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Hunter of Demons (Spectr #1)
Hunter of Demons (Spectr #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second book by the author, the other being [b:Widdershins|16128152|Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin, #1)|Jordan L. Hawk||21952704] which I really enjoyed.

With this, I was a little confused at the beginning. It all seemed a little haywire with the added viewpoint of Gray in the first couple of pages, without actually knowing who he was. I found it confusing anyway, up until they merged into Caleb's body. After that I was interested to see what would happen throughout the rest of the story.

I liked John. He seemed like a really great guy.

The hunt for Caleb's brothers murderer was quite fun reading with Gray being able to scent the demon behind it.

One thing that bothered me was the lack of romance until the last chapter and a half. Okay, they both kept getting turned on when they looked at the other but it was all secretive, not wanting the other to know.

Don't think I will be continuing the series.
Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1)
Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy #1)
Kiersten White | 2010 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

It started off quite good, we were thrown straight into the action and I was excited to see where it would all lead.

Evie was kinda fun, she was rather innocent though having lived in the agency building since she was eight and in a way it fun seeing her in a school setting though her fashion sense and love of pink was a bit OTT.

I love Lend--dodgy name but I totally get it. He had my attention from early on and I loved reading the slow progression of his relationship with Evie.

Reth, I'm not too sure about; sometimes he seemed alright and others I wanted to punch him in the face.

I'm not normally a fan of books involving the fae but I liked this. It was different since it involved all different types of paranormal creature/being and wasn't too engrossed in the courts and the ways of the fae.

I am definitely intrigued as to what else will happen in this series and will be continuing it at some point in the near future.
Prince of Thorns
Prince of Thorns
Mark Lawrence | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having read The Book of the Ancestor series last year and absolutely l loved them, I was hesitant to read The Broken Empire. Tried was because I was lead to believe that BOA was a step up from BE. So I assumed I would be disappointed. What clicked with me and made me take the plunge was reading that Mark Lawrence based Jorg, our brutal protagonist on Alex from Anthony Burges' A Clockwork Orange. I had also heard that the reason why people didn't consider it as good as BOA was that they couldn't connect to study a horrible protagonist. It would be interesting to know, had I read Prince of Thorns without knowing this tidbit of trivia, whether I would have fallen into the trap of misunderstanding this book as others had. But I do definitely feel that this knowledge greatly enhanced my understanding and therefore enjoyment of the book. I would even go as far as saying I might even like it better than BOA, and that's saying something!
Days That I'll Remeber: Spending Time with John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Days That I'll Remeber: Spending Time with John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Jonathan Cott | 2013 | Biography, Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Jonathan Cott is somebody we all know in our circle to be a quiet genius. Rolling Stone asked him to interview us a few times. This book is a collection of those interviews. Nothing more. Reading it, I thought “Wow, we weren’t bad at all.” Because most writers wanted to sensationalize us, thinking that if they didn’t do that, it might be boring – and nobody would buy the book! So their ‘interviews’ usually came out nothing like what we were like. I have never recommended any books about John and Yoko. But this book made me choke up. I heard John in my ears and felt him in my heart. This is a good book for Lennon fans. And I.. Well, I come out as the second banana (okay, okay!) You will get an inkling of two people in love, sometimes making daring remarks, yet not forgetting to protect each other in the interviews. In fact, this is really the way we were, folks! Have a good read."


ClareR (5577 KP) rated Lost Property in Books

Apr 1, 2021  
Lost Property
Lost Property
Helen Paris | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lost Property was not at all what I expected. I thought it was going to be a light, cheery read about people being reunited with their lost property. This book is so much more than that.
Dot is a person who has become lost. Her loneliness seeps out of every page, her feelings of guilt are relatable (if misguided) and the fact that she doesn’t feel good enough about herself to live the life that she wants to live, is heartbreaking.
The writing is beautiful.
There was more than one occasion where I found myself close to tears. Dot is a character who does her best to make other people feel better - whether that’s her co-workers, those looking for their lost items, her mother in a nursing home, or her seemingly interfering older sister. But she neglects herself.
This book is about Dots journey to finding herself again, and it is wonderful.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this, and to Helen Paris for reading along.
Into the Fire (The Caitlin Chronicles #2)
Into the Fire (The Caitlin Chronicles #2)
Daniel Willcocks, Michael Anderle | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
48 of 250
Into the fire ( Caitlin Chronicles book 2)
By Michael Anderle and Daniel Wilcocks

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Caitlin may have freed her town from evil, but the Governor who oppressed them all is still on the loose.

