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Per My Last Email
Per My Last Email
2019 | Party Game
Do you ever wish you could reply to your boss’s emails using the language that first pops into your head? Many people do, so don’t feel bad. What if there was a game that would put you into this scenario and have your boss choosing the worst reply from the group? Enter Per My Last Email – on Kickstarter until November 26, 2019.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. As this is a preview copy of the game, I do not know if the final rules or components will be similar or different to what we were provided. -T

Per My Last Email is a party card game for groups of four or more players with more fun to be had with more than four players. To setup, shuffle the stack of Boss email cards (the red ones) and place them on the table. Next take the gargantuan stack of Reply and HR cards (the blue and green ones respectively) and shuffle them together. Good luck because there are a TON of these included. Deal each player 10 Reply cards, determine the starting Boss player and you are ready to play!

A game of Per My Last Email will play almost identically to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity – or whichever flavor of this style of game you may prefer. Here’s how it runs down.

The Boss draws a red card and reads the email prompt to the other players. The other players then choose a Reply or HR card from their hand as their response to the Boss’s email. The Boss player then collects the cards, shuffles them, and reads each one aloud to the group. From there the Boss will choose their favorite response and the player who played that card will receive the Boss email card as a reward. Play continues in this fashion until one player holds four Boss cards – or whatever limit you set prior to playing. That player is the winner of Per My Last Email!

Components. To reiterate, we were provided a prototype copy of this game and we do not know if or how these components may change over the course of a successful Kickstarter campaign. This game is a box with about a zillion cards. The cards are good quality, and I appreciate that for a game like this there is no linen finish. Linen finishes can sometimes hinder printing on the cards. Not the case here. I also enjoyed seeing each card laid out like an actual company email. This attention to detail is refreshing. Where some designers and publishers may just throw some text on the cards, we get a real-feel email card and it’s lovely. I have no qualms with the components here except I wish I was better at shuffling 8,000 cards.

If you or your game group are fans of the party card games based on Apples to Apples, you might want to give this one a go. The Boss email cards and the hilarious Reply cards (especially the NSFW ones) will bring out tons of chuckles and discussion about how the players only WISH they could send emails like this to their bosses! Per My Last Email is definitely a step up from both Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity. Check out the game’s Kickstarter campaign that is active until November 26, 2019.
Two Rings: A Story of Love and War
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been interested in the history of WWII for some time, particularly by the Holocaust. I don't know where the interest began. It has nothing to do with my family. My dad was an infant & my mother not even born. As far as I know no one in my family fought it the war. I think more than anything it is the horror of the situation & that people were able to survive despite the atrocities they faced. Ones I can not even begin to imagine.
This memoir tells the story of Millie Werber & her experiences as a Jew in Poland during the war. I found myself amazed that a young woman could go through what she went through & live to tell the tale. I felt like I was holding my breath as I read. It sounds silly being as it is a memoir & I knew she had written it, but I found myself begging for her to be okay, wanting to know what happened next.
It was a surreal read. This book is incredibly well written. It reads like a top notch thriller, one you long to see made into a box office smash. Yet at the same time you know that it is all real...that the person recounting these "stories" actually lived through them. That in itself makes the ending unbelieveable.
I would reccommend this book to anyone interested in that particular time in history. But also to anyone who enjoys an amazing story of survival where one is least expected to occur. This is one of my favorite books ever. READ IT!!!!!!
The Life of Glass
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Melissa’s father died almost two years ago. She has been struggling, but is surviving with the help of her best friend Ryan. But through a series of events, her world gets turned upside down. A new girl comes to school and befriends her immediately, for some unknown reason. Ryan gets a girlfriend. Melissa’s mom is dating some guy. Ashley, her older sister, is… well just being an annoying older sister with problems. And in the middle of it all, Melissa still has unsolved mysteries about her father, her desires, and herself.

The Life of Glass is a fast read—I tore through it in a matter of hours. I wasn’t particularly sure why I couldn’t stop reading it. Maybe it was the easy language, maybe it was the characters, maybe I was just in the mood for a good romance novel and that was what was on my shelf. Either way, I didn’t stop reading until my sister turned the light out on me.

I liked the characters a lot (though some of them I despised) and others remained mysteries until later in the book; they were those “oh I had no idea they were that kind of person” characters, and I liked the mystery of their personalities. They were relatable and likeable.

That being said, there was nothing hugely spectacular about The Life of Glass: nothing that will make it a long lasting fantastic memory or escape for me. I enjoyed it and I won’t forget it, but it won’t be one of those “second reads.”

