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Monster, She Wrote
Monster, She Wrote
Lisa Kröger, Melanie R. Anderson | 2019 | Biography
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

I loved the concept behind this book, as a fan of gothic horror, and a lover of information, I was looking forward to getting a lot out of this.

The book is divided into eight parts, each focusing on a certain type of Horror or ‘Weird’ fiction. Within each part is a short introduction to each author and their works. Followed by a recommended reading list of the authors works, and other similar authors works.

As I said, in principle this book sounded great. Unfortunately it fell a bit short for me. It was full of some great facts, and I did come away learning something, but just as I was really getting my teeth into an interesting story or fact about an author, they moved onto the next thing. leaving me hanging!

Another note of discord for me was some of the references. Despite the fact there are a number of British authors featured, it didn’t feel like the book was aimed at an international audience. There were quite a few references to TV shows, magazines, and other authors that never quite made it over the pond. Unfortunately at times it just felt like I was involved in a conversation riddled with private jokes that I would never really ‘get’.

It’s not all bad though, as there were some nice illustrations within the book. My ARC hadn’t been formatted properly yet for me to get the most out of the illustrations, but from what I can see they’ll add a nice little touch to it. Plus, If this has done anything it has peaked my interest. I now want to find out more about a few authors and their works, and I have a few more books on my TBR list.

In summary, it is really a good book if you like just little titbits of information and a recommended reads list. If you want more in depth information, avoid.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Good Company in Books

Apr 15, 2021  
Good Company
Good Company
Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well-written albeit slow going look at marriage and motherhood
Flora Mancini has been happily married for twenty years. But that foundation crumbles when she finds her husband's wedding ring--the one he claimed he lost when their daughter was five--in the back of a drawer. Now she wonders what exactly Julian has kept hidden from her all these years. Is their whole marriage, their whole life, based on a lie?

This is such a hard book to review, because I loved Sweeney's THE NEST so very much. And GOOD COMPANY, while a nice book, is just not THE NEST. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad book, it just did not move me as much as THE NEST.

GOOD COMPANY offers a thoughtful look into marriage and relationships. It's one of those interesting novels where it feels like not much happens, yet it truly covers the span of an entire relationship--a whole marriage. But there is a lot of ruminating, a lot of speculation, and a lot of angst. It's a very New York sort of book, even if Flora and Julian move to Los Angeles when their daughter, Ruby, is young.

This book is well-written, of course. Sweeney is a wonderful writer. It switches between time periods (the present, and going back in Flora and Julian's relationship) and various points of view, which include Flora, Julian, Ruby, and Flora's best friend, famous actress Margot Ledder. I probably felt the most for Ruby--it's hard to really sympathize much for the adults here. And this is a very "theater" book, with Flora, Julian, and Margot all being in the business. If that's not your thing (it's not mine), it's a little harder to feel engaged in some of the story.

Overall, this is an interesting read, but it can be slow going at times and hard to feel engaged with all the characters. If you like introspective, character-driven reads or you're a theater geek, GOOD COMPANY may be for you. 3 stars.
The End of Men
The End of Men
Christina Sweeney-Baird | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh. My. Goodness. This book is totally my cup of tea (unlike in this book, it has both tea and milk in it). I’ve always been drawn to science fiction, dystopian and apocalyptic styles of novels ever since I read Stephen Kings The Stand as a teenager. The End of Men drew me in and had me checking the news outlets, just to check that Covid-19 hadn’t taken a turn for the even worse - and I’m not joking here. I did question whether reading a book about a global pandemic during a global pandemic was a good idea, and then I told myself to shut up, sit back and just enjoy it (much the same as when I read Last One at The Party by Bethany Clift!). And I really did!

This is told from multiple perspectives. There are mostly recurring characters, such as Dr Maclean, some scientists, the anthropologist, intelligence and government types, interspersed with ‘ordinary’ people who were also affected and lost friends and family. We see perspectives from all over the world. The voices of these people all seem so real: their pain, confusion and determination coming through in their own voices, as their stories are all told in journal form.

The End of Men had pretty much the same effect on me as World War Z: I was checking the news and the windows (just in case), completely preoccupied with the book whilst I was reading it, and I predictably experienced a stonking book-hangover when it ended.
This is science fiction for people who wouldn’t normally pick up science fiction (a bit like a gateway drug!). It reads like contemporary fiction - the here and now.

This novel had me on the edge of my seat and in tears - and a bit angry at times, truth be told. This doesn’t feel like you’re reading science-fiction, it has a tinge of the non-fiction about it. Perhaps that’s because of the times we’re living in...
Would I recommend it? You’d better believe I would!
Greenwich Park
Greenwich Park
Katherine Faulkner | 2021 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This seemed to be the book that everyone was reading a few weeks ago, and just as I was building myself up to preorder it, it popped up on The Pigeonhole - and I’m so glad that it did.
This has some of my favourite ingredients in a thriller:
📚Unlikeable characters
📚I’m not quite sure what’s going on
📚Characters who who don’t know what’s going on either
📚Multiple (3) viewpoints, including one that’s decidedly dodgy
📚A big secret that the reader can see coming - but what is it?!
📚A heart stopping moment of revelation!!
I felt sorry for Helen - she has a high risk pregnancy, is stuck at home on a building site, and makes friends with a woman (Rachel) who won’t leave her alone! Rachel befriends Helen at her antenatal class, when Helen’s brother Rory, and his wife Serena fail to turn up. Rachel is pregnant, yet drinks, smokes, drinks caffeine and eats all the food you’re told not to eat. Helen is very insecure, lacks in self-confidence and can’t tell Rachel that she doesn’t want to see her.

