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The Silver Tide (The Copper Cat, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My 200th book of the year was the final installment in Jen Williams’ The Copper Cat trilogy The Silver Tide and was it a doozie! The Copper Cat trilogy has got to be the best series I’ve read this year, so much so that I devoured it easily. It was without a doubt the best book of the trilogy with characters we’d only heard passing mentions of in the previous ones coming full circle and smacking us in the face. Devinia the Red? FTW!

The Silver Tide brought several running story arcs to a close nicely with just the right amount of action, drama and hate. Now I use the term hate lightly because it wasn’t hate from me but hate of some of the characters who originally I thought were good people – boy was I wrong.

The Silver Tide was the best title and I waited until right near the end to find out what the relevance of that was. Oh it was so good! I tweeted Jen Williams just before I got there grumbling because Sebastian was being abused in the book as a character and then I read the ending and my decision changed entirely.

This book had the same easy flow of dialogue and prose with character descriptions and world building in abundance – by world building, I don’t mean the standard Ede but a new “world” called Euriale where all sorts of weird and wonderful beasties and plants to die for – literally. This new world had some wonderful if slightly psychotic characters in it and there were pirates everywhere, several of those were psychotic as well.

The storyline for this book was based around Euriale and involved time travel, long dead gods and characters who have died and been reborn; Estenn a character who is half-mad at the beginning of the book and completely mad by the time Wydrin kicked her psycho butt is a new one, she’s entirely consumed by the Twins – Res’ni and Res’na – and believes herself to the their Emissary and it is because of Estenn that things happen in this book: good and innocent people die for her cause and Y’Gria followed by Y’Ruen, Res’ni and Res’na aid her in slaughtering the mages in a time gone by.

The ending, although sad because it ended, was brilliant. It was lovely seeing Sebastian finally get his happily ever after especially after the few disastrous attempts he made in the first two books – Oster and Sebastian I ship it. Dragon with dragon-kin oh yes! There was also a major overabundance of dragons and dragon-kin in this book and some pretty sweet new magical powers for Frith which was super.

Wydrin had her moments as always and this book was fantastically British in a lot of ways; including copious use of the words “fuck” and “mum” which I liked. I really can’t fault Wydrin Threefellows character in any way, shape or form and she went through some particularly freaky things in this book (when comparing the other books to this one, definitely freaky-deaky).

In all, this series was brilliant, it was a fantastic read all round and I’ve already got two people I know wanting to steal the series from me so they can read it on their own.
Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe #2)
Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe #2)
Neal Shusterman | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.1 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Scythe</a>; - ★★★★★
#2 <a href="">Thunderhead</a>; - ★★★★★
#3 <a href="">The Toll</a> - ★★★★★

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I thought Scythe will be my favorite book of the year, but then I read Thunderhead. It is a shame that I won’t be able to read The Toll this year - but I am honestly so honored to have a chance to read this series in my lifetime. Neal, please let me kiss your immortality ring!

Thunderhead is a continuation of The Arc of Scythe series, where we follow two characters, Citra and Rowan, in their journey to become apprentices of Scythe Faraday. With many twists and turns, which I don’t want to spoil for you all, Thunderhead begins exactly where Scythe finished. And it only gets better from here!

While in Scythe, the main focus of the book was the introduction to the world of Scythes, their beliefs, their challenges, their destiny, in Thunderhead, we get to know the Thunderhead better. The mind behind all the success of humankind, the brains behind how we managed to beat immortality. The Thunderhead sees everything and it can control everything - except the Schythedom. 

<b><i>“The end doesn’t always justify the means, dear.” she said. “But sometimes it does. Wisdom is knowing the difference.”</i></b>

This book was so powerful in so many ways. The bravery of Scythe Citra, now known as Scythe Anastasia. The determination of Rowan. Thunderhead and the power and wisdom it holds, but is unable to share it. The sacrifice of Scythe Curie. The friendship that slowly turns to love and trust between Citra and Rowan and their fights to bring fairness and justice, both of them fighting for the same goal, but in their own different ways. 

Thunderhead was everything I was hoping it to be and more. It was all I ever wanted from it. The writing, the mini entries of thoughts from the Thunderhead or the diary excerpts that keep you engaged chapter after chapter are such a refreshing way to read a book.

I think this series will end up being my favorite one of all time, and I cannot wait to get to The Toll and get the ending I am hoping I will get. Thunderhead finishes with an enormous cliff-hanger, that makes you beg for the next book. 

I recommend this book so, so much and in real life I cannot stop talking about it. Please pick up a copy and give it a try. If you don’t instantly fall in love with it, you can glean me.

