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Lindsay (1727 KP) rated Almost Perfect in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Almost Perfect
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Almost Perfect got to me. I just loved the story behind it. It's about a boy named Benny and an older woman named Bess. Benny is having trouble with emotions, especially when dealing with his mother. Benny wants a dog, but his mother is too busy with her life. We meet several different folks.
Benny meets Bess for the first time when he discovers her dogs. Benny meets Susie and McCreery, Bess's poodle. Benny wants McCreery for himself. Bess sees this fascination with McCreery. Benny runs off. Bess wants to win the Westminster Dog show and no one

There are some amazing twists and turns in this book. At one point, Benny finds out that McCreery is gone. And is determined to find McCreery. There are other characters I liked in this book. David and Dr. Kate meet through Benny. Benny meets a new girl as well.

Benny now has the possibility of choosing a puppy and calls him Breaker. Bess and Benny are now Co-Owners. Can Benny handle a puppy and deal with all the hard work it takes for a show dog? To find out you will need to read "Almost Perfect." There are surprises to this story.
Thick & Thin (THIRDS, #8)
Thick & Thin (THIRDS, #8)
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one carries on from where the last one finished. Dex is now a human-therian hybrid and is trying to figure out how to tell his family and team mates about whats been going on with him lately.

It's a short one compared to most of the other books in this series but we still have quite a good storyline arc in it involving Wolf - one of Sparks' old colleagues - and how he's playing with them a little, which I'm sure will lead us right into the next one which is Seb and the doc's story that has been in the works for a handful of books.

I do love this group of friends. They are close and tease each other all the time but we've really gotten to know them over the last seven books and I think I'd have a serious meltdown if anything happened to any of them.

I accidentally bought book 9 a year or so ago, not realising I hadn't already got this one but now I've read it I can easily continue the story whenever I want - which will be soon, but not just yet.

If you like mm romances where the guys can kick butt then you will really like this series.
Thick & Thin (THIRDS #8)
Thick & Thin (THIRDS #8)
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

This one carries on from where the last one finished. Dex is now a human-therian hybrid and is trying to figure out how to tell his family and team mates about whats been going on with him lately.

It's a short one compared to most of the other books in this series but we still have quite a good storyline arc in it involving Wolf - one of Sparks' old colleagues - and how he's playing with them a little, which I'm sure will lead us right into the next one which is Seb and the doc's story that has been in the works for a handful of books.

I do love this group of friends. They are close and tease each other all the time but we've really gotten to know them over the last seven books and I think I'd have a serious meltdown if anything happened to any of them.

I accidentally bought book 9 a year or so ago, not realising I hadn't already got this one but now I've read it I can easily continue the story whenever I want - which will be soon, but not just yet.

If you like mm romances where the guys can kick butt then you will really like this series.
Finding Mr. Wrong
Finding Mr. Wrong
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Mr. Wrong by Charlie Cochet
Finding Mr. Wrong starts off with Matthew having a near-death experience. He is the very successful owner of the family run firm Hart & Home. However, he isn't sure about his cousin, who is coming up with very strange ideas. Following his experience, he speaks to his best friend/PA, Adam, and they decide he is going to find Mr Right. They put down a few things, and then Adam wangles the story out of 'the one that got away'. It is obvious that Matthew has never got over this. Circumstances (and people) conspire, and Matthew and Jax end up meeting again. Jax can't believe his eyes, whilst Matthew is spitting feathers he is so angry. Don't worry, they do work it out... for a while at least.

This story just swept you along, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word. Charlie Cochet is an amazing author, and I have yet to read anything by her that I didn't like. There are a couple of side stories that help to make this the enjoyable read that it is - one is Jax's dad, and the other is Adam. Now, I won't say too much about Jax's dad (Dale), as I feel you should really read it and make up your own mind. As for me, I would say that Jax is a saint, and I honestly don't know if I could have done that. As for Adam, I really REALLY want to know his story. He comes across as very sweet and caring, but he has a history. I know he does. I just don't know what it is just yet. He knew immediately what Rai did for a living, whereas I didn't have a clue! He knows what it's like to be without money too. I really need to know!

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this is one contemporary M/M romance that I have no hesitation in recommending. With humour, grit, action, misunderstandings, and a little twist that I never saw coming at the end, this was absolutely wonderful. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Craftsman in Books

Mar 12, 2019  
The Craftsman
The Craftsman
Sharon Bolton | 2018 | Mystery
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Complex, compelling, and complicated tale
The year is 1999 and Assistant Commissioner Florence Lovelady returns to Lancashire for the funeral of Larry Glassbrook, a murderer she arrested 30 years ago. Larry killed three children, burying them alive in caskets he made himself. He also kidnapped and tortured Florence while she was investigating his case. Thirty years ago, Florence made a name for herself with the Glassbrook case, which changed her life forever. Clay effigies were found with each of the children's bodies, suggesting an element of witchcraft. Now, when Florence returns for the funeral, she finds a fourth: of herself. Does this means Florence is in danger? And what does the message Larry sent her from prison mean? Is there still a killer out there?

