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Fiery Nights Tempted (Gen-Heirs World: Bella and the Beast Master #4)
Fiery Nights Tempted (Gen-Heirs World: Bella and the Beast Master #4)
Sarah Westill | 2024 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FIERY NIGHTS TEMPTED is the fourth novella in the Gen-Heirs World: Bella and the Beast Master series. It does follow on from the previous two, so I would definitely recommend you read those first.

Things are hotting up between Markus and Bella, and I for one am over the moon for them. I did feel sorry for them at the beginning though. Markus has to return to Ruthenia for a while and leave Bella behind. He also knows she is ovulating, so in his wisdom, he decides they will abstain as he doesn't want Bella to find out if she's pregnant when she's on her own. Yeah, right. Like THAT'S going to happen! Not with these two. Plus, they get a new case that takes them to new places, leaving Bella insecure.

I loved this story! You should be ready to hear that now. I've loved all of them so far. But this one? Whether it's the steam rating or not, or whether it's the mystery side that was brilliant, I don't know. All I know is I was completely engrossed and read it from start to finish in one sitting. And that ending?!!! Gah!!!

Absolutely brilliant and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me! You will be left wanting more though, just saying. 😁

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 6, 2024
The Dumb House: (Scottish Classics)
The Dumb House: (Scottish Classics)
John Burnside | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was nothing like what I thought it would, and for that reason, it disappointed me.

I believed this novel was going to be a creepy, man-holds-children-captive kind of story, but unfortunately it wasn’t. This was far more intelligent, with lots of complex writing than I had expected, and due to that, I couldn’t really get into it. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed so I feel like a lot of this book went over my head.

There’s no doubt about it, our narrator is one of the most terrifying and disturbed narrators I’ve ever come across, and thanks to my love for the macabre, this made reading his story sometimes enjoyable. When he was simply recalling his actions in the here and now, I was interested, but when he got into his ramblings about his ideas on testing the innateness of language, my mind moved onto different things. Hence it taking me almost a week and a half to read 204 pages.

Burnside is an incredibly beautiful writer, it doesn’t surprise me to see he’s a poetry writer as well as a fiction writer. I’m always one to praise an author for their poetic prose, but sometimes things get a little too complex for me and all meaning is lost on me. This happened a lot throughout reading The Dumb House.

In terms of the story, this wasn’t exactly what I had hoped it would be. It was very slow to get anywhere, and even when we did get to learning his experiment on his children, that whole section was equally slow-moving. It didn’t feel like an awful lot happened other than several uncomfortable sex scenes and some horrifying violence.

Unfortunately, this one didn’t do it for me, which is a shame, because I was so looking forward to reading it. I suppose if you love intelligent fiction that is reasonably ambiguous, this might be great for you. I personally like a book that challenges my mind, but this one went too far for me.
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl follows Bea’s attempts to translate her status in high school into a scholarship winning mathematical formula. Simple right? Beatrice, Spencer, and Gabe are not the most popular kids at school – to be honest they’re practically invisible. Most people call Bea “Math Girl” and she wants that to change. She convinces her friends to embrace and exploit a personality trait that fills a void in their school so that they can become popular.

Gabe agrees because he is a writer for the school paper and hopes to be chosen for an internship as a result. He becomes the school’s flamboyant, gay best friend and almost immediately is absorbed into the popular inner-circle. Through his acceptance, Spencer and Bea, now known as Trixie, become known around the school. She must embrace her new personality but doesn’t always make the right decisions.

I personally did not relate to her, despite her love of math and didn’t create a connection. I completely agreed with the opinions of her friends about her behavior. I didn’t find myself being sympathetic to her plight and was frustrated more than anything by her repeated mistakes. She meddles in other people’s business, doesn’t take the high road and even though she accepts her mistakes at the end – it doesn’t feel, to me at least, that she has grown over the course of the novel.

Despite the book being formulaic, it was an enjoyable read – I just wish it wasn’t so predictable. It doesn’t take long to figure out who is going to be the romantic endgame, what friendships will be formed and enemy status established. At the end of it all, you wonder will they realize that it is more important to be true to themselves than to be popular? I think you know what the answer will be.

The book has a fair amount of diversity and representation in it, which is good. I wish each of those various representations was given more detail and thought than being an intermittent descriptive word. It felt more like adding the token LGBTQ+ or ethnically diverse character. We don’t often enough see diversity in books, so it was a little disappointing to me that it so little was done with it.

