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    Bike Baron

    Bike Baron

    Games and Entertainment

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    Over 9.0 million players! Number one game in 89 countries, Bike Baron is the Ultimate Bike Game for...

    Live Streets Viewer HD

    Live Streets Viewer HD

    Travel and Navigation

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    See the Real Time Pictures in a beautiful interface of any Place you are visiting or already...

    Into the Dead

    Into the Dead


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    Into the Dead throws you into the gruesome world of the zombie apocalypse where there are no second...

    Golfscape GPS Rangefinder

    Golfscape GPS Rangefinder

    Sports and Business

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    Winner of the Apple Design Award!!! Named Apple App Store Essentials HALL of FAME App! Apple selects...

Free Guy (2021)
Free Guy (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
I play video games fairly regularly, so it's no surprise that I absolutely love the concept of Free Guy. A whole ass movie exploring the daily ins and outs of an NPC existing in a Grand Theft Auto style world is something that interests me, and it's feels quite unique. Unfortunately, that uniqueness is bogged down by a whole lot of over familiar execution. The time loop style plot trope, the over the top douchebag villain (even when it's Taika Waititi), events in the movie being presented through familiar real life news stations or YouTube, the inclusion of multiple popular IPs thrown in for a cheap thrill - for a movie that carries a fresh premise, it manages to feel wholly unoriginal.
These negatives would usually be enough to complely write off the finished product, but luckily, Free Guy is entertaining as hell. It has some decent action set pieces, never tries to be something it's not, and even managed to wrangle a few laughs out of me. Most importantly, it's fun.

Free Guy has plenty of flaws, but it's shortcomings are just about balanced out by the good, and it will surely appeal to the majority of people who see it. A decent enough switch-off watch.