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Stormi (105 KP) rated The Plum Tree in Books

Apr 13, 2018  
The Plum Tree
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christine finds herself in love with a man above her in station, Isaac. She is poor and works for his family, yet he is rich. Despite this, he is also in love with her. When the war begins the stations they hold mean nothing. The only thing that matters now is that Christine is German and Isaac is a Jew. This story follows the hardships of war and the hope for a young love.

 This book was wonderful. It is written in such detail that you can just imagine being there. The characters are real and relatable. Christine and Isaac face so much hardship. Between the stations they hold to the religions they follow, they face such trouble in being together. The determination these two show is inspiring. Christine is followed more than Isaac, and her story is inspiring. The War takes this story to new light. I thought this was going to be a book about romance in hard times. While it was that, it was also a book of survival and hope in in a country ravaged by war. It was a new view on the horrors that the Germans and the Jews faced. Bombings, death, persecution, love, survival, and hope for a better future are all part of this story. This story was truly a marvelous read about a horrible time. This story provides so much emotion that at times I was so happy while others just broke my heart and brought me to tears. This certainly was an emotional read, but that just makes this an even better story. This was a story filled with love, loss, hope, and a world war that changes the lives of so many.

This is the second book I have read by this author and each book is amazing in detail and written in such a way that you can't help but be sucked into the story. I am so glad I was able to review this story for such a talented author.
Winter Street
Winter Street
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been on an Elin Hilderbrand kick lately, especially after reading WINTER IN PARADISE, the first book in her new Paradise series. I loved that one immensely. I didn't love this one quite as much, but still found it a really easy, quick, and enjoyable read. I read it in one day--half while I was at the hospital with my daughter and half when I got home that evening. Because it's so enjoyable with such great characters, I found it a great diversion.

The characters are classic Hilderbrand: a messed up family that immediately pulls you in. I love how easy it is to get entangled in her tales. There's Kelley, of course, who is completely befuddled as his second marriage is falling apart. Ava, a music teacher, lives at the inn, and is struggling with her current relationship. Kevin, works at a bar, isn't living up to the family's high standards, and is in love with the housekeeper. Patrick, the eldest, is a very successful hedge fund manager with a secret (or two). Bart comes across as spoiled in the past but is now worrying the entire family as they haven't heard from him since his deployment. And then there's Margaret: the eldest three kids' mother. She's a successful newswoman and tv anchor and Kelley's first wife. I really liked her.

Somehow the book seamlessly weaves these characters together, along with their various love interests, spouses, and, yes, George the Santa. It's funny, heartbreaking, and well, completely intriguing. I love Hilderbrand's series because they suck me in and transport me to another place for a few hours (2 hours and 38 minutes, per my Bookly app).

I nabbed all the books in this series from, and I've been hoarding the next three for when I go on vacation in April -- I'm looking forward to seeing what is next in store for the Quinns. Especially since, in true Hilderbrand fashion, this one ended in a cliffhanger!

Overall, I enjoyed this one. It's a quick, dramatic read with interesting characters. 3.5 stars.
Young Jane Young
Young Jane Young
Gabrielle Zevin | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
An emotional, character-driven tale
This is the twenty-fifth book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

YOUNG JANE YOUNG weaves together the story of five women--Rachel Grossman, who worries about her college-aged daughter, Aviva and her future. Jane Young, who lives in Maine with her daughter, Ruby. Ruby Young, who has led a quiet life with her mom, until now. Embeth Levin, the wife of a famous congressman. And Aviva Grossman, who became Internet famous after a terrible scandal. These five women are bound together by this scandal and the man at its center.

This was an interesting read, told from the perspective of each of our female protagonists. Zevin is excellent at portraying different voices, from young Ruby to the older Rachel and Embeth, and I really enjoyed how strong of a storyteller she was. Some of the women's stories were told in unique formats, such as all email or a "choose your own adventure" style. It was different, took a little getting used to, but overall worked for this book.

This is less of an action packed tale than a character-driven one, focused on how Aviva's actions affect everyone going forward. It has a political bent, but centers more around emotion, relationships, and family. It does a good job portraying the double standards applied to women--in politics, in marriage, and more. My favorite character was probably Ruby, but I thought Zevin did a good job of bringing each woman to life and showing their complex feelings and flaws.

I would have liked more of an ending to this story, especially finding out what was next for Ruby and Rachel. But this was an interesting and different read, and I'm glad I picked it up. As always, as I get nearly to the end of the alphabet, I'm glad my challenge has gotten me to choose some books I might not have otherwise.

Merissa (12363 KP) rated Blood Moon (Wildeward Academy #3) in Books

Jan 5, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
Blood Moon (Wildeward Academy #3)
Blood Moon (Wildeward Academy #3)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOOD MOON is the third book in the Wildeward Academy series and we find Victoria bonded to Doyle, engaged to Hyde, Jekyll being obstinate, Achoris still MIA, and Frankie avoiding her, considered a traitor by the others. Are you with me? You really, REALLY, need to read this as a series! Trust me.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know that I thoroughly enjoyed the first two books, but they just never quite managed to reach five stars, you know? Well, let me tell you, this one couldn't be anything but!!! So many factions, good and bad, vying for either Victoria's attention or trying to bring her down. It was fun and sassy, heartbreaking and full of sorrow. New characters are introduced, and others die off. This story simply didn't stop! It was all go from the very first word to the last - and I LOVED IT!

