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The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
Anna-Marie Crowhurst | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The strong female characters (0 more)
Even though this book has a nice looking cover I can’t say that it is a book I would have picked up myself
The Goodreads blurb reads

“Born on the night of an ill-auguring comet just before Charles II's Restoration, Ursula Flight has a difficult future written in the stars.

Against the custom of the age she begins an education with her father, who fosters in her a love of reading, writing and astrology.

Following a surprise meeting with an actress, Ursula yearns for the theatre and thus begins her quest to become a playwright despite scoundrels, bounders, bad luck and heartbreak.”

On the face of it it sounds like a ‘coming of age’ historical drama, which it essentially was, and not in an era I really have much an interest in. So it was nice to read something a little out of my comfort zone.

As the blurb says, Ursula is a young girl with aspirations of the stage. Unfortunately for Ursula her parents have a life planned for her and being a lowly actress is not one of them. The story follows Ursula's struggles to follow her parents wishes whilst trying to stay true to herself.

I loved the way this was written, its told from Ursula's point of view and interspersed with little snippets of play writing by Ursula. Ursula is a very strong character that is way ahead of the era she lives in. What I loved most about this book was near the end, i won't spoil it, but suffice to say I think the author was very clever with the ending she chose.

To summarise, it’s a well written well reserached coming of aged historical drama with a strong female lead and an admirable feminist message.
Carpenter Road
Carpenter Road
N.M. Brown | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first met Leighton Jones in Carpenter Road, N.M. Brown’s second book featuring this character. I have not read the previous story, The Girl on the Bus, but believe me you don’t need to for this one to make sense, as this easily reads as a standalone and is still a very good read.

When by chance Leighton comes across a prostitute kicking up a fuss about her stolen coat that had some money in, and discovers the girl who was seen last seen wearing it has now gone missing, Jones a traffic cop, decides to take it upon himself to investigate if the two are connected.

So what did I think? Detective Jones is such a caring, lovable character, I instantly found myself drawn to him.

Rochelle, the prostitute, is an unlikely sidekick who gets roped into Leighton’s investigations, and she’s also a fantastic character. I was so invested in her part of the story and the danger she’d been inadvertently thrown into. I too, hoped she’d eventually get out of the prostitution racket to achieve her goals and turn her life around, just how she had wished for.

N.M. Brown’s writing really grabbed my attention from the first page, and kept me up all night reading. I especially liked hearing from the serial killer’s point of view. He was so creepy, it really added a new dimension to the story and kept me hooked throughout.

The ending was a bit of a shock. I honestly, didn’t expect to feel a little choked up by a Bloodhound crime book! But there, I said it, N.M. Brown really took me by surprise with that twist!

This is an unputdownable, well-written crime novel that’s distinctive, compelling and memorable!
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Ashley Poston | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Geekerella is a modern day retelling of the classic fairytale, Cinderella. Our protagonist is Ella and the most important thing in her life is fandom, specifically her love of Starfleet. It was a show that she watched on re-runs with her dad and fell in love with. Her father even started a convention called Excelsicon because of his love of Starfleet. After her mother died when she was a small child, it was just Ella and her dad. Unfortunately, her father got remarried and later died in a car accident leaving Ella with her step-mother and two step-sisters. They didn’t understand her love of the sci-fi cult hit and treated her more like a servant than a sister.

Geekerella is a cute contemporary novel that will speak to your fandom loving heart. Even if you’re not super into sci-fi, comics, comic con, cosplay or those types of things, I think you will enjoy the classic human experience portrayed in this book. The Cinderella retelling aspect of the story was the least relevant to my reading experience. I personally enjoyed the development of friendly and romantic relationships, the geeking out over fandoms and the personal growth seen in this novel.

The main characters are likable and relatable, despite the fact that one of them is famous. He alternates between wanting to be normal, or down to earth, and succumbing to the intoxicating appeal of being famous. Even though you generally know the bones of the story if you’re familiar with Cinderella, the story itself doesn’t feel incredibly formulaic and can surprise you at times.

Highly recommended to young adult/teen fan of contemporary books, teen romance, nerd/geekdom, comic con, cosplay, fairytale retellings and simple, cute reads.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Forgotten in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emma Tupper leads a busy life as a corporate lawyer. But after her mother passes away, she takes a month-long leave of absence (basically unheard of in her firm) to visit Africa -- the dream trip her mom never had the chance to take. But things go awry and Emma gets sick in Africa. Shortly after, an earthquake hits the region where she's recuperating, and her one-month trip becomes a six-month odyssey. Unable to communicate from her remote village, Emma finally returns home, only to find out that everyone thinks she died in Africa and that life has gone on without her.