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If I Die Before I Wake
If I Die Before I Wake
Emily Koch | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
An accomplished debut
A who-dunnit story with a difference; told completely from the perspective of Alex who is trapped within his own body and with only the ability to speak to himself inside his own head trying to piece together the clues from the snippets of conversations he can hear and from his own fragmented memory as to how he got where he is.

This was an intriguing read and I really enjoyed that it was told from Alex's point of view - the sense of complete frustration and, at times, desolation at being completely helpless - was excellent and, at times, heart-breaking. I imagine it was extremely difficult to write and it must have taken great restraint not to introduce other concepts or parts of the story that may have helped to move it on but would have reduced the impact of Alex's situation.

This is a very original psychological mystery told in a unique way and I did feel constant anticipation that something was going to happen but, unfortunately, it never really seemed to ... well not until the end that is. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it; it's a good book with great characters and I can't fault the writing style, the flow or the concept, but it just left me with a sense of "is that it?" when I finished when I feel it could have been a fantastic book.

Overall though, this is an accomplished debut novel for the author so if this book is anything to go by, I await the next with eager anticipation.

Many thanks to the publisher, Random House UK Vintage Publishing, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Undertow (The UnderCity Chronicles #1)
Undertow (The UnderCity Chronicles #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3½ out of 5 stars.

*I received this copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The cover grabbed my attention straight away; it looks dark and kinda scary. I like to read a bit of everything as long as it has some romance to it, so.

The prologue definitely grabbed my attention and left me wondering what was down there in the tunnels under New York City.

Fast forward eighteen years, Lindsay and Jack now are thirty-three, and she needs his help. When she finally manages to get him to agree, they head underground and I was amazed at the detailed description of the communities they come across, and the variety. Some seemed rather crazy while others were pretty laid back. It was interesting.

We see from both Lindsay and Jack’s POV, which turns out to be very interesting. He tries to act like he doesn’t care about her (in Lindsay’s POV), I think in an attempt to keep himself removed from the rest of the world after what he went through at the hands of the Moles. Then seeing from his own POV that he does care and that he does want to help her. I like him: a LOT.

Seeing the occasional flashback of Jack’s time being held underground by the Moles was kinda creepy. What they did to him… *shudders*

It’s hard to go into too much detail about this book without giving some stuff away but I was drawn into the book easily. Maybe it was the romance aspect that was present from early on or maybe it was the mystery about what was down in the Undercity. Whatever it was, I liked it.
Places to Be, People to Kill
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this anthology more than one might expect from a collection of stories about killers, but then I've read a couple of volumes edited by [a:Brittiany A. Koren|12300|Brittiany A. Koren|] and [a:Martin H. Greenberg|26064|Martin H. Greenberg|] now, and I trust the pair. (Greenberg has turned out so many anthologies that I don't assume anything at all when I see his name.)

I had to explain to my family why I kept laughing while reading "Exactly" by [a:Tanya Huff|1967|Tanya Huff|]. I'm a long-time fan of her work, so was already familiar with sibling assassins Vree and Bannon from [b:Fifth Quarter|175312|Fifth Quarter (Quarters, #2)|Tanya Huff||169357] and [b:No Quarter|175300|No Quarter (Quarters, #3)|Tanya Huff||169345]. While all of Huff's work includes some humor, this story is particularly funny.

"Breia’s Diamond" by [a:Cat Collins|380276|Cat Collins|] was a memorable low in the book. In addition to the inappropriate and inept use of romance clichés, it's all too obvious early on that the mercenaries are being paid far too much for too little work by the necromancer. That isn't foreshadowing, it's foreshouting&mdash;or just plain stupidity on the part of the mercenaries. They are murderers for hire, nothing else, and I've never felt any sympathy for such. Why would I start now, simply because a story is told from their point of view?

[a:Bradley H. Sinor|2282520|Bradley H. Sinor|]'s "Money's Worth" has the feel of something excerpted from a larger work. It's good and I enjoyed it, but I think I would have enjoyed it far more in its proper context.

The only other story that is memorable enough to single out is "The Hundredth Kill" by [a:John Marco|9266|John Marco|]. It is a lovely jewel of a story, one that stands for itself, leaving little to be said other than "read it." I don't believe that I've read any of Marco's novels, but obviously I've missed out on something very good. I intend to remedy that omission shortly.
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1)
Tessa McFionn | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
To Discover a Divine (Rise of the Stria #1) by Tessa McFionn
To Discover a Divine is the first book in the Rise of the Stria series, and we start this series with a bang. Evainne has ended up on a prison barge in the middle of outer space when all she did was walk out of her front door. She is rescued by an 'alien' who helps her as much as he can. Evainne is different to the females Khalym knows, as she is blunt to the point of being tactless. However, the sparks are there between the two of them. Now if they can only figure out just what Evainne was wanted for, and how they keep being found, it should all be good.