In fact as the story progresses, Helen’s fears and confusion are really well described. I could feel the dreamlike quality of Helen’s consciousness towards the middle and end of the book - she became more confused.

On the other hand, her brother Rory and his wife Serena, who are also expecting their first baby, seem very laid back. Helen reads far more into the friendship with Serena than Serena does. Serena is dismissive and quite cold.

I didn’t see the end coming, and I loved the slow burn leading up to the big reveal. It gave me enough time to properly despise a number of the characters, realise that Helen’s friend KAte was one of the best people in this circle, and that money can’t always buy you what you want.

This is a book that deserved the hype - it’s well worth a read!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Bloomsbury/ Raven Books
Shadow Sands (Kate Marshall #2)
Shadow Sands (Kate Marshall #2)
Robert Bryndza | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I stupidly thought that you wouldn't be able to better or even come close to be as good as the first in this series "Nine Elms", which was one of my all time top reads, but I was so wrong ... Mr Bryndza has written another doozy of a book that I absolutely gobbled up. You don't have to have read the first story as this works as a stand alone BUT you really should!

Once again, I was totally engrossed from the first to the last word and became totally invested in the strong characters and their stories. The pace felt spot on for me and the tension, particularly when the story is being told from the victim's side, was spine-tinglingly good. Similarly, when the story is told from the killer's point of view, there were times when I got shivers up my neck he was so cold and matter-of-fact about the terror he was inflicting on a fellow human being - it was perfect.

As I've said, the characters are strong. The relationship between Kate and Tristan feels natural and genuine and I really feel for them as they go through their own struggles as if they were real people such is the strength of how they have been developed by the author. I thought it was genius to have Peter Conway (from Nine Elms) make an appearance and I hope we get to "see" more of him in subsequent books.

Mr Bryndza says "there are lots more books to come, and I hope you stay with me for the ride!" ... well, I certainly will and can't wait for the next instalment.

Highly recommended for readers who love dark, exciting, suspense-filled stories that despite making you feel ill at ease at times, you read on into the night.

I am so grateful to Little, Brown Book Group and NetGalley for providing my advance copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Zoe Nock (13 KP) rated The Last in Books

Jun 26, 2019  
The Last
The Last
Hanna Jameson | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Different take on a dystopian theme (0 more)
Lost it's way a little towards the end (0 more)
What scares you the most? Ghouls, vampires, slime-fanged aliens ...or something terrible that truly could happen? For me it's definitely the latter.

Our narrator, Jon, is a historian witnessing the most monumental event of humanity but at a great distance. He feels compelled to keep a record of the people isolated with him in a vast hotel. He collects their stories and feelings in the faint hope that some sort of civilisation will survive long enough to rediscover them. Through his journal we experience what it would be like to be aware that the world was ending, billions dying, but be totally disconnected from the horrific events.

Most books set during an apocalypse are fraught with traumatic dashes, violent brushes with death, horror and misery. There are elements of that here but this book mostly poses the question of what you would do if there was little drama but lots of time to dwell on things. The people in the hotel are comparatively safe in an old hotel surrounded by forest. They wait for something to happen, for someone to rescue them, or perhaps just for their food to run out. Jon embarks on a quest to solve one cruel murder, taking him down a path of mistrust and near hysteria.

I enjoyed the blend of dystopia and murder mystery; the first half of the book reads like a modern day progeny of George Orwell and Agatha Christie. Asking your audience to imagine bombs wiping out entire countries but then drastically limiting their focus to one death amongst multitudes is startling. I also liked the references to real people and places, there were definite shades of the Cecil Hotel here for a true-crime/horror podcast junkie like me to appreciate. However, I do feel that the novel lost it's way towards the end - trying to be all things to all people perhaps. It's definitely worth reading and I'm keen to see more from this author.
The Museum of Broken Promises
The Museum of Broken Promises
Elizabeth Buchan | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would absolutely visit this museum!
This is a story about a museum that contains the physical objects that symbolise a broken promise or a betrayal to those who have donated them (and this is SUCH a good idea for a museum!). The Museum of Broken Promises is in Paris, and its owner Laure chooses the items that go in to the museum after she either speaks to the donator, or simply reads the note that is sent with the item. Laure has experience in these matters: her own object sits in the museum.

I don’t know what I was expecting from this novel, but I was so surprised by the way this story progressed. Laure as a young woman becomes an au pair for a Czech family in Paris after her father dies. She then realises that she needs a break from university to grieve and get away from her life for a while. So when the family return to Prague for the summer, Laure goes with them. And so begins her life behind the iron curtain.

What follows is a love story between Laure and a musician and political activist, Tomas. We see how restricted people and their thoughts were, and we see why Laure becomes the woman she is in present day Paris.

I really liked the way we moved back and forth through time with Laure, and got to see Prague before its Velvet Revolution, Germany just after the Wall comes down and Paris in the present day. Laure is far more complex a character than I expected her to be at first.

I adored this book. It’s a sad story told so well - and I warn you that the end should be read with tissues to hand.

Many thanks to the publisher Corvus and NetGalley for my copy of this book, and to Pigeonhole for actually making me read it on time (I love my Pigeonhole gang!)!


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