This was an interesting novel. It's a fun and diversionary story, to say the least, even if not much of it seems too rooted in truth. Emma is so easily declared dead in a mere six months? When she returns back to find her apartment rented, the new tenant has no issue with her staying with him, and even wearing his clothes? Hmm. Okay. A romance triangle is thrown in, of course, with Emma's pre-Africa boyfriend having moved on (or has he?). So much of the book seemed downright silly to me, but I found it oddly addictive. Emma's a little irksome from time-to-time, but I'm not sure what I would do if I came back from vacation and everyone thought I was dead and had sold my life out from under me! It's a good exploration on how we often lead our lives out of habit and ease, versus truly going after what we truly want. Nothing earth-shattering here, but an enjoyable read.

Thanks to Goodreads for giving me a copy of this book through their First Reads/Giveaway program.

Dana (24 KP) rated We Were Liars in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
We Were Liars
We Were Liars
E. Lockhart | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I really wanted to love this book. There were so many people who said that it was amazing and I got my hopes up. Though I generally enjoyed the book, there were parts that didn't seem to fit for me. Even the mysterious parts, I caught on to almost too soon. It made me not really want to finish it because there was nothing to figure out anymore.

I am not saying, in any way, that you should not read this book. It was interesting, the characters were pretty cool, and it was a really fast read. Maybe it just wasn't for me. I still enjoyed reading it. If you like mysteries, quick reads, and like to contemplate stuff, pick up this book.

Please, do not use this review as a sole judgement on whether you should read this book or not. Mine is the only review that I have personally heard that did not say it was phenomenal. Go with your gut whether or not you want to pick this up. I still recommend that you read the book, if not just to see what your own thoughts on it are.

*****There may be some minor spoilers ahead, so you are warned!*****

There were a lot of really cool moments in the book that made me think. All of the philosophizing that the characters did that was very thought provoking and interesting. I especially liked how it was always about the four cousins. There is something in that familial bond that was really special to me, especially since I never really had that personally. I liked where the plot twist was headed. I understood it as well, but for me, I guessed it too early into the story. That just made me want to be able to find out why the thing happened. But, that's just me.
The Lost History of Stars
The Lost History of Stars
Dave Boling | 2017 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lost History of Stars by Dave Boling is a powerful and shocking story about a family during The Second Anglo-Boer War during the early part of the 20th century in Africa. It's a historical fiction story that is inspired by true events. The Lost History of Stars is a story of desperation and hope.

The main character, Lettie, who is a thirteen year old Dutch-Africkaner girl comes from a poor farming family. She endures the loss of her home with her mother and two younger siblings when the scorched earth policy employed by the British during the Boer War burns their farm and forces them to leave in a wagon. Their African maid, Bina, tries to stay with the family, but is given no choice by the soldiers but to return to her people.

Lettie and her family are sent to a concentration camp where the conditions are awful. Her father, older brother, uncles, and grandfather are sent to fight the British with guerrilla tactics. Lettie worries and wonders about Bina and her family. Often Lettie remembers the songs and wisdom Bina shared during her childhood and the history of stars that Grandpa shared with her at night under the sparkling sky.

The story is told from Lettie's point of view. The reader learns of her experience in the concentration camp. Lettie attempt to find the good in small moments. Her more treasured possession is her English dictionary, which she reads for comfort to pass time.

The story switches between the present and past. This allows the reader to understand life before the war and during the war. It give the reader background information to understand the family dynamics.
Seriously... I'm Kidding
Seriously... I'm Kidding
Ellen DeGeneres | 2013 | Biography
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As part of Pride Month, I'm spotlighting books by or about GLBTQIA+ people. Ellen is one of the most prominent lesbians here in the US, between coming out on a sitcom, having her own daytime talk show, and her judging stint on American Idol. This is her third book, but the first one I've read. If the other two are like this one, I need to read them!

Seriously...I'm Kidding is a really funny book. It reads a little bit like an ADHD squirrel, but that's part of its charm. I read the print version, but this is one book I might have to get the audio version of, mostly because of the one chapter she wrote specifically for the audio version:

"Anyway, since you have the benefit of being able to hear this, I thought I would include some bonus material of me making strange noises. For those of you who are reading this the old-fashioned way and can't hear me, I've printed the noises below and I encourage you to use your imagination to think of what they might sound like coming out of my mouth.