"I wonder what words his headstone might carry: Loving husband, devoted father, merciless killer."

I'm a huge Sharon Bolton fan, so I was excited to read this one. I hadn't really read the description in a while, so I didn't realize so much of the narrative took place in the late 1960s. I'm usually more of a modern fiction fan, but I found the 1960s portion--narrated by Florence--to be surprisingly engaging and enjoyable. It offered a really detailed look at how women were treated, especially on the police force, and was a true testament to Florence's strength. She was a fascinating, nuanced character who drew me in from the beginning. The book really revolves around her, but she makes it worth it.

The novel is certainly creepy--definitely a good spooky read for the month of October. It can be dark and gruesome. There's a witchcraft portion that sometimes seems a little unbelievable, but I thought it worked well within the confines of the story. There's even some funny moments--made even better by what a great heroine Florence is.

There's an excellent mystery here, which will keep you guessing from the start. The story skips between 1969 and 1999, and the two portions work together seamlessly. I found the tale to be complex, complicated, and just really compelling. There's something about this book that simply keeps you reading. Florence is an awesome character, the story is fascinating and different, and it's just a really enjoyable (if somewhat dark) read. Definitely recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Finding Mr. Wrong
Finding Mr. Wrong
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Mr. Wrong starts off with Matthew having a near-death experience. He is the very successful owner of the family run firm Hart & Home. However, he isn't sure about his cousin, who is coming up with very strange ideas. Following his experience, he speaks to his best friend/PA, Adam, and they decide he is going to find Mr Right. They put down a few things, and then Adam wangles the story out of 'the one that got away'. It is obvious that Matthew has never got over this. Circumstances (and people) conspire, and Matthew and Jax end up meeting again. Jax can't believe his eyes, whilst Matthew is spitting feathers he is so angry. Don't worry, they do work it out... for a while at least.

This story just swept you along, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word. Charlie Cochet is an amazing author, and I have yet to read anything by her that I didn't like. There are a couple of side stories that help to make this the enjoyable read that it is - one is Jax's dad, and the other is Adam. Now, I won't say too much about Jax's dad (Dale), as I feel you should really read it and make up your own mind. As for me, I would say that Jax is a saint, and I honestly don't know if I could have done that. As for Adam, I really REALLY want to know his story. He comes across as very sweet and caring, but he has a history. I know he does. I just don't know what it is just yet. He knew immediately what Rai did for a living, whereas I didn't have a clue! He knows what it's like to be without money too. I really need to know!

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this is one contemporary M/M romance that I have no hesitation in recommending. With humour, grit, action, misunderstandings, and a little twist that I never saw coming at the end, this was absolutely wonderful. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Confined Desires (Rehoboth Pact #1)
Confined Desires (Rehoboth Pact #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's not especially explicit, but it IS full of love and passion
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Mia splits with her boyfriend and comes home, to Sky since she has nowhere else to go. Then the world comes crazy and there is stay at home order. Can Sky and Mia manage in a tiny one bed flat, in close proximity, and keep their hands off each other?

I have to commend Ms McIntyre. For a while she only wrote male/female pairings. The last book I read of her's was a M/M pairing, and this is a F/F pairing. And she nailed this, as she did Midnight Heist!

Sky has lusted, LOVED Mia since high school. She's not sure she can cope with them being so close for an extended time. Mia is, quite simply, the only woman for her. Mia, in turn has had feelings for Sky for equally as long. She just wasn't exactly sure WHAT she was feeling then, but she is now.

It's great watching them dance around each other for a while, and then fall headlong over that cliff. Only for Sky to mess it all up by keeping her mouth shut. Oh, I wanted to punch her then, I really did, especially as Mia poured her heart out to her!

It's not especially explicit, but it IS full of love and passion. It's emotional too, with Sky dealing with the loss of her sister, and Mia's female parental unit (I don't like her, can you tell?!?)

It is the first 'virus' book I've read, and I expect there to be more, but every one of those books will have to stand against this one, in that regard, cos it is so well done!

The title of the series is the Rehoboth Pact. I loved the reason for that, and that Aubrey evokes said pact when Sky acts stoopid! There is a third friend, Kyle, in the pact. We didn't meet her yet though. Aubs is here though, and she's a lot of fun! So, I'm assuming that the series will be around these three girls. Can't wait to read them!

It's not a compliacted read, just a story of two girls seeing who is right in front of them, and acting on your feelings.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**