This is a fast-paced science fiction romance, with plenty of action and adventure too. Evainne handles all the information remarkably well, but it is written in a way that explains that, rather than just trying to sweep it under the carpet. Khalym is a hero who thinks he is broken as he has been rejected for most of his life. Together, I can see these two having an amazing time, and it has definitely given me a taste for more in this series.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this story kept me engrossed from beginning to end. It does have a HFN ending, with a sort of cliffhanger, but all that has done is leave me wanting MORE right NOW! Absolutely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Fulbourn (Pitch &amp; Sickle, #5)
The Fulbourn (Pitch & Sickle, #5)
D K Girl | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE FULBOURN is the fifth book in the Pitch & Sickle series and oh, man. Hold on to your seatbelt as you're in for a bumpy ride!!

I said in my review of The Greensward that it was the best one. Well, let me rephrase that. It was the best one up to that point! THE FULBOURN takes Pitch and Silas' story to another level and I loved every single word.

Pitch and Silas are now close to realising just how much the other one means and it is so well-written! Their relationship may seem gruff to some but that is only until they know them. The bonds between the two are there to see and I'm loving it. The slow burn that started them off is now moving to steamy - whenever their lives give them a moment's peace. And sometimes, you just have to make the time!

Not only is their relationship changing, but the overall story arc is moving along swiftly too. You honestly don't get a chance to catch your breath. Filled with characters from previous books, Pitch and Silas are on the hunt for Charlie and Edward. It takes them to London and Cambridgeshire. The descriptions of the asylum are horrific - exactly as they are supposed to be during that time.

Absolutely gripping, I am thoroughly loving every book in this series and have no hesitation in recommending any of them. Just make sure you start at the beginning or you will miss the full effect.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 17, 2023
Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a collection of classic and contemporary poetry aimed at addressing middle schoolers in their transition from child to young adult. There is a wide range in the collection: classic poetry like Edgar Allan Poe, Langston Hughes, and Emily Dickinson and newer and present poets, some of whom read their work on the accompanying CD.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am has many poems that will apply to every feeling and thought, put words to what we can’t find words for, and prove that yes, there are other people out there who feel like you do now, you’re not the only one. You’re not alone. These poets talk about everything from the awkwardness of changing and showering in the fifth grade locker room to embarrassing bra shopping with mom, to a first kiss. There’s poems about segregation and ethnicity, homework and math class, sports, clothes, and even the emotions brought forth from reading poetry itself.

Not only does it have the poetry, there are pages in the back of artistic inspiring blank pieces of paper for the reader’s own poetry. The CD contains many of the poems read by the poets the way they were intended to be read.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a fantastic collection that every young lit-lover should have on their shelves.

Recommendation: Boys and Girls ages 8+
The Flight (Close Proximity #4)
The Flight (Close Proximity #4)
Erin M. Leaf | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Flight (Close Proximity #4) by Erin M. Leaf
The Flight is the fourth novella in the Close Proximity series. This time we meet up with Sebastian, a flight attendant, and Ethan, a musician. Now, you may think this is the normal rockstar romance, but it's not. This story is intricate in a way novellas rarely are. Not only do we see Sebastian as a flight attendant, but also as a young man who has lost his mum. A young man who writes music. And yet we still find out more about him as the story progresses. As for Ethan, tired musician, songwriter, travelling to a charity concert. When these two meet, sparks fly.

I loved this book! It's a novella, and I really wish it wasn't! I could have sat down with this one and read happily for much longer. Instead, I got all the good bits in one easy read, including a perfect HEA for our guys. There is plenty going on, but the pacing is smooth. With good supporting characters, a great storyline, and a couple of smoking hot MCs, this is a story I highly recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

James Koppert (2698 KP) rated The Other Half of Augusta Hope in Books

Oct 25, 2019 (Updated Oct 25, 2019)  
The Other Half of Augusta Hope
The Other Half of Augusta Hope
Joanna Glen | 2019 | Contemporary
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The binding is quite beautiful (0 more)
Deserves more recognition (0 more)
The Other Half of Augusta Hope
I read this book completely unbiased, I realised I didn't even read the blerb on the back, I just adored the shiny dragonflies on the cover and dived in. Some books are thrill rides, adventures, chilling or mysterious while some others give you characters who you adore and open your hearts to and never want to let go. This is the latter. I fell in love with Augusta Hope and felt her love and her pain. I am sad, now finished, I have left her behind. This is about a child turning to an adult, but it's not s coming of age, it has death without being mournful and love without ever being a romance. I think this is a book about the beauty of life and learning life and learning the lives of others. I know this review doesn't do much to explain the book to you so let me maybe just say this. This is one of those books that is a beautiful rare gem, that deserves to be read and kept and cherished and thought about for years after you have finished. I fell in love with Augusta Hope and the people in her life. I know you will too.