I adored the addition of Evetta and Gemma to Victoria's coterie, but now they need to get the Lodge back. I'm not ashamed to admit I was so sad at that part. The Lodge had made Victoria so welcome! I hope Lorna has a really bad time there! Victoria grows in leaps and bounds, becoming more comfortable both in her own skin, and who she is with the others.

Like the other two, this one ends not so much on a cliffhanger, but more so a teaser, tempting you with the continuation of the story that will definitely leave you chomping at the bit. A character-driven story that is full of action with steamy moments interspersed, this series just gets better and better.

BLOOD MOON is the best so far, but I honestly CAN'T WAIT for the next. Come on - read the series! I promise you, you won't regret it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 5, 2021

Merissa (12363 KP) rated Jamison (Maxim #1) by A.N. Waugh in Books

Jun 7, 2022 (Updated Jun 13, 2023)  
Jamison (Maxim #1) by A.N. Waugh
Jamison (Maxim #1) by A.N. Waugh
A.N. Waugh | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
JAMISON is the first book in the Maxim series and we are introduced to the guys in the band. This story (obviously) focuses on Jamison and I can't wait to read about the other guys too.

Six years ago, Jamison left love behind because he was told it would hold back his dream. He, and the rest of the guys, worked hard to make Maxim a hit and now, their dream is within their grasp. Vance is one left behind, courtesy of a Dear John letter. He followed his heart and got a degree in PR, ending in the same town as Jamison. Vance makes no bones about the fact he has always loved Jami, and Jami loves him back. But, sometimes, love just isn't enough.

Out of the two characters, I liked Jami a bit more than Vance. He took advice from people in the business and lost his way a bit, but once he found it again, he went for it. Vance was full of martyr complex, choosing his career because of Jami, but then making choices and decisions that affect both of them without talking about it.

Most of the story takes place on tour but not a lot is mentioned about performances, apart from the one at the end. Also, Marcy seemed to be heading somewhere but then disappeared, although she was mentioned in the epilogue by one of the other band members, so maybe she will reappear in future books.

On the whole, this was a quick and easy read with no real surprises, just a question of 'when'. I look forward to reading more in this series and seeing the pairings hinted at here. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 3, 2022
Oh my goodness. This book, y'all. THIS. BOOK. Angela Hunt is an amazing author. Her style is so incredibly unique. I was blessed to have EGYPT'S SISTER and now I've been doubly blessed to get to read another incredibly moving, mind altering novel by the uberly talented Ms. Hunt.

In this incredible novel, we get to see Judah and Leah. I had a deep sadness for all Leah went through. As someone who has dealt with an abusive man before, I felt all her trust issues, I felt all her pain and suffering. I can't imagine what it was like during that time period to be abused by your father and not be able to trust.

And Judah....oh, how I loved his flaw filled self. He was not someone I would have normally enjoyed seeing in a book, but as I read the story, I fell in love with him hard. He was such a wonderful person for the story. Seeing him with Leah, well I cheered them on throughout the book.

Ms. Hunt has, once again, hit the Biblical fiction nail on the head. This book will shake you to the core, and leave you with all the feels that a book can leave you with. The inspirational messages from the Lord are perfectly pieced together within the pages of this book. If I could give this book 5 million stars I would. Go grab it now! You won't be sorry!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
A.W. Jantha | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Combined 2 stories in one.. the original and what happened 25 years later (0 more)
Part 2 dragged a little (0 more)
From a fan of Hocus Pocus movie … I loved this book!!!
Part 1 was just like the movie and well as I was reading, the movie played in my head … Who doesn't love a witch story during the month of October with Halloween around the corner?
There was one difference in that a 4th sister is introduced .. Elizabeth, who is written as the good sister!!!
Part 2 dragged a little but was an exciting twist on a continuation of the Sanderson Sisters and All Hallows Eve. It takes you to present time and introduces us to old characters from the first and original story line but adds new characters like Max's and Allison's daughter Poppy. It also added things relative to now such as the lingo and a lesbian crush.
This definitely was a great story line of finding a blood moonstone which is needed for a spell for eternal life. And the spell book makes an entrance in style with one of the characters being a descendant of a witch!!
The writing style was an easy read, characters were current and relatable to now from the technology to the way they talk and act.
Fanfiction is what I felt like I was reading and I liked that about this book!!!! A fun filled, magical read for Hocus Pocus lovers and readers who just want a fun entertaining book for Halloween and not blood and gore!!!
Was fun to enter the world of the Sanderson sisters once again!!!!
Bite of Darkness (Shadow Creek #2)
Bite of Darkness (Shadow Creek #2)
Leah Blake | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bite of Darkness is the second book in the Shadow Creek series. This time we focus on Vuk, who helped Devon out with a few choice words in book one. In his own story though, it's Vuk who is on the receiving end of advice as he turns into a bit of a jerk when he meets his mate. Now, to be fair, I couldn't exactly blame him. His alpha is ill, receiving a mystery transfusion, vampires are involved, the fae are involve, and no one (including Vuk) just exactly who to trust. Now, as it turns out, the vampires have their own reasons for helping out, which Vuk and Ashly get dragged into the middle of.

There is more mystery in this book, in my opinion. You know in book one that the fae wards are failing, but you're not 100% sure why. In this book, you find out more about that, and the politics of the paranormal world, but you are still left with questions unanswered. Apart from Vuk and Ashly, there is something going down with another wolf/vampire pair, but I'm hoping that will be a different story all of their own, and not just snippets given as the overall story arc progresses.

This is part of a series so I would recommend you read it in order for full enjoyment. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, I have no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!