Gooooood Morning
(more strange noises listed)"

The book covers a lot of ground, from producing her show to judging on American Idol to coming out as lesbian to hosting dinner parties. It also varies wildly chapter to chapter, from brief short stories (less than a page) to haiku, to coloring book pages of odd things like toasters, to prose, wandering chapters that are an interesting look at Ellen's thought process.

I really enjoyed this book, and it's definitely worth reading because it's just FUN.

You can find all my reviews at
Awaken Me (Connected, #1)
E.M. Sky | 2011
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Awaken Me” is the story of Aimee, a young woman about to get married to Derek. She was told that six years ago, when she first met Derek and his mother, Elizabeth, she was recovering from an accident, during which she lost her mother, as well as her memory. However, she suddenly finds that all is not what it seems in her little world, and everything she thought she knew about herself gets thrown out the window in a hurry.

I really enjoyed this story, and it definitely held my interest from start to finish. Learning along with Aimee, about her past, who she actually is, about Derek and his family, was like a roller-coaster ride, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened on the next page. The supporting characters of Alec, Iva, and Marcus are all very fun to read about, as well, and I really like their interactions with one another, as well as with Aimee.

However, there were a couple times that I thought the story was rather repetitive, especially when Aimee talks about who she is, once she learns the facts. It seemed like every couple of chapters towards the end there was a “refresher course,” which would be good if you had set the book down for a while, but as I was reading it pretty much straight through, it did get slightly annoying to read the same thing over and over. It didn’t drag me down from enjoying the story, though, and I don’t think it was worth dropping a star from my rating.

All-in-all, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal reads with a little revenge and romance thrown in the mix, and if you like a heroine who can kick butt, this one’s for you!

5 stars =)
The One Safe Place
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Review of an uncorrected bound manuscript.
<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a gripping tale by Tania Unsworth aimed at older children, although completely enjoyable by teens and adults too. Written in the third person and set in the not so distant future, we follow Devin’s story.

In the future the climate has changed, the temperature has risen and rain is very rare. The opening scene reveals Devin, a young boy, on a farm, digging a grave to bury his grandfather who has recently died (presumably of old age and not something sinister). Devin, now alone, decides to head to the city, a place he has never visited, in order to find some help for the farm. The problem is he has never once left the farm and knows nothing of the real world. Here he meets Kit, a young girl on her own living on the roof of a building, and decides to tag along with her. But then they meet Roman who promises them a safe home. Although skeptical, they decide to trust him and thus they arrive at the <i>Gabriel H. Penn Home For Childhood</i>. The place is amazing and has everything a child could want: toys, games, clothes, individual bedrooms, a swimming pool, and most importantly, food and drink. So why are all the other children walking around in limbo, uninterested in everything around them?

Devin, with the help of his friends, and his synesthesia, soon discovers and pieces together what is wrong about the home. The pace picks up as they plan their escape leading to the exciting ending.

<i>The One Safe Place</i> is a book young readers will love. Well what child would not love a book where the children outsmart the adults?
**I received this via Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review**

I really don't know what I read! The one word that comes to mind is bizarre. Now I am not by any means a person that reads a lot of poetry as there are always deeper meanings and sometimes I don't think my intelligence stretches that far. However, I wanted to start reading a bit more and this one instantly caught my attention. I have a crude sense of humour and not one to shy away from foul language or sexual references but this just left me flummoxed.

First of all the Victorian artwork just did not work with the crudeness of the poetry. The title is very accurate and gets ruder and cruder throughout. The book is split into five sections: Cradle, Maiden, Lady Ku, Ku of the crone and The Holy one. The cover of the book and the artwork inside is beautiful and would be worth it just for the pictures. It did get several guffaws from me but that's all. I really wanted to like this but I felt it didn't really work, was there supposed to be a meaning to the pictures or is it just the authors sense of humour. Writing poems out of 17 syllables and getting a message across is an amazing feat and applaud Tanager for her efforts as I know I certainly wouldn't be able to produce anything.

    Sniff, dab and wipe. Sniff, dab and wipe. Sniff. I wish they just made nose tampons.

If you are a fan of poetry and not easily offended then I would check this out

Overall I rated this 2.5 out of 5 stars.