Overall, I think that it was a quick, contemporary read that young adult/teen readers will enjoy. It is cute, if predictable but the unique aspect of the story of using math to solve life’s problems was quirky and endearing.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nice easy read.
I really liked the idea behind this book... Being a child of the 80s it was a real buzz to think that all the things that made me tick as a child could become stuff of legend. The setting for the story is entirely believable, with climate change, renewable energy and global over population very hot topics right now - it's no real stretch of the imagination to see that this is where we could be in the future. I also really identified with the insecurities of the characters... The anonymity that the internet lends is liberating, but also terribly isolating.

As much as I enjoyed this book, I did find my mind wandering at times, that I was glossing over paragraphs that had got too bogged down in details that weren't entirely pertinent to the story. That being said, I think that this story is going to make for an amazing movie, I'm very much looking forward to it.
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
2012 | Bluff, Collectible Components, Entertainment, Flight / Aviation, Miniatures
Next to the iconic light saber battles, nothing excites a Star Wars fan more than the epic space battles. The original Star Wars trilogy had some of the most unique and beautifully designed space ships in all of science fiction. For its time, the X-Wing was a truly iconic piece of special effects. With the introduction of Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures game from Fantasy Flight Games, players can now have their own space battles with these memorable ships. Does Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures have what it takes to score a victory on you table top or should it be encased in carbonite? Read on to find out!
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures is a miniatures game of space combat for 2 players. The game players in about 30-60 minutes and can be expanded to accommodate more players.

Reviewer: Tony MastrangeliRead the full review here:
When the Stolrzfus barn catches fire, the Amish community comes together for a barn raising. But in the midst of the building, bones are discovered, and they are quickly identified as those of Sadie Lehman, who disappeared 20 years before. With the mystery of her disappearance now on everyone’s mind, Claire begins to search for answers to help those she has come to love. But what really happened all those years ago?

The mystery was a tad slower than I thought it could be, but the book more than makes up for it with the characters. I’ve come to care for them, and the growth we see here is not only organic, but growth that made me very happy. These characters pulled me into the book once again, and I can hardly wait to visit them when the next in the series comes out.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Sisters An’gel and Dickce Ducote are only too happy to help Mary Turner Catlin, the granddaughter of their friend. It seems the family house is haunted, and she wants them to help her figure out what is causing the problem. It isn’t too long after they arrive that they begin to experience some strange things, but it’s the uninvited guests who really up the tension. What are the sisters involved in now?

I love the main characters in this book, both human and four legged, so I was glad to get a chance to visit them again. They delight as always, and the new characters are strong as well. The pacing was a little off over all, but the haunted house aspect is a nice addition to the mystery. Fans of the author will enjoy this latest book.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Demolition Angel
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three years ago, Carol Starkey lost her partner and lover when a bomb exploded. Heck, she almost lost her life herself, and she has lived with the scars, real and emotional, from it ever since. Now she is tasked with solving the murder of another LAPD bomb squad member killed by a bomb. The ATF thinks it was the work of Mr. Red, a serial bomber. Can Carol catch him?

The mystery itself in this book is strong, and I enjoyed the twists and turns as we went along. However, I had a real problem with Carol. She was a walking cliché of the hard-boiled mystery genre right down to her chain smoking, secret drinking, and hard to like personality. Her character arc was a cliché as well, but I finally did find myself caring about her toward the end of the book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
A Season for Fireflies
A Season for Fireflies
Rebecca Maizel | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Great YA Read
A lot has changed in the past year for Penny. She has quit theater, and made a new set of friends. When she is struck by lightning she loses all memory of the last year, and is confused by the changes in her life. Now she most win back her old friends, and try to piece together the time she lost.
This story was done fantastically. It would have been easy to make either Penny's old or new friends unlikable. Instead all of the characters are complex, and have reasons behind there actions. Penny herself struggles with coming to terms with decisions she doesn't remember making. She has to figure out how to get her old friends back when they no longer speak to her, and she isn't sure why. This book also has some romance, however it is Penny's character development that truly makes the story shine.
The Unmumsy Mum Diary
The Unmumsy Mum Diary
Sarah Turner, The Unmumsy Mum | 2017 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great follow up to the first book. (0 more)
Only one year long! (0 more)
Thank God I'm not the only one!
Just like with here first book, Sarah has done another great job being refreshingly honest about the realities as life as a mum.
She knows not all mum's experience parenthood like she does, but for those of us who have found it more of a challenge than we anticipated, it is so nice to have others say the same.
This one has the odd sniping from her social media feeds, a bit by the man behind the mum, and even a chapter from one of the boys perspective.
My main issue with is my only reading time is when (if) my baby naps, so I need to sit quietly, and this book has made me laugh out loud and nearly woken him up on several occasions. I mean, it's like she did not take that into consideration 😂.
What the hell do I read now?!?!