That Time I Loved You
In her “compact gem of a collection” (Globe & Mail), Carrianne Leung enlivens a singular group...

Awix (3310 KP) rated BlacKkKlansman (2018) in Movies
Mar 12, 2019
Not quite the absurd comedy the trailer suggests it will be, although anyone familiar with Lee's work could probably have guessed as much; the material dealing with the civil rights movement and the political realities of the time is seriously presented and clearly deeply felt. Still involving and entertaining stuff - the decision to dispense with a conventional ending in favour of a diatribe against those provoking the Charlottesville riots and their cheerleader in Washington may not be great storytelling, but it feels entirely understandable and appropriate.

Suswatibasu (1702 KP) rated The Shape of Water (2017) in Movies
Mar 12, 2018 (Updated Mar 12, 2018)
However, as a big fan of @Pan's Labyrinth (2006), @The Devil's Backbone (2001) and @Cronos (1994) - this felt like it had a bit of Hollywood stardust and Guillermo Del Toro seemed to dumb down his usual style i.e. turning to good versus bad.
Although Michael Shannon acted well, he was a bit of caricature of a villain. But I did like the flipside of the Soviet scientist being the hero. And at the end of it, it did appear like a non-comedic, Rated-R version of @Splash (1984). Not my cup of tea.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Get Out (2017) in Movies
Feb 12, 2018
I have to admit, I saw the twist coming from very early on but this didn't ruin the journey for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the creepy atmosphere building throughout the film and Chris' increasingly awkward interactions with his few fellow people of colour at the party.
This is not a normal horror film, except for the final half hour, instead it is an intense psychological thriller with the added social awkwardness around people's inherent racism and need to talk/not talk about it.
An excellent film with a brilliant cast.

MissCagey (2652 KP) rated Victoria and Abdul (2017) in Movies
Jan 25, 2019
Their friendship was very sweet although when Abdul was found to have lied about a mutiny in India the film does not explain whether he deliberately lied or was mistaken.
This film prompted me to research the relationship further and it is general consensus that Abdul was an opportunistic and rather dislikable man!

saheffernan (157 KP) rated I Am Alfonso Jones in Books
Apr 18, 2020
I loved this graphic novel, I believe it to be an incredible important read. Those comparing it to The Hate U Give is doing this novel injustice. This is just as impactful without the 400+ pages. The message gets across to the reader in the same way I know a lot of teens that would not sit and read that but may pick up a graphic novel.
The art style I really enjoyed though sometimes it did make a scene hard to understand. I also enjoyed the changing of timeline. We followed a lot of characters but the important one's stand out and don't seem to get lost in all the movement of the story.

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