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Men in Black International (2019)
Men in Black International (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Thompson Twins (Emma and Tessa) are quite good together (0 more)
A non-event of a story (2 more)
Awful one-dimensional dialogue
The Tessa Thompson/Chris Hemsworth Ragnarok chemistry never materialises
Lazy, formulaic and pretty pointless.
The latest MiB is a mere shadow of the former Sonnenfeld trilogy. Perhaps if they put a blinky light in my face I can forget it again? Read the full review on One Mann's Movies here -
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The final entry in Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid series, that closes out the story of Atticus, Oberon and companions as they attempt to stop Ragnarok (yes, that Ragnorak: the Norse end of the world)

I have to say, I also found this one not quite as enjoyable as the previous: I'm not sure why, but for some reason this just didn't grip me as much. This one largely takes it chapter about to move between the main characters: this is no longer just Atticus (and his faithful hound Oberon) story as the earlier entries were.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Thor: Ragnarok (2017) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Utterly preposterous
Thor is arguably one of Marvel’s strongest characters. Played by the superb Chris Hemsworth since 2011, the God of thunder is one of the MCUs most popular assets.

It’s unfortunate then that he’s been lambasted with the weakest solo films of the entire series, the son of Odin really has deserved much better.

Thor’s inception in the first of his three solo outings was a competent if unremarkable origins story and the less said about Thor: The Dark World, which remains the poorest film of the entire MCU, the better. Now, just in time for Infinity War,Thor: Ragnarok rolls into cinemas. But does it do its leading man justice?Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor (Hemsworth) finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against the Hulk (Bruce Banner), his former ally and fellow Avenger. Thor’s quest for survival leads him in a race against time to prevent the all-powerful goddess of death, Hela, (Cate Blanchett) from destroying his home world and the Asgardian civilisation.

This third film for our mighty Avenger is really something. A film more akin to Guardians of the Galaxy than its overly stuffy predecessors. Director Taika Waititi in his first big-budget feature has managed what many had thought was impossible, he’s given Thor a rather brilliant movie.

But how? Well, he’s realised what no-one else has. The premise surrounding our titular hero is utterly ridiculous. Rather than shy away from that and create something serious, he’s embraced it with humour, music and my goodness, a lot of colour.

If you thought Guardians of the Galaxy used every colour on the spectrum, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Thor: Ragnarok is quite something to watch. From the gold-tipped spears of Asgard that glisten like never before, to the trash-topped planet of Sakaar, everything is dripping in colour.

“Casting Goldblum in the role of an immortal game-player really is an inspired choice.”
Speaking of Sakaar, it contains one of the MCUs best new additions: Jeff Goldbum. Sorry, I mean the Grandmaster. Casting Goldblum in the role of an immortal game-player really is an inspired choice. The 65-year-old legend has made a career on playing himself and it works exceptionally well here. His improvisation is absolutely spot on.

Ragnarok throws up a few other surprises too. One being that Chris Hemsworth is absolutely hilarious. He and Tom Hiddleston bounce off each other incredibly well and we see real chemistry – the chemistry that should have been evident from the start. Cate Blanchett also turns the cheese up to 11 as the latest throwaway Marvel villain, Hela.

She fares better than the majority of Marvel villains and is certainly more interesting than Christopher Eccelston’s, Malekith, but they never quite make the impact that the scriptwriters were clearly looking for. Nevertheless, Blanchett is excellent.

Thankfully, Thor: Ragnarok doesn’t suffer from the absence of Natalie Portman’s dull Jane Foster, and though she is referenced early on, newcomer Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie provides a fitting replacement and possible future love-interest for our intrepid hero.

Unfortunately, it’s not all good news. Surprisingly the first 30 minutes feel incredibly rushed as numerous loose storylines are brought together and the improvised nature of the script lends itself to a little too much humour. Yes, we get it, Marvel films are funny, but this should not be at the expense of the more emotional sequences that the movie tries to put across.

Nevertheless, Thor: Ragnarok is a resounding success, created by a man who clearly has a passion for this corner of the MCU. He manages to make an absolutely preposterous film – and that’s exactly how Thor should be. Take a bow Mr. Waititi.

A little tip – there are two end credit sequences waiting for you. You’re welcome.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Such an odd blend of characters and plots but screw it it worked.
Like it it says on the tin Thor: Ragnarok was such an odd movie that I really don't know how it worked out so well it was kind of all over the place but honestly I think that's what just made it stand out so well.
For me I think this was probably the funniest Marvel movie to date I loved all the characters and I loved all the actors that were playing the characters they all just got together so well and made the movie that much more enjoyable.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland (3 more)
Iron man
Great link with Civil war
Michael Keaton
The film was far to long (0 more)
Best spiderman by far
Move over maguire and Garfield, Tom Holland has finally filled the spot of spiderman. Nothing against the other to but Tom has hit the nail on the head when it comes to being spiderman. Great action and the film didnt have to rely to much on cameos such as Iron man. By far one of the best Marvel films and ive just recently got my tickets for Thor Ragnarok which may now not be the best marvel film of the year as expected.
Ragnarok Unwound
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I adored this book. It started off a little slow but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down

It does have some issues, Ives is just a little too OP and seems to be rescued in just the nick of time and the dialogue was a bit clunky in some parts.

Ives has had a bad breakup and just wants to be left alone when a Valkyrie accosts her in a bar and demands that she help stop Ragnarok.

I really enjoyed the meshing of Hawaiian and Norse culture.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Chris Hemsworth (4 more)
Tessa Thompson (valkyrie)
Best of all, the soundtrack
It was missing something (0 more)
Makes up for The Dark World
Contains spoilers, click to show
Thor number 1, great film. Thor The dark world, not everyones cup of tea (i liked it), Thor Ragnarok, this has everything the others missed and more.
Comedy, action, fight scenes, soundtrack, Cameos it had it all. Its highly recommended even if most of the film he is without Mjölnir( not a spoiler if you watch the trailers) Plus some of the fight scences are behond epic. Still not the best Marvel based film but up there thats for sure mainly because it had Loki, Dr Strange and the fire demon Surtur.