is fiction it very much reflects what is going on around the world right now, sadly. It has its basis in fact and recent happenings which makes it hard-hitting, emotive, topical and timely.
The main issues it explores are terrorism, extremism, propaganda, xenophobia, nationalism, racism, good vs evil and the current political climate; it does so with considerable tact while questioning each of them making this a thought-provoking read.
Very good work of dystopian fiction.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Afua Hirsch | 2017 | History & Politics, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An important and necessary conversation
There is a wealth of insight crammed into this book about race and identity in Britain, describing how important it is to have a cohesive self by accepting that you may have other identities alongside being a UK citizen.

What hinders this process is the apparent racism that plagues British society, from being 'colour-blind' and thus ignoring the issue, to the awkward and troubled relationship with Britain's history and its origins. The author, Afua Hirsch, also discovers her own Ghanaian roots throughout her journey of self-awareness, making this book both a memoir and social commentary. Hirsch checks her privilege immediately, which makes a refreshing change.

While I can completely relate to her opinions on the racist structures in place and the microagressions that have become normalised, the historical and anthropological elements were the most fascinating parts for me. Learning about the racist views upheld by leading western thinkers such as Immanuel Kant and David Huhne, as well as how the 1919 race riots ensued over the perception of 'white cleansing' was deeply concerning.

Hirsch's call for change on Britain's selective amnesia is not new but it has a contemporary angle following the country's move to leave the EU. Incredibly engaging.
The Day The Tigers Broke Free
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Charlie is a journalist; he makes it his goal in life to dig up all the dirt, to get whatever information he can in any way possible. However, this time, the story's personal: His nephew is dead, supposedly by his own hand. Charlie's not buying that for one bit, though. His new goal? Bring justice for his family and drag as many people down as possible.

I found this story incredibly interesting from the start. The opening just pulls you in, and from that point, you're totally invested in what's happened to this young man. Was it suicide? Was it murder? The town says it's the former, but Charlie's on a vendetta, and he's not going to let it go. Quite a few of the characters he meets along the way are hideous, and their portrayal is perfect. Growing up in a small town, I know what it's like when an "outsider" comes in, questioning how you do things, stirring up trouble. This story is en embodiment of small-town life: the closed ranks, the suspicion of someone different, the racism and prejudice, etc. What's the final verdict on David's death? You'll have to read that for yourself.

4 stars
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
2018 | Biography, Comedy, Crime
The Acting (2 more)
The Dialog
Cinematic Craftsmanship
Over the top in moments (0 more)
The wrong people will see this.... but it's still very good.
First let me say that racism hurts my very soul, it depresses me, and affects me deeply. I know it is alive and well in this country. I really wish it wasn't. I say the wrong people will see this because the people that should see this, don't watch movies like this. Racist people don't watch spike lee joints. Every scene in this movie is beautifully shot, and each ethnic slur packs a punch. I felt slapped around at the end of the film. I felt sick to my stomach and the very tail end was a roundhouse. Normally I don't talk politics, but in this case it's bigger than "politics" and falls under human decency, and we currently are lacking in that. I hope that we can get back on track soon and movies like this will be more comedy than reality.

The acting was superb, and really engaging. there are some big names in this cast. The dialog was so well written despite the horrific things said. The cinematography was excellent, and beautiful. Spike Lee was at the top of his game with this one.
Stories That Bind Us
Stories That Bind Us
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was my first time reading a book by Susie Finkbeiner, and I had no idea what I was walking into when I opened up her book. It with so much bittersweetness, and about finding joy in the everyday moments. Susie Finkbeiner took the bad things that happen and made them into a blessing in disguise. This book came out at the perfect time for the world today, it deals with loss, racism, and mental health. It takes those themes and shows God’s love through them in such a good way. A very heart-warming story filled with great life lessons and a great example of faith lived out. The synopsis does not do this book justice. Readers of historical fiction will enjoy this journey down memory lane.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the compelling story, the great characters, and the themes discussed within this book. The only thing that could have made it better was something that happened at the beginning of the book (I am NOT going to give a spoiler) but you will understand when you read it.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.