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The Last Wish
The Last Wish
Andrzej Sapkowski | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
157 of 250
The Last Wish ( The Witcher book 1)
By Andrzej Sapkowski

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Geralt de Rivia is a witcher. A cunning sorcerer. A merciless assassin.

And a cold-blooded killer.

His sole purpose: to destroy the monsters that plague the world.

But not everything monstrous-looking is evil and not everything fair is good

. . . and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.

I’m so glad I decided to start these books! This is a selection of short stories to open up the wither world and Geralt. I loved them all and it made so much more sense matching these shorts to the Tv series. Looking forward to getting stuck into the next book. It also helps I now have Henry Cavil stuck in my head for Geralt!

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Who She Was in Books

Aug 20, 2023  
Who She Was
Who She Was
Tony Parsons | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoy Tony Parsons' books as they have always excited me, kept me on tenterhooks and had me reading long into the night. Unfortunately, Who She Was, for me, is nowhere near on a par with his previous books which I am upset about.

It pains me to say this but I found the story boring, the plot tedious, the characters totally unlikeable or memorable and the twists just meh!

Now, this is my opinion only and I have seen lots of reviews that rate this very highly so please don't take my word for it ... you can't please everyone all of the time! I also won't let this blip put me off from reading more of Tony Parsons work in the future.

Thanks must go to the author, Random House UK, Cornerstone, Century and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of Who She Was.
Once London’s top thief, Barclay Pearce has turned his back on his life of crime and now uses his skills for a nation at war. But not until he rescues a clockmaker’s daughter from a mugging does he begin to wonder what his future might hold.

Evelina Manning has constantly fought for independence but she certainly never meant for it to inspire her fiancé to end the engagement and enlist in the army. When the intriguing man who saved her returns to the Manning residence to study clockwork repair with her father, she can’t help being interested. But she soon learns that nothing with Barclay Pearce is as simple as it seems.

As 1915 England plunges ever deeper into war, the work of an ingenious clockmaker may give England an unbeatable military edge—and Germany realizes it as well. Evelina’s father soon finds his whole family in danger—and it may just take a reformed thief to steal the time they need to escape it.

My Thoughts: This is an intriguing and entertaining book. From the first chapter to the last, it has the reader completely enamored. This is the third book in the series and if the reader like myself hasn't read the first two, they will be able to read along easily. The setting takes place during the first world war and grabs the readers attention from the first page. The characters are fun, witty and down to earth.

I believe that this book is to teach us what family really is and to appreciate and to hold on tight and love our famililies. It's a book about serving others and putting family first.

I believe that readers will truly enjoy this novel, especially those who love historical fiction.
Like Candy (Candy #1)
Like Candy (Candy #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*A copy of this book was received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The thing that drew me in with this book was the cover, and then the description. Note that I haven't been on Netgalley in some time, as I've been trying to wittle down my slowly increasing list of books and then just decided to get rid of the ones I got as freebies back when I first got my kindle and would never read.

So back to Like Candy. I was a little wary to start with. I'm a bit picky with genre's at the minute. I'm liking YA, but not really NA. I'm liking Romance but not in the mood for Erotica. Luckily this was more YA than NA to me and the romance aspect of this story drew me in quickly. Just the chance of something happening with Candy after her last failed relationship and the silent-but-really-nice guy that is Jonah...well *sigh* And when it finally did, I was so happy for them. They were so good for each other!

It read as a normal girl-meets-boy story, a nice slow progression, and then we see Candy in her home life and I was a little stumped with that part of the storyline. Her wanting to do what her dad did. It wasn't something I was expecting, especially with all the mystery surrounding what he does. That was the other plot that was threaded through the story, though I wont spoil it by going into much detail.

But for me, it was all about that emotional connection between Candy and Jonah. I loved it. And that bit near the end with them at school almost killed me. But the actual ending? Cliff-hanger worthy!

I definitely need the second book in the series now.<br/>
I read the first book in this series a few months ago and really quite enjoyed it so when I got my KU subscription and saw this was in the catalogue I decided to grab this one, too.

This one picks up not long after the events of the first with Raine now being persona non grata in Dark River apart from her four guys. It's going to take some time for the townspeople to come to terms with Raine being the victim of their well-loved, long-term resident (who I won't name.) It seems that what went down in their little town has drawn the attention of the Vampire Nation and they are on their way to investigate.

I did enjoy the first one, this one wasn't quite as engaging. I felt this one was getting a little too complicated with all the new lovers she was acquiring. Four men I can cope with - and have read several books with four males in reverse harems - but I think that at the end of this Raine was quickly verging on about 7 or 8 men that she would happily share her bed with and the others not be bothered about. It was getting a little ridiculous for me.

I can't say the storyline of this one pulled me into it, either. It was rather reminiscent of the first. Someone wants her dead, various attempts on her life and then saved by her guys - only the number of them has multiplied a little. There was quite a lot of sex in this, with various partners and combinations of men. It felt rather heavy on the erotica side of romance and I wasn't entirely convinced by the feelings floating around.

As much as I liked the first book I don't think I'll be continuing the series.
Blood of the Dragonfly (The Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series)
Blood of the Dragonfly (The Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series)
Hawk MacKinney | 2021 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blood of the dragonfly is book five of this series. It continues the series of crime-fighting and solving murders now in the backyard of to ex seals. If you are into mysteries and murder, this series is a good one for you.

Though I would suggest that you be wary that there are death scenes and some nasty words for some readers. This book is for adults, and I recommend maybe ages 16 to 17 years old and up. However, that is up to the parents and their choice to read this book or series. This series has different ratings for content for each book.

There seem to be quite a few twists and turns throughout the book. It all starts when Craige decides to help his buddy MacGerald get home from PDK airport. It seems to start up with a mysterious shadow that he thinks he spots. Someone somehow comes alive after being dead?

You will go for a ride and hit some bumps along the way. It starts heating up when Spinner decides to come for a visit at Moccasin Hollow. Will they find out who started the fire? Who is this mystery woman that shows up out of nowhere? Who messed with MacGerarald's investigation? Who wants them all dead? What does the dragonfly have to do with it at all?

Suppose you are into thrillers and suspense and mystery. This book and series is a good one to pick up and read. I have rated this book 4.5 stars (Moons). It seems to have puzzles and clues to have you guessing until the end. What did I know more about how Corpsewood Manor was the target or a little more detail about what was going on to set fire to Corpsewood?
It: Chapter Two (2019)
It: Chapter Two (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
The acting (1 more)
The humour
Too many jump scares (0 more)
Very funny for a horror movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
I enjoyed the first chapter so had to watch the second. I have read it is much closer to the book than the 80s version, however having never read the book i can't comment on that element.
The movie is set years after the first one and the loser gang have now gone their seperate ways, All but one had moved out of derry, some of them have a successful career and Beverly is unfortunately in an abusive marriage, but all this changes when they get the dreaded phone call to come back to derry - pennywise has returned and needs to be destroyed for good! The first few minutes of the movie where we are reintroduced to the characters is pretty slow going but once they meet up at the restaurant, things move pretty quickly and you forget how long the movie actually is. What i found with this movie though is how funny it is, not just at the humour between the group but the different monsters we meet, for example a zombie knew how to drive a car 😂😂. I was a little disappointed with the ending as i expected something spectacular to kill him, but it was literally just belittling pennywise until he shrunk down into a baby like form and then removing his heart and squeezing it until he dies, it just seemed too easy! I'm also surprised that they still had him tramsform into a spider like form, despite people not liking the original ending, again though this might be in the book. Regardless of these faults though i still enjoyed the movie and highly recommend it.