Now, Caitlin and her merry band of Revolutionaries take to the Mad-infested woods to hunt the Governor down and deliver revenge before he can do any further damage.

But, when they arrive at a town bound under the spell of a strange group known as "The Firestarters", Caitlin starts to realize that this could be a lot more difficult than planned.

It's time for Caitlin to jump out of the frying pan, and into the fire....

I really enjoyed reading this second book in the series it had more depth than the first although I enjoyed that one too! The characters are developing well and I love the dynamic between Caitlin, maryanne and Kain. Looking forward to the next challenge and possibly meeting the pack!

Emma (229 KP) rated Things In Jars in Books

Apr 8, 2021  
Things In Jars
Things In Jars
Jess Kidd | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my latest book club read. I read the blurb and on first thoughts, loved the idea of this book. It sounded exactly my cup of tea. Then after a few chapters, the writing style was bugging me, i wasnt sure if this book was for after all. I found it so hard to connect with the characters because of how distanced I felt due to the style of writing...
Then about a quarter of the way through something clicked and I could not put this book down. I absolutely loved it every opportunity I got I found myself reading it
I love the characters of Bridie and Ruby and the relationship that develops between them. Every character that is introduced seems to have some importance in the story. And the story itself with all its twists and turns is a masterpiece.
I definitely want to read more by Jess Kidd, shes one of the best authors I've read for a long time. #jesskidd #thingsinjars #victoriannovel #anatonomy #detective #bridiedevine
Race the Darkness (Fatal Dreams #1)
Race the Darkness (Fatal Dreams #1)
Abbie Roads | 2016 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Race the Darkness is a dark, paranormal, romance, suspense story, filled with connections, legends, and "bad stuff" that you wouldn't wish on anyone. Xander is our main male - an as*hole by his own admission. The trouble is, I can completely understand why he behaves the way he does. Even with his attitude, he wormed his way into my heart, and I only wanted the best for him. Isleen is almost ethereal, and not just because of her physical appearance.

This story is gripping from the very beginning, and it is hard to believe that this is Abbie Roads' debut novel! Exceedingly well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. Race the Darkness flows so well, building up at certain points, before coming gently down, and then building up again.

I have no hesitation in recommending this to anyone who wants a slightly darker read, with plenty of 'character'. Absolutely wonderful.

* I received this book from The Book Garden / NetGalley in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978)
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978)
1978 | Action, Adventure, Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The second film that I suggest is called The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, also called The Master Killer. This film moved me so much not only from the martial arts action and the philosophy of Buddhism that was instilled in the movie, but also the overcoming of oppression. Growing up, I knew that I was being oppressed; I knew the black man’s struggle was oppressive in America, you know, reading Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. I knew of our struggle. But I didn’t know that that struggle was all around the world. I didn’t know that struggle was in all time periods. And when I saw this movie, it resonated with me in a way that I was like, “Wow, the government is just oppressing them, coming in and taking their homes, destroying their property. How they gonna win?” And from a single word, which was “Shaolin,” our hero was able to go find himself and find the way to help bring the end to that oppression."

Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
1973 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ve been going through Scenes from a Marriage, the Bergman miniseries, and getting very invested. I think it’s the truest-to-humanity thing I’ve ever seen. I mean, every single person you’d like, or care about as a filmmaker in the past 50 years is influenced by Bergman. He is the ultimate genius when you watch those movies. Nothing’s better than the performances in (these) movies. I feel like Bergman’s movies can come across as being cold and hopeless, but it’s Liv (Ullmann) and all the women stars he made films about that took his sensibility and turned it on his head, making it more nuanced, lush, and beautiful. It’s (the women) being thoughtful and kind, and open, that makes the difference. Everyone reading should go to the Criterion Channel to watch the Bergman collection. I mean, the movies are short, and I am sure that just watching those short movies they’ll get really inspired, without a doubt. You know, think of Persona... nothing comes close to that!"
