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D.O.G.S (S.T.A.G.S, #2)
D.O.G.S (S.T.A.G.S, #2)
M.A. Bennett | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This did not disappoint as a sequel and I was just as engrossed with it as I was with STAGS. I didn’t want to put it down at all once I started reading it.
It goes back to where we left off with the first book, as the narrator says “...because it annoys the shit out of me when stories are supposed to be sequels and it’s like: THREE YEARS LATER. I mean what the hell is that?” Which I wholeheartedly agree with! I love that it picked up right where we left off with our three characters Greer, Shafeen and Nel. We get to find out what happened with Greer and Shafeen, how that impacted their relationship with Nel and what the three of them becoming Medievals meant for the school.
We then have more de Warlencourts appear at the school, which obviously puts Greer on edge as to why they’re there and if they’re going to be anything like their cousin.
The main bulk of the book is taken up by Greer being gifted a play called The Isle of Dogs which has had no known surviving copies for 400 years. She is gifted the first act in the dead of night whilst trying to decide on a play to use as part of her drama exam to help get her into Oxford. She reads the play and decides that this is the one that she wants to use and speaks to her headmaster/drama teacher about it, who agrees, as no one has put on the play since it’s opening night 400 years previously. Thinking it’s the only surviving part of the play, Greer throws herself into casting a directing the act as well as having sets designed and music composed by other students taking their exams.
What follows is more mystery around the play as Greer is gifted the entire play in parts, and it leads her to going back to the place she vowed to never return to - Longcross.
This book had the same twists and turns as STAGS, and didn’t disappoint with the mystery and wanting to find out what was happening at each stage. It had the same movie references throughout that made me love the first book, and the writing style was so easy to follow that it really did make this book one that I couldn’t put down.
Sweet Haven
Sweet Haven
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
what a DELICIOUS book it was! I swear I put on ten pounds reading this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And what a DELICIOUS book it was! I swear I put on ten pounds reading this!

Garrett is a grump and Lee is a clutz. Together they make beautiful chocolate desserts. But the past has a way of catching up with them, and they have to overcome that to be really happy.

Sometimes, my dear book people, your mind reads a blurb and makes a story and then you read the book, and BOOM! this is so NOT where your mind went. And you don't care! Cos what you DO read, where the book DOES go, is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than where your stoopid mind went!

And Ms Sayle has a particular knack of messing with MY brain! She does it all the bloody time, and I love it!

I mean, I have no idea where my mind went when I read the blurb, but all I know is, it was nowhere near as sweet and as sexy and as too-stinking-cute as this is!

I just wanna rant about how sweet and sexy this, but ranting does nota good review make. So lemme try, 'K?? And I apologise if all I do is rant :-)

Garrett is spilt from his ex husband, who by all accounts only used Garrett to get where he wanted to go. Lee is hiding from HIS ex, who by every account here, is a violent man and to be avoided at all costs. Garrett thinks no one will want him, and Lee wants Garrett. Garrett, bless his heart, tries HARD to deny himself the tasty morsel now prancing around his kitchen, but it's a matter of when, not if.

Supported by a huge cast of possible follow up stories: Ollie, Vic, Nese, and everyone else I can't remember, you fall in love with this little town, the people in it and the desserts that are made in these 150 odd pages, and your teeth rot and jeans don't fit anymore, and you really don't care!

Ok, I've written and deleted about 10 versions of this review, and this is the one you're gonna get.


5 sweet and sexy stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Black Hammer, Vol. 1: Secret Origins
Black Hammer, Vol. 1: Secret Origins
Jeff Lemire | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Crime, Horror, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just wanted to preface this with this: I was recommended BH Vol 1 by a co-worker (as well as a Good Reads user). At the time, I was reading something else, but filed it away mentally for later. Two sales on Comixology, and I pass on both. However, a recent Dark Horse sale spoke to me, and I bought Vols 1 (as well as 2), and Issue #12 (which is not included in the two tpbs).

The series pays more than enough clever homage to the Silver Age heroes. Barbalien bears more than a passing resemblance to J'onn J'onz in the DC Universe, while Golden Gail shares notable similarities to Shazam, or Captain Marvel, also from DC. However, despite the similarities, Jeff Lemire's intent is purely nostalgia and respect, nothing resembling fan service by any means!

