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Hard to Hold (Black Ops Heros #1)
Hard to Hold (Black Ops Heros #1)
Incy Black | 2017 | Romance, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The action starts from the very first page when Anna nearly comes to a sticky end with a lorry, laying in the hospital her next of kin (according to her passport, that she hadn't changed) Nick, her ex husband comes strolling back into her life, it's a love hate relationship and Anna hasn't seen him in 5 years.
This book made me want to bang their heads together, they're always bitching and snipping at each other. Always trying to get one over on the other and whatever Anna seems to do trouble always follows.

"I'm not exactly predisposed to granting you any favours right now, Anna. I can't believe some of the situations you get yourself into. Jesus, what are you? A gravitational force for trouble!"

It's infuriating, and I just wished they'd shut up and get on with it. Saying that, I did enjoy it, I thought it was well written and I would read other titles by this author.
Ice Station Zebra
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cold-War set thriller, by an author that (for some reason) I associate more with World War 2 settings, this concerns the journey of the Atomic submarine Dolphin to the Arctic, in order to rescue the survivors of the adrift Ice Staion of the title.

I also feel that this could be split into 3 very distinct sections - the journey to the Arctic, the search and rescue of the survivors, and the journey back, with it transpiring in the middle section that the Ice Station had been sabatoged, rather than just plain unlucky, and with it furhter being revealed in the final section that the saboteour is still alive and on the sub ...

While it may be slightly dated now (in that the USSR is no longer in existence) and in some of the state-of-the-(then)-art technology, this is still an enjoyable read once you put yourself into the right mindset!
Superman dies

It doesn't hold.

Back in the early 90s, I remember one comic book,in particular, that made the headlines, when DC decided to take what was then a massive risk and kill off one of their lead characters.

This was in the days, of course, before that trick became 'old hat; before the comic industry kept killing off and bringing back to life their leads.

Reading it now, even if the plot isn't that strong (who is Doomsday? Where has he come from? What does he want? Why was it the the Justice League of Americas B-team that went out to face him and got taken apart?), it's interesting to see how the medium has moved on: in particular (mostly) away for the lurid brightly coloured panels of this comic.

I have to say, as well, if you thought the devastation of Metropolis at the end of the recent(ish) 'Man of Steel' movie was bad, read this ...

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Dark Ride in Books

Jul 21, 2019  
Dark Ride
Dark Ride
Iain Rob Wright | 2019 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Creepily entertaining
I admit, I am a fan of this author and he is one of a very select few that I will buy their book without much hesitation. I love a good horror/creep-fest book every now and again and Iain is more and more my go-to author.

I absolutely devoured this book in less than a day whilst sunning myself, chilling in a hammock whilst on holiday in Portugal - no one spoke to me and I had to keep reminding myself to move I was that hooked; I couldn't put it down.

What's not to love ... great characters, spooky abandoned fun fair, tension, fast pace, easy to read, laugh out loud one-liners and sad moments ... this book has it all BUT I didn't find it particularly scary however, I was very much entertained and isn't that the point?

Recommended for anyone who enjoys a book that gives you the creeps but doesn't like a full blown horror ... I enjoy both 😊
Deaf Child Crossing
Deaf Child Crossing
Marlee Matlin | 2002 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awful MC
Deaf Child Crossing is a middle grade read that tells the story of two nine year old girls. Megan is deaf, and Cindy is the new girl that just moved in to her neighborhood.
I liked Cindy she was a realistic, and tried her best to be a good friend. Unfortunately Megan was the main focus of the book, and she was awful. I will say she was technically realistic just now very likeable. She treats Cindy horribly through most of the book, but it gets played off because Megan is working through stuff. I know this happens in real life but I hate seeing it in literature. It is not okay to treat people like crap just because you are going through something!
I know this book gets a lot of applause for having a deaf character, but I really feel like there has to be better books available.

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated The Donor in Books

Jul 1, 2021  
The Donor
The Donor
Clare Mackintosh | 2020 | Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought this was just going to be a nice little book about a child saved by organ donation and ending up in touch with the mother of the person who donated their heart to her, but I was so wrong!

The story follows Meg, a teenager who has been saved my a heart transplant, and her blossoming relationship between her and Karen, the mother of the boy that donated his heart that she now has. It is told from the point of view of Lizzie, Meg’s mother, who has a feeling that something isn’t right from the start.

Definitely not where I thought it was going, and I really enjoyed the book. It’s also one that’s made me think about organ donation, knowing someone could benefit from my organs when I die. The only thing I would wish for is that it was longer than its 101 pages! I could easily read more about Lizzie and Meg and even Karen!
The Little Book of Sloth Philosophy 
The Little Book of Sloth Philosophy 
Jennifer McCartney | 2018 | Health & Fitness, Humor & Comedy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you live in America post-2016 (#notmypresident), there is a more fair amount of hate, deceit, and a lack of caring. It's a culture driven by "What's in it for me?" and "What can I buy next?". Cellphones, whether Android or iOs, are like augmentation of our hand, taking all our focus, leaving us mentally glued to them. a book like this couldn't have come out at a better time!

Sure, I am biased, as I have a great love/appreciation of sloths. Beyond the sloth aspect, the book has a great amount of Life Advice that everyone should heed. One of the recommendations of McCartney on how to "live the sloth life" is recommending putting down our cellphones, stopping with the need for "selfies", and just get out there and enjoy Life for all that it is. Best.advice.EVER!

Now, enough with the review already, just get out there and read it! Your Life will so much better!