This was part of the 1 ARC Tours for Bloody Bad.
This Ain't Love (Harry Dukes #1)
This Ain't Love (Harry Dukes #1)
AJ Love | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Ain't Love (Harry Dukes #1) by AJ Love
This Ain't Love is the first book in the Harry Dukes series, and we start off with Blake being told SHE is living with five different fellas! She's none too happy about this, but manages to make her niche. She wants to avoid Cameron because he is everything she falls for, and she just hasn't got the time for that! Of course, things don't go according to plan, which is what made this book such a delight to read.

One part deserves a mention all of its own - and that is when the five men are afraid to go into the living room due to female 'personal' reasons ? Every woman who reads this book will empathise with how both Blake and Ria are feelings. And if any men read it, I am 100% sure they will be able to relate to our men. I read through this part laughing out loud, and loving every moment.

This is a light-hearted book, with a story that moves at a fair pace. The world-building is spot on, with the college being completely believable. The characters are well-rounded out, and although we concentrate on Blake and Cameron in this one, the others certainly make their mark.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I can't wait to continue the series. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
How to write a review without giving spoilers, when there is so much I want to say!? I will say that, if you don't know by now, Wanda Brunstetter is one of my absolute favorite Amish novelists. She never fails to hook me with her books and keep me entertained the entire way through. And, The Blessing, book 2 in her Amish Cooking Class series is no exception! I was hooked from the beginning and held captive til the very end. True talent! 

The Blessing picks up where book 1, The Seekers, left off. Heidi and Lyle Troyer are adopting a baby but a sad circumstance leaves Heidi heartbroken and once again teaching a class to occupy her mind. She, once again, opens her home to strangers and the fun begins! Each new character brings something special to the story and I loved watching Heidi interact with them. The messages thrown into the story and watching the characters realize what those messages were, was truly refreshing! 

This book is deserving of so much more than 5 stars! Mrs. Brunstetter has created another wonderful novel that every Amish fiction fan (and those that are new to the genre!) will fall in love with. Not only with her writing style, but also with the characters. They quickly become a part of the reader! I highly recommend this book to all book lovers! Hats off to the talented Mrs. Brunstetter, once again! I can't wait for book 3 to release. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Bringing Maggie Home
Bringing Maggie Home
Kim Vogel Sawyer | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I will confess: it's been awhile since I read a Kim Vogel Sawyer book. Like eons ago. But,when I saw this book available and read the blurb, I knew it was one I could not pass up! I definitely made the right choice for sure, as it was like coming home from a long stay in a foreign country. Her writing style was breathtakingly stunning in this emotionally moving, sometimes suspenseful book.

I loved the women in this book. They each stole a piece of my heart and became like family to me. I loved that feeling. I loved the way Ms. Sawyer created this story with 3 generations of stong willed, stubborn women. The mystery she added to the mix and the cold case of Maggie's story was incredibly done. It was the perfect blend of emotions for me!

If you are looking for a fast-paced, laugh out loud novel, don't pick up this book. If you want a book that will grip your soul, twist it, taking it on the most incredible roller coaster ride (the only way I will ever get on a roller coaster!), then this book, filled with messages of longing, hope, desperation and learning to lean on God to show the way, will be the perfect one for you! Ms. Sawyer's latest book is definitely a top read of 2017 for me and gets the highest of 5 stars! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
If I&#039;m Found (If I Run #2)
If I'm Found (If I Run #2)
Terri Blackstock | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A long time fan of Ms. Blackstock, I was excited to pick up this book. I wasn't disappointed, that was for sure! From first page to last, I was on the edge of my seat, devouring the suspense long in to the night. The rush of anticipation was strong with this book!

Casey, Dylan, and all the secondary characters are complexly created and I loved that. They need to be for their roles in the plot line. Reading this story transformed me into Casey for the duration of the book. I felt all her emotions, all her fears, all her hopes as if they were my  own. That was powerful! Just when I thought I knew what was coming, Ms. Blackstock twisted the story up and left me in awe, thinking about the twist.

Ms. Blackstock once again created a story that is filled with messages from God, characters that are jaw droppingly awesome, and a story line that packs an incredible punch! If you love the anticipation of finding out what happens next, the heart pounding, jaw dropping need to find the clues and reach the end, then this book is for you. However, I must warn you, you'll want the next book instantly, like I do, and you'll be deeply saddened to know it's a long wait! I am looking forward to going back and reading book 1, to see where Casey began. Definitely a fantastic 4 star worthy book.<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>