Despite aspects of the series that clearly apply to the superhero genre, this series anything but a typical superhero book. Instead, we are presented with a dark (and I mean DARK, like you'll want a milkshake or some Insomnia Cookies after you are finished reading it) tale that is very much about the people who embody the heroes in the series. There are a lot of human struggles and internal issues, all dealt with in a well-written manner, the end result of a series created out of love for the comic heroes of old.

Jeff Lemire is swiftly becoming one of my favorite writers. I got sucked in with his recent new series, GIDEON FALLS, and then now this. I know everyone else has been a fan for the longest time, but regardless, I consider myself a fan now, too! :)

As praise as I am throwing Lemire's way, I also need to throw some to Dean Ormston, the series' A-MAZ-INGLY talented artist! His art suited Lemire's ideas and concepts, rendering them in a way that further supported the tribute to the Silver Age that this clearly was. I glad Ormston remained the artist, as it helped to maintain continuity without breaking the mood.

In closing, I just want to say a big thank you to Baxter for the recommendation and thank you to Comixology and Dark Horse for the sale! My new found love of this series is now forever owned to you both, as well as Msrs. Lemire and Ormston! THANK YOU!!
The Stolen Sisters
The Stolen Sisters
Louise Jensen | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thought-provoking and emotional
This is a thought-provoking and emotional story of 3 sisters who were abducted 20 years ago and how that traumatic event has impacted on them as they have grown into adults.

I haven't read anything by Louise Jensen before and although I am unable to absolutely rave about this book, I will say that it's a well-crafted story that will appeal to many, many readers.

Why am I not raving about this? To be honest, it's hard to explain exactly why and I don't really understand it myself! It started off brilliantly and I was definitely hooked but it just seemed to take too long to get anywhere and although there were surprises, they just didn't hit the spot for me and I didn't get that feeling of excitement and anticipation unfortunately. I don't think this is a fault of the author rather than of me as a reader who is used to reading rollercoaster-of-a-ride books which I don't think this is; I feel it's more of a family drama type story with mystery and tension thrown in.

The story is told in the then and now and from a variety of viewpoints; this isn't as confusing as it sounds and I actually found this worked well for the most part however, I felt that the "then" parts worked better for me and were more engrossing than the "now".

The characters are an interesting bunch, not all of them particularly likeable but all the main ones are well fleshed out.

What I thought shone throughout was the strong relationship between the sisters and the way their horrific experience impacted on their lives and their mental health; this was expertly done with sensitivity and I have no shame in admitting that there were parts that made me a bit emotional - I am the youngest of 3 sisters and I did wonder how we would have turned out if this had happened to us but I quickly stopped that because it is too horrific to contemplate.

Like I said at the beginning, I am unable to say this has been one of my best reads of 2020 but I will certainly read more by this author in the future.
Thank you to HQ (an imprint of HarperCollins UK) via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words
Heidi's Guide to Four Letter Words
Tara Sivec | 2019
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with Heidi trying to find a job and her mum and aunt going through a list of schools they think she should work at and Heidi listening miserably, knowing education isn't something she enjoyed. Instead she's applied to be in a receptionist type role at a local small business, not knowing at the time that they record erotic romances in audiobook form. Heidi is equally embarrassed and curious about what goes on at her place of work and with the help of her colleagues begins a podcast where she talks about her hot neighbour who she'd love to date and becoming more confident in saying those tricky four letter words.

I wasn't sure with this to start with. I found Heidi's almost prudishness too much at the start. I can't quite believe that she doesn't even allow herself to think swear words let alone say them. I don't know if it was her religious upbringing or her parents - who I found really annoying at times. It was nice to see her grow more confident in herself with every podcast she broadcasts and book scene she reads.

This one does have some comedy elements in it but, for me, the speech to text thing was hilarious and the funniest part. I couldn't stop laughing for quite a while with that one.

The romance in this didn't seem to take up as much of the book as I'd have liked. I think it got to around the 35% mark before the romance even started to kick in. They had talked briefly and acknowledged each other in the street but it was only after she'd done a few of her podcasts that she even had the guts to approach him for a date and then it was a slow burn into a cute romance. It was a really nice relationship they'd built up and then "the thing" that split them apart for a little while was blown out of proportion - as they do in romance books - before they sorted it out and were cuter than ever.

One thing I didn't understand was the "uff da" thing. I even had to look it up to figure out what that bit was all about. It still seemed a rather odd exclamation to me so I read it as oomph/oof noise.

If you like romantic comedies then you